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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Хонина Светлана Николаевна

  • Кафедра технической кибернетики, профессор
  • НИЛ-35 (Научно-исследовательская лаборатория автоматизированных систем научных исследований), ведущий научный сотрудник
  • Телефон: +7 (846) 333-61-23
  • Email: khonina.sn@ssau.ru
  • Адрес: Корпус 1, к. 404 ул. Молодогвардейская, 151


  • 1 Bakirova L.I., Voronkov G.S., Lyubopytov V.S. etc. Micro-Ring Resonator-Based Tunable Vortex Beam Emitter // MICROMACHINES 2024. — Vol. 15. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 2 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Advancing frontiers: Semiconductor fibers in modern technology // Optics Communications 2024. — Vol. 560.
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L. A Review on Reconfigurable Metalenses Revolutionizing Flat Optics // Advanced Optical Materials 2024. — Vol. 12. Issue 14. № 14.
  • 4 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Porfirev D. etc. Structured polarized laser beams for controlled spiral-shaped mass transfer in azopolymer thin films // Applied Optics 2024. — Vol. 63. Issue 14. № 14. — P. 3779-3784
  • 5 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. A review on flexible wearables – Recent developments in non-invasive continuous health monitoring // Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 2024. — Vol. 366.
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Ali Butt M. Semiconductor Fibers: An Introduction // Semiconducting Fibers: Preparation, Advances, and Applications 2024. — P. 1-13
  • 7 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Skidanova A.R. etc. Optical Manipulation of Airborne Light-Absorbing Microparticles Using Structured Laser Beams // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2024. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 83-92
  • 8 Abramochkin E.G., Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V. Three-Airy Beams, Their Propagation in the Fresnel Zone, the Autofocusing Plane Location, as Well as Generalizing Beams // PHOTONICS 2024. — Vol. 11. Issue 4. № 4.
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Skidanov R.V. etc. Exploring Types of Photonic Neural Networks for Imaging and Computing—A Review // NANOMATERIALS 2024. — Vol. 14. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. etc. Analysis of the Polarization Distribution and Spin Angular Momentum of the Interference Field Obtained by Co-Planar Beams with Linear and Circular Polarization // PHOTONICS 2024. — Vol. 11. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Efimov A.R. etc. A perspective on the artificial intelligence's transformative role in advancing diffractive optics // iScience 2024. — Vol. 27. Issue 7. № 7.
  • 12 Rosen J., Alford S., Allan B. etc. Roadmap on computational methods in optical imaging and holography [invited] // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2024. — Vol. 130. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 13 Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Focusing a locally elliptically polarized field to control the complex distribution of the longitudinal component of the Umov-Poynting vector // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2024. — Vol. 13168.
  • 14 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Ivliev N.A. etc. Stacked Polarizing Elements for Controlling Parameters of Surface Relief Gratings Written in Photosensitive Materials // Sensors (Switzerland) 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 4. № 4.
  • 15 Gorelykh D.A., Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Comparative modeling of 3D image formation in apodized system with rotating PSFs // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2024. — Vol. 13168.
  • 16 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. Grayscale Lithography and a Brief Introduction to Other Widely Used Lithographic Methods: A State-of-the-Art Review // MICROMACHINES 2024. — Vol. 15. Issue 11. № 11.
  • 17 Sergunin S.K., Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N. Diffraction of a polarized Gaussian beam on elliptical and circular plates // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2024. — Vol. 13168.
  • 18 Dzyuba A.P., Khorin P.A., Serafimovich P.G. etc. Wavefront Aberrations Recognition Study Based on Multi-Channel Spatial Filter Matched with Basis Zernike Functions and Convolutional Neural Network with Xception Architecture // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue Suppl 1. № Suppl 1. — P. S53-S64
  • 19 Volotovskiy S., Khorin P., Dzyuba A.P. etc. Adaptive Compensation of Wavefront Aberrations Using the Method of Moments // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue Suppl 2. № Suppl 2. — P. S359-S375
  • 20 Firsov N., Myasnikov E., Lobanov V. etc. HyperKAN: Kolmogorov–Arnold Networks Make Hyperspectral Image Classifiers Smarter // Sensors (Switzerland) 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 23. № 23.
  • 21 Khorin P.A., Sergunin S.K., Khonina S.N. etc. Simulation of Diffraction on a Stepped Spiral Phase Plate with Radiation of Different Wavelengths in order to Form Optical Vortices of Different Orders // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue Suppl 1. № Suppl 1. — P. S65-S74
  • 22 Ustinov A.V., Logachev V.I., Khonina S.N. Calculation of the Transmission Function of a Generalized Spiral Phase Plate to Form a Given Curve // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue Suppl 1. № Suppl 1. — P. S34-S42
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Khorin P.A. etc. Multi-order optical spatial vortex filters for simultaneous contour extraction of various parts of an object // Computer Optics 2024. — Vol. 48. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 525-534
  • 24 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Ivliev N.A. etc. Formation of laser beams with a structured polarization distribution for the fabrication of spiral microreliefs in thin films of chalcogenide glasses // Computer Optics 2024. — Vol. 48. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 676-680
  • 25 Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Interference Generation of a Reverse Energy Flow with Varying Orbital and Spin Angular Momentum Density // PHOTONICS 2024. — Vol. 11. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 26 Khorin P.A., Mamaeva M.P., Kapitonov Y.V. etc. Polarization-Mode Transformation of the Light Field during Diffraction on Amplitude Binary Gratings // PHOTONICS 2024. — Vol. 11. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Oseledets I.V. etc. Synergy between Artificial Intelligence and Hyperspectral Imagining—A Review // Technologies 2024. — Vol. 12. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 28 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Oseledets I.V. etc. Revolutionary Integration of Artificial Intelligence with Meta-Optics-Focus on Metalenses for Imaging // Technologies 2024. — Vol. 12. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 1 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. etc. A Review on Photonic Sensing Technologies: Status and Outlook // Biosensors 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 2 Khorin P.A., Dzyuba A.P., Chernykh A.V. etc. Neural Network-Assisted Interferogram Analysis Using Cylindrical and Flat Reference Beams // Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 3 Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Spiral and subwavelength binary axicons of terahertz range // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2023. — Vol. 2752.
  • 4 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Plasmonic sensing devices // Plasmonics-Based Optical Sensors and Detectors 2023. — P. 51-77
  • 5 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. A Review of Photonic Sensors Based on Ring Resonator Structures: Three Widely Used Platforms and Implications of Sensing Applications // MICROMACHINES 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 6 Khorin P.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Composite Diffraction-Free Beam Formation Based on Iteratively Calculated Primitives // MICROMACHINES 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 7 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Miniaturized Design of a 1 × 2 Plasmonic Demultiplexer Based on Metal–Insulator-Metal Waveguide for Telecommunication Wavelengths // Plasmonics 2023. — Vol. 18. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 635-641
  • 8 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Kuchmizhak A. Light–matter interaction empowered by orbital angular momentum: Control of matter at the micro- and nanoscale // Progress in Quantum Electronics 2023. — Vol. 88.
  • 9 Irfan M., Khan Y., Rehman A.U. etc. Plasmonic Perfect Absorber Utilizing Polyhexamethylene Biguanide Polymer for Carbon Dioxide Gas Sensing Application // Materials 2023. — Vol. 16. Issue 7. № 7.
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Voronkov G.S., Grakhova E.P. etc. Polymer Waveguide-Based Optical Sensors—Interest in Bio, Gas, Temperature, and Mechanical Sensing Applications // Coatings 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 3. № 3.
  • 11 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N. Simulation of the Human Myopic Eye Cornea Compensation Based on the Analysis of Aberrometric Data // Vision (Switzerland) 2023. — Vol. 7. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 12 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. Clusters of rotating beams with autofocusing and transformation properties generated by a spatial light modulator // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2023. — Vol. 129. Issue 4. № 4.
  • 13 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. Optical Fibre-Based Sensors—An Assessment of Current Innovations // Biosensors 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 14 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Kharitonov S.I. etc. Optical Bottle Shaping Using Axicons with Amplitude or Phase Apodization // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 15 Ivliev N.A., Khonina S.N., Podlipnov V.V. etc. Holographic Writing of Forked Diffraction Gratings on the Surface of a Chalcogenide Glass Semiconductor // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 16 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Tapered waveguide mode converters for metal-insulator-metal waveguide plasmonic sensors // Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2023. — Vol. 211.
  • 17 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Volotovskiy S.G. etc. Simple Method of Light Field Calculation for Shaping of 3D Light Curves // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 18 Juneja S., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Fabrication of innovative diffraction gratings for light absorption enhancement in silicon thin films for solar cell application // Journal of Optics (India) 2023. — Vol. 52. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 1758-1774
  • 19 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Smart Contact Lenses—A Step towards Non-Invasive Continuous Eye Health Monitoring // Biosensors 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 20 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Diffractive and Fiber Periodic Microstructures // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 158-177
  • 21 Gurbatov S.O., Borodaenko Y.M., Mitsai E.V. etc. Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Layered GaSe Crystals: Structural Coloring and Infrared Antireflection // Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 41. № 41. — P. 9357-9364
  • 22 Khorin P.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Application Study of a Refractive Biconical Axicon for Azimuthal and Radial Polarization Detection // Photonics Russia 2023. — Vol. 17. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 394-406
  • 23 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Recent Development in Metasurfaces: A Focus on Sensing Applications // NANOMATERIALS 2023. — Vol. 13. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 24 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Nanoplasmonic Sensors Recent Advances // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 69-99
  • 25 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Metasurfaces and Several Well-Studied Applications // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 130-157
  • 26 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Optical Computing: Key Problems, Achievements, and Perspectives // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 239-278
  • 27 Khorin P.A., Algubili A.M., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Investigation of polarization transformations performed with a refractive bi-conical axicon using the FDTD method // Computer Optics 2023. — Vol. 47. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 742-750
  • 28 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Silicon-tapered waveguide for mode conversion in metal–insulator–metal waveguide-based plasmonic sensor for refractive index sensing // Applied Optics 2023. — Vol. 62. Issue 32. № 32. — P. 8678-8685
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Generation of Light Fields with Controlled Non-Uniform Elliptical Polarization When Focusing on Structured Laser Beams // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 30 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Silicon Photonic Waveguides Comparison and Utilization in Sensing Applications // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 1-32
  • 31 Khonina S.N., Khorin P.A., Porfirev A.P. Wave Front Aberration Sensors Based on Optical Expansion by the Zernike Basis // Photonics Elements for Sensing and Optical Conversions 2023. — P. 178-238
  • 32 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N., Golub I. Field at sharp focusing of shifted single-ring Laguerre–Gauss modes with circular polarization // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2023. — Vol. 12743.
  • 33 Pavelyev V., Khonina S., Degtyarev S. etc. Subwavelength Diffractive Optical Elements for Generation of Terahertz Coherent Beams with Pre-Given Polarization State // Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2023. — Vol. 23. Issue 3. № 3.
  • 34 Rehman A.U., Khan Y., Irfan M. etc. Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Optical Switch Based on Guided-Mode Resonances in Photonic Crystals // MICROMACHINES 2023. — Vol. 14. Issue 6. № 6.
  • 1 Irfan M., Khan Y., Rehman A.U. etc. Plasmonic Refractive Index and Temperature Sensor Based on Graphene and LiNbO3 // Sensors (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 20. № 20.
  • 2 Khan Y., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Thermal Sensor Based on Polydimethylsiloxane Polymer Deposited on Low-Index-Contrast Dielectric Photonic Crystal Structure // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 3 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. On-chip symmetrically and asymmetrically transformed plasmonic Bragg grating formation loaded with a functional polymer for filtering and CO2 gas sensing applications // Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2022. — Vol. 201.
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Vectorial spin Hall effect of light upon tight focusing // Optics Letters 2022. — Vol. 47. Issue 9. — P. 2166-2169
  • 5 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Simple and Improved Plasmonic Sensor Configuration Established on MIM Waveguide for Enhanced Sensing Performance // Plasmonics 2022. —
  • 6 Khan Y., Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Numerical Study of Fabrication-Related Effects of the Structural-Profile on the Performance of a Dielectric Photonic Crystal-Based Fluid Sensor // Materials 2022. — Vol. 15. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 7 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Recent Advances in Wearable Optical Sensor Automation Powered by Battery versus Skin-like Battery-Free Devices for Personal Healthcare-A Review // NANOMATERIALS 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 3. № 3.
  • 8 Bilal M., Shahid S., Khan Y. etc. A Miniaturized FSS-Based Eight-Element MIMO Antenna Array for Off/On-Body WBAN Telemetry Applications // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 4.
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. etc. Tailoring of Inverse Energy Flow Profiles with Vector Lissajous Beams // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 2.
  • 10 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Hybrid metasurface perfect absorbers for temperature and biosensing applications // Optical Materials 2022. — Vol. 123.
  • 11 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N. Aberration-matched filters for vortex beams transformations // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2022. — Vol. 12295.
  • 12 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A compact design of a modified Bragg grating filter based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide for filtering and temperature sensing applications // OPTIK 2022. — Vol. 251.
  • 13 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N. Detection enhancement of the optical medium spatial anisotropy using the lens supplemented with a diffractive axicon // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2022. — Vol. 12193.
  • 14 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Advancement in Silicon Integrated Photonics Technologies for Sensing Applications in Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Region: A Review // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 5.
  • 15 Kharitonov S.I., Kazanskiy N.L., Volotovsky S.G. etc. Calculation of quantum characteristics based on the classical solution of the diffraction problem in a resonator with a dielectric plate // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 741-751
  • 16 Degtyarev S.A., Karpeev S.V., Ivliev N.A. etc. Refractive Bi-Conic Axicon (Volcone) for Polarization Conversion of Monochromatic Radiation // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 6. № 6.
  • 17 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. Harnessing of inhomogeneously polarized Hermite-Gaussian vector beams to manage the 3D spin angular momentum density distribution // NANOPHOTONICS 2022. —
  • 18 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Ivliev N. etc. Writing and reading with the longitudinal component of light using carbazole-containing azopolymer thin films // Scientific Reports 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 1.
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Khorin P.A., Serafimovich P.G. etc. Analysis of the wavefront aberrations based on neural networks processing of the interferograms with a conical reference beam // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2022. — Vol. 128. Issue 3.
  • 20 Porfirev A.P., Fomchenkov S.A., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Multi-plane photophoretic trapping of airborne particles with a multi-linear optical trap // OPTIK 2022. — Vol. 271.
  • 21 Frolov A.O., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Changing the trajectory of Airy beam sets with spatial carriers // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 724-732
  • 22 Butt M.A., Voronkov G.S., Grakhova E.P. etc. Environmental Monitoring: A Comprehensive Review on Optical Waveguide and Fiber-Based Sensors // Biosensors 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 11. № 11.
  • 23 Bodunov A.P., Khonina S.N. Recognition of Half-Integer Order Vortex Beams Using Convolutional Neural Networks // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2022. — Vol. 31. — P. 14-21
  • 24 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Optical Computing: Status and Perspectives // NANOMATERIALS 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 13. № 13.
  • 25 Khan Y., Noor D., Ullah N. etc. Design and Analysis of Femtosecond Laser-Generated Metasurface for Optical Filter Application // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 11. № 11.
  • 26 Dubey N., Anand V., Khonina S. etc. Incoherent Digital Holography using Spiral Rotating Point Spread Functions Created by Double-helix Beams // Nonlinear Photonics, NP 2014. — 2022. —
  • 27 Serafimovich P.G., Dzyuba A.P., Khonina S.N. etc. Using U-net for signal preprocessing in interferometric synthetic aperture radar // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2022. — Vol. 12295.
  • 28 Anand V., Khonina S., Kumar R. etc. Three-Dimensional Incoherent Imaging Using Spiral Rotating Point Spread Functions Created by Double-Helix Beams [Invited] // NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022. — Vol. 17. Issue 1.
  • 29 Khan Y., Rehman A.U., Batool B.A. etc. Fabrication and Investigation of Spectral Properties of a Dielectric Slab Waveguide Photonic Crystal Based Fano-Filter // Crystals 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 2.
  • 30 Ahmed O., Khan Y., Butt M.A. etc. Performance Comparison of Silicon-and Gallium-Nitride-Based MOSFETs for a Power-Efficient, DC-to-DC Flyback Converter // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 8.
  • 31 Khorin P.A., Serafimovich P.G., Dzyuba A.P. etc. Comparing of linear and conical interferograms for wavefront aberrations analysis based on neural networks // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2022. — Vol. 12295.
  • 32 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Advances in Waveguide Bragg Grating Structures, Platforms, and Applications: An Up-to-Date Appraisal // Biosensors 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 7. № 7.
  • 33 Anand V., Khonina S., Kumar R. etc. Three-Dimensional Incoherent Imaging Using Spiral Rotating Point Spread Functions Created by Double-Helix Beams [Invited] // NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022. — Vol. 17. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 34 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Khorin P.A. etc. Polarization-sensitive direct laser patterning of azopolymer thin films with vortex beams // Optics Letters 2022. — Vol. 47. Issue 19. № 19. — P. 5080-5083
  • 35 Stepanov I.V., Fatkhiev D.M., Lyubopytov V.S. etc. Wavelength-Tunable Vortex Beam Emitter Based on Silicon Micro-Ring with PN Depletion Diode // Sensors (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 3.
  • 36 Reddy A.N.K., Anand V., Podlipnov V.V. etc. Simultaneous Detection of Modal Composition and Wavelength of OAM Fields Using a Hexagonal Vortex Filter // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2022. — Vol. 2022-April. — P. 981-984
  • 37 Khorin P.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Adaptive Detection of Wave Aberrations Based on the Multichannel Filter // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 3.
  • 38 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Revolution in Flexible Wearable Electronics for Temperature and Pressure Monitoring—A Review // Electronics (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 11. Issue 5.
  • 39 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. etc. Simplifying the Experimental Detection of the Vortex Topological Charge Based on the Simultaneous Astigmatic Transformation of Several Types and Levels in the Same Focal Plane // Sensors (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 19. № 19.
  • 40 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Diatom optical element: a quantized version of the generalized spiral lens // Optics Letters 2022. — Vol. 47. Issue 16. № 16. — P. 3988-3991
  • 41 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. etc. Optical multiplexing techniques and their marriage for on-chip and optical fiber communication: a review // Opto-Electronic Advances 2022. — Vol. 5. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 42 Karpeev S.V., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Free-Space Transmission and Detection of Variously Polarized Near-IR Beams Using Standard Communication Systems with Embedded Singular Phase Structures // Sensors (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 22. Issue 3.
  • 43 Rehman A.U., Khan Y., Irfan M. etc. A Novel Design of Optical Switch Based on Guided Mode Resonances in Dielectric Photonic Crystal Structures // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 44 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N. Aberration-Matched Filter for the Topological Vortex Charge Analysis // Photonics Russia 2022. — Vol. 16. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 416-424
  • 45 Porfirev A.P., Kuchmizhak A.A., Gurbatov S.O. etc. Phase singularities and optical vortices in photonics // PHYSICS-USPEKHI 2022. — Vol. 65. Issue 8. № 8. — P. 789-811
  • 1 Dev V., Reddy A.N.K., Ustinov A.V. etc. Autofocusing and Self-Healing Properties of Aberration Laser Beams in a Turbulent Media // PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED 2021. — Vol. 16. Issue 1.
  • 2 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Silicon photonic devices realized on refractive index engineered subwavelength grating waveguides-A review // Optics and laser technology 2021. — Vol. 138.
  • 3 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. 2D-Photonic crystal heterostructures for the realization of compact photonic devices // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2021. — Vol. 44.
  • 4 Pavlov D., Porfirev A., Khonina S. etc. Coaxial hole array fabricated by ultrafast femtosecond-laser processing with spatially multiplexed vortex beams for surface enhanced infrared absorption // Applied Surface Science 2021. — Vol. 541.
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Khorin P.A. etc. Modern types of axicons: New functions and applications // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 19.
  • 6 Frolov A. O. , Khonina S.N. Modeling the propagation of sets of autofocusing laser beams // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 11793.
  • 7 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. Formation of inverse energy flux in the case of diffraction of linearly polarized radiation by conventional and generalized spiral phase plates // PHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 8. Issue 7.
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S.G. etc. Caustics of non-paraxial perfect optical vortices generated by toroidal vortex lenses // PHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 8. Issue 7.
  • 9 Monin E. O. , Khonina S.N. Modeling the propagation of autofocusing beams in a linear and nonlinear optical medium // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L. Numerical investigation of metasurface narrowband perfect absorber and a plasmonic sensor for a near-infrared wavelength range // Journal of Optics 2021. — Vol. 23. Issue 6.
  • 11 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N., Khorin P.A. etc. Control of the intensity distribution along the light spiral generated by a generalized spiral phase plate // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2021. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 420-427
  • 12 Prokofeva I. A. , Podlipnov V., Khonina S. Optically formed Hermite-Gaussian mode classification via convolutional neural network // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 13 Gubaev M. S. , Degtyarev S.A., Strelkov Y.S. etc. Vectorial beam generation with a conical refractive surface // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 828-838
  • 14 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. 2d-heterostructure photonic crystal formation for on-chip polarization division multiplexing // PHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 8. Issue 8.
  • 15 Ustinov A., Khonina S. Cycle degree: Another characteristic of the vortex phase distribution // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 16 Khorin P.A., Dzyuba A.P., Serafimovich P.G. etc. Neural networks application to determine the types and magnitude of aberrations from the pattern of the point spread function out of the focal plane // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol. 2086. Issue 1.
  • 17 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Carbon dioxide gas sensor based on polyhexamethylene biguanide polymer deposited on silicon nano-cylinders metasurface // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 2. — P. 1-14
  • 18 Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Field quantization in a waveguide with freeform cladding // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 11793.
  • 19 Najafi-Nezhad F., Azizian-Kalandaragh Y., Akhlaghi E.A. etc. Superposition of shifted Laguerre–Gaussian beams // OPTIK 2021. — Vol. 227.
  • 20 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Butt M.A. Spatial-light-modulator-based multichannel data transmission by vortex beams of various orders // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 9.
  • 21 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. Generation of multi-contour plane curves using vortex beams // OPTIK 2021. — Vol. 229.
  • 22 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Polarization-Insensitive Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Design for Evanescent Field Absorption Gas Sensor // PHOTONIC SENSORS 2021. — Vol. 11. Issue 3. — P. 279-290
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S.G., Dzyuba A.P. etc. Power phase apodization study on compensation defocusing and chromatic aberration in the imaging system // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 11.
  • 24 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Breaking the symmetry to structure light // Optics Letters 2021. — Vol. 46. Issue 11. — P. 2605-2608
  • 25 Dev V., Reddy A.N.K., Ustinov A.V. etc. Propagation Invariant Features of Aberration Laser Beams in a Turbulent Media // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2021. —
  • 26 Harland M., Khonina S.N., Golub I. Enlightening Arago-Poisson spot using structured light // Applied Optics 2021. — Vol. 60. Issue 24. — P. 7432-7436
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. etc. Generation of complex transverse energy flow distributions with autofocusing optical vortex beams // MICROMACHINES 2021. — Vol. 12. Issue 3.
  • 28 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Recent advances in photonic crystal optical devices: A review // Optics and laser technology 2021. — Vol. 142.
  • 29 Fatkhiev D.M., Butt M.A., Grakhova E.P. etc. Recent advances in generation and detection of orbital angular momentum optical beams—a review // Sensors (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 21. Issue 15.
  • 30 Butt M.A., Kaźmierczak A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Metal-insulator-metal waveguide-based racetrack integrated circular cavity for refractive index sensing application // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 12.
  • 31 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. etc. State-of-the-art optical devices for biomedical sensing applications—a review // Electronics (Switzerland) 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 8.
  • 32 Khonina S.N. Mirror and circular symmetry of autofocusing beams // Symmetry 2021. — Vol. 13. Issue 10.
  • 33 Khorin P.A., Volotovskiy S.G., Khonina S.N. Optical detection of values of separate aberrations using a multi-channel filter matched with phase Zernike functions // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 4. — P. 525-533
  • 34 Reddy A.N.K., Anand V., Khonina S.N. etc. Robust Demultiplexing of Distinct Orbital Angular Momentum Infrared Vortex Beams into Different Spatial Geometry over a Broad Spectral Range // IEEE Access 2021. — Vol. 9. — P. 143341-143348
  • 35 Ivliev N.A., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Single- and Double-Beam Optical Formation of Relief-Phase Diffraction Microstructures in Carbazole-Containing Azopolymer Films // Optics and Spectroscopy 2021. — Vol. 129. Issue 4. — P. 489-494
  • 36 Pushkarev D.V., Lar’Kin A.S., Mitina E.V. etc. Robust multifilament arrays in air by Dammann grating // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 21. — P. 34189-34204
  • 37 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Volotovskiy S.G. etc. Generation of multiple vector optical bottle beams // PHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 8. Issue 6.
  • 38 Borodaenko Y., Syubaev S., Gurbatov S. etc. Deep Subwavelength Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Silicon as a Novel Multifunctional Biosensing Platform // ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2021. — Vol. 13. Issue 45. — P. 54551-54560
  • 39 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. Spectral characteristics of broad band-rejection filter based on Bragg grating, one-dimensional photonic crystal, and subwavelength grating waveguide // Physica Scripta 2021. — Vol. 96. Issue 5.
  • 40 Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Subwavelength silicon terahertz optics for generation of coherent beams with pre-given polarization state // International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz. — 2021. — Vol. 2021-August.
  • 41 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Plasmonics: A Necessity in the Field of Sensing-A Review (Invited) // Fiber and Integrated Optics 2021. — Vol. 40. Issue 1. — P. 14-47
  • 42 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Meshalkin A. etc. Two-step maskless fabrication of compound fork-shaped gratings in nanomultilayer structures based on chalcogenide glasses // Optics Letters 2021. — Vol. 46. Issue 13. — P. 3037-3040
  • 43 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. etc. A numerical investigation of a plasmonic sensor based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguide for simultaneous detection of biological analytes and ambient temperature // NANOMATERIALS 2021. — Vol. 11. Issue 10.
  • 44 Soifer V.A., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. etc. Spiral caustics of vortex beams // PHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 8. Issue 1. — P. 1-20
  • 45 Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A., Ustinov A.V. etc. Metalenses for the generation of vector Lissajous beams with a complex Poynting vector density // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 12. — P. 18634-18645
  • 46 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Breaking the symmetry to structure light // 2021 Photonics North, PN 2021. — 2021. —
  • 47 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. etc. Plasmonic sensor based on metal-insulator-metal waveguide square ring cavity filled with functional material for the detection of CO 2 gas // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 11. — P. 16584-16594
  • 1 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Highly sensitive refractive index sensor based on hybrid plasmonic waveguide microring resonator // Waves in Random and Complex Media 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 2. — P. 292-299
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Kazanskiy N.L. Variable transformation of singular cylindrical vector beams using anisotropic crystals // Scientific Reports 2020. — Vol. 10. Issue 1.
  • 3 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Properties of off-axis caustics of autofocusing chirp beams // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 5. — P. 721-727
  • 4 Dzyuba A., Serafimovich P., Khonina S. etc. Application of a neural network for calculating the surface relief of a different level two-zone lens with an increased depth of field // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
  • 5 Bauer T., Khonina S.N., Golub I. etc. Ultrafast spinning twisted ribbons of confined electric fields // OPTICA 2020. — Vol. 7. Issue 10. — P. 1228-1231
  • 6 Monin E. O. , Khonina S.N. Forming of periodic three-dimensional intensity distributions based on superposition of spherical harmonics // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
  • 7 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Modal Characteristics of Refractive Index Engineered Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 17. — P. 9779-9786
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Logachev V. I. etc. Properties of vortex light fields generated by generalized spiral phase plates // Physical Review A 2020. — Vol. 101. Issue 4.
  • 9 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A plasmonic colour filter and refractive index sensor applications based on metal-insulator-metal square μ-ring cavities // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
  • 10 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Plasmonic sensors based on Metal-insulator-metal waveguides for refractive index sensing applications: A brief review // Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 2020. — Vol. 117.
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Kirilenko M.S. etc. Application of a binary curved fork grating for the generation and detection of optical vortices outside the focal plane // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2020. — Vol. 37. Issue 6. — P. 1714-1721
  • 12 Khonina S.N., Krasnov S. V. , Ustinov A.V. etc. Refractive twisted microaxicons // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 1334-1337
  • 13 Reddy A.N.K., Khonina S.N., Pal V. Generating autofocused aberration laser beams with different spectral performance // Journal of Optics 2020. — Vol. 22. Issue 4.
  • 14 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Vector Lissajous laser beams // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 15. — P. 4112-4115
  • 15 Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Subwavelength gratings for creation and focusing of cylindrical vector beams // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1461. Issue 1.
  • 16 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Hybrid plasmonic waveguide race-track μ-ring resonator: Analysis of dielectric and hybrid mode for refractive index sensing applications // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
  • 17 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Porfirev A.P. Wavefront aberration sensor based on a multichannel diffractive optical element // Sensors (Switzerland) 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 14. — P. 1-18
  • 18 Dzyuba A.P., Khonina S.N., Nikonorov A.V. etc. Increasing Depth of Field of Tilted Diffractive Lens in Image Classification Task // 2020 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies, FarEastCon 2020. — 2020. —
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Porfirev A.P. Sector sandwich structure: an easy-to-manufacture way towards complex vector beam generation // Optics Express 2020. — Vol. 28. Issue 19. — P. 27628-27643
  • 20 Karpeev S.V., Podlipnov V.V., Ivliev N.A. etc. High-speed format 1000base-sx / lx transmission through the atmosphere by vortex beams near ir range with help modified sfp-transmers dem-310gt // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 4. — P. 578-581
  • 21 Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N., Tukmakov K.N. etc. Diffractive optics technologies for the control of high-power terahertz laser beams // Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2020, ICLO 2020. — 2020. —
  • 22 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. An array of nano-dots loaded MIM square ring resonator with enhanced sensitivity at NIR wavelength range // OPTIK 2020. — Vol. 202.
  • 23 Pushkarev D.V., Lar'kin A.S., Mitina E.V. etc. Robust multifilament arrays using Dammann phase grating // Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2020, ICLO 2020. — 2020. —
  • 24 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Ultra-short lossless plasmonic power splitter design based on metal-insulator-metal waveguide // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 1.
  • 25 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Achievements in the development of plasmonic waveguide sensors for measuring the refractive index // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 3. — P. 295-318
  • 26 Ivliev N.A., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. Formation of microstructures in an azopolymer using paraxial vortex Gaussian beams // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
  • 27 Rodin I. A. , Khonina S.N., Serafimovich P.G. etc. Recognition of wavefront aberrations types corresponding to single zernike functions from the pattern of the point spread function in the focal plane using neural networks // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 6. — P. 923-930
  • 28 Khonina S.N., Podlipnov V.V., Karpeev S.V. etc. Spectral control of the orbital angular momentum of a laser beam based on 3D properties of spiral phase plates fabricated for an infrared wavelength // Optics Express 2020. — Vol. 28. Issue 12. — P. 18407-18417
  • 29 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Ultrashort inverted tapered silicon ridge-to-slot waveguide coupler at 1.55 µm and 3.392 µm wavelength // Applied Optics 2020. — Vol. 59. Issue 26. — P. 7821-7828
  • 30 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A. Evanescent Field Ratio Enhancement of a Modified Ridge Waveguide Structure for Methane Gas Sensing Application // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 15. — P. 8469-8476
  • 31 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Volotovskiy S.G. etc. Influence of optical forces induced by paraxial vortex Gaussian beams on the formation of a microrelief on carbazole-containing azopolymer films // Applied Optics 2020. — Vol. 59. Issue 29. — P. 9185-9194
  • 32 Syubaev S., Mitsai E., Porfirev A. etc. Silicon microprotrusions with tailored chirality enabled by direct femtosecond laser ablation // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 11. — P. 3050-3053
  • 33 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Sensitivity enhancement of silicon strip waveguide ring resonator by incorporating a thin metal film // IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. — P. 1355-1362
  • 34 Pushkarev D.V., Lar’kin A.S., Mitina E.V. etc. Femtosecond multifilament arrays in air using diffraction optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11506.
  • 35 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. Evaluating the influence of the refractive index dispersion of a harmonic lens on focusing properties // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
  • 36 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. etc. Diffractive optical elements for multiplexing structured laser beams // Quantum Electronics 2020. — Vol. 50. Issue 7. — P. 629-635
  • 37 Volotovskiy S.G., Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Algorithm for reconstructing complex coefficients of laguerre–gaussian modes from the intensity distribution of their coherent superposition // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 3. — P. 352-362
  • 38 Khorin P.A., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. Generation of scalable wavefront for testing optical systems // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11516.
  • 39 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Kirilenko M.S. A method of generating a random optical field using the karhunen-loeve expansion to simulate atmospheric turbulence // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 1. — P. 53-59
  • 40 Kazanskiy N.L., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Nanodots decorated MIM semi-ring resonator cavity for biochemical sensing applications // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2020. — Vol. 42.
  • 41 Saadati-Sharafeh F., Borhanifar A., Porfirev A.P. etc. The superposition of the Bessel and mirrored Bessel beams and investigation of their self-healing characteristic // OPTIK 2020. — Vol. 208.
  • 42 Logachev V. I. , Khonina S.N., Gridin G. E. etc. Experimental investigation of nonlinear spiral phase plates // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2020. — Vol. 11458.
  • 43 Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. etc. Caustics of the vortex beams generated by vortex lenses and vortex axicons // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2020. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 476-482
  • 44 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Butt M.A. Subwavelength grating double slot waveguide racetrack ring resonator for refractive index sensing application // Sensors (Switzerland) 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 12. — P. 1-13
  • 45 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Podlipnov V.V. etc. Structural and Polarization Transformations of Laser Beams in Anisotropic Crystals // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 2020. — Vol. 56. Issue 2. — P. 170-175
  • 46 Dzyuba A.P., Khonina S.N., Nikonorov A.V. etc. Calculation of a binary diffractive optical element to increase the imaging system depth of field in the task of classifying images by a neural network // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1695. Issue 1.
  • 47 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensor Based on Plasmonic Bow Tie Configuration // PHOTONIC SENSORS 2020. — Vol. 10. Issue 3. — P. 223-232
  • 48 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Karpeev S.V. etc. Bessel beam: Significance and applications —A progressive review // MICROMACHINES 2020. — Vol. 11. Issue 11.
  • 49 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A highly sensitive design of subwavelength grating double-slot waveguide microring resonator // Laser Physics Letters 2020. — Vol. 17. Issue 7.
  • 50 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Device performance of standard strip, slot and hybrid plasmonic μ-ring resonator: a comparative study // Waves in Random and Complex Media 2020. —
  • 51 Kudryashov S., Danilov P., Rupasov A. etc. Energy deposition parameters revealed in the transition from 3D to 1D femtosecond laser ablation of fluorite at high-NA focusing // Optical Materials Express 2020. — Vol. 10. Issue 12. — P. 3291-3305
  • 52 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Highly integrated plasmonic sensor design for the simultaneous detection of multiple analytes // Current Applied Physics 2020. — Vol. 20. Issue 11. — P. 1274-1280
  • 53 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Nanodots decorated asymmetric metal-insulator-metal waveguide resonator structure based on Fano resonances for refractive index sensing application // Laser physics 2020. — Vol. 30. Issue 7.
  • 1 Busleev N.I., Kudryashov S.I., Danilov P.A. etc. Symmetric nanostructuring and plasmonic excitation of gold nanostructures by femtosecond Laguerre-Gaussian laser beams // Quantum Electronics 2019. — Vol. 49. Issue 7. — P. 666-671
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Dynamic focal shift and extending depth of focus based on the masking of the illuminating beam and using an adjustable axicon // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2019. — Vol. 36. Issue 6. — P. 1039-1047
  • 3 Reddy A.N.K., Khonina S.N. Cadmium telluride thin-film response for a laser beam illumination // Journal of Optics (India) 2019. — Vol. 48. Issue 1. — P. 81-86
  • 4 Syubaev S., Zhizhchenko A., Vitrik O. etc. Chirality of laser-printed plasmonic nanoneedles tunable by tailoring spiral-shape pulses // Applied Surface Science 2019. — Vol. 470. — P. 526-534
  • 5 Soifer V.A., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. etc. Caustics of Vortex Optical Beams // Doklady Physics 2019. — Vol. 64. Issue 7. — P. 276-279
  • 6 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. Catastrophe theory and caustics of radially symmetric beams // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 2. — P. 159-167
  • 7 Degtyarev S.A., Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Subwavelength Diffraction Grating with Continuous Ridges for Inverse Energy Flux Generation // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2019. — Vol. 2019-June. — P. 2005-2010
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Fractional two-parameter parabolic diffraction-free beams // Optics Communications 2019. — Vol. 450. — P. 103-111
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Generation of an optical ball bearing facilitated by coupling between handedness of polarization of light and helicity of its phase // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2019. — Vol. 36. Issue 8. — P. 2087-2091
  • 10 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A serially cascaded micro-ring resonator for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes // Laser physics 2019. — Vol. 29. Issue 4.
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Ustinov A.V. etc. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the polarisation state of laser radiation performed by lens-axicon combinations // Physics Letters A 2019. — Vol. 383. Issue 21. — P. 2535-2541
  • 12 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Analysis of the amplitude on optical axis at the incidence of the conical wave on an astigmatic lens // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11146.
  • 13 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Azizian-Kalandaragh Y. etc. Efficient generation of arrays of closed-packed high-quality light rings // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2019. — Vol. 37.
  • 14 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Karpeev S.V. Recognition of polarization and phase states of light based on the interaction of non-uniformly polarized laser beams with singular phase structures // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 13. — P. 18484-18492
  • 15 Kudryashov S.I., Danilov P.A., Porfirev A.P. etc. Symmetry-wise nanopatterning and plasmonic excitation of ring-like gold nanoholes by structured femtosecond laser pulses with different polarizations // Optics Letters 2019. — Vol. 44. Issue 5. — P. 1129-1132
  • 16 Podlipnov V.V., Ivliev N.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Nonlinear effects in photoinduced nanomovement of carbazole-based azo-polymers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11146.
  • 17 Butt M.A., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Label-free detection of ambient refractive index based on plasmonic Bragg gratings embedded resonator cavity sensor // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 19. — P. 1920-1925
  • 18 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Plasmonic refractive index sensor based on metal–insulator-metal waveguides with high sensitivity // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 9. — P. 1038-1043
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Binary multi-order diffraction optical elements with variable fill factor for the formation and detection of optical vortices of arbitrary order // Applied Optics 2019. — Vol. 58. Issue 30. — P. 8227-8236
  • 20 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Investigation of the topological charge stability for multi-ringed laguerre-gauss vortex beams to random distortions // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 4. — P. 567-576
  • 21 Ustinov A.V., Niziev V.G., Khonina S.N. etc. Local characteristics of paraxial Laguerre–Gaussian vortex beams with a zero total angular momentum // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 20. — P. 1961-1972
  • 22 Karpeev S.V., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Anisotropic diffractive optical element for generating hybrid-polarized beams // Optical Engineering 2019. — Vol. 58. Issue 8.
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. etc. Analysis of characteristics of paraxial vector gaussian beams affecting the formation of microstructures in an azopolymer // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 5. — P. 780-788
  • 24 Pavlov D., Gurbatov S., Kudryashov S.I. etc. 10-million-elements-per-second printing of infrared-resonant plasmonic arrays by multiplexed laser pulses // Optics Letters 2019. — Vol. 44. Issue 2. — P. 283-286
  • 25 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A multichannel metallic dual nano-wall square split-ring resonator: Design analysis and applications // Laser Physics Letters 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 12.
  • 26 Busleev N.I., Kudryashov S.I., Danilov P.A. etc. Plasmon excitation of gold split-ring array: Spectral studies and numerical simulation // Laser Physics Letters 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 6.
  • 27 Khonina S.N. Vortex beams with high-order cylindrical polarization: features of focal distributions // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2019. — Vol. 125. Issue 6.
  • 28 Podlipnov V.V., Ivliev N.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Formation of microstructures on the surface of a carbaseole-containing azopolymer by the action of laser beams // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Tukmakov K.N., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Design, fabrication and investigation of a subwavelength axicon for terahertz beam polarization transforming // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 5. — P. 756-764
  • 30 Degtyarev S., Savelyev D., Khonina S. etc. Metasurfaces with continuous ridges for inverse energy flux generation // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 11. — P. 15129-15135
  • 31 Reddy A.N.K., Hashemi M., Verma P. etc. Raman and ellipsometric investigation of 570 nm CdTe thin film layer deposited by RF-sputtering system // Optica Pura y Aplicada 2019. — Vol. 52. Issue 2.
  • 32 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Metalens for creation of the longitudinally polarized photonic needle // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 33 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Increased reverse energy flux area when focusing a linearly polarized annular beam with binary plates // Optics Letters 2019. — Vol. 44. Issue 8. — P. 2008-2011
  • 34 Syubaev S.A., Zhizhchenko A.Y., Pavlov D.V. etc. Plasmonic Nanolenses Produced by Cylindrical Vector Beam Printing for Sensing Applications // Scientific Reports 2019. — Vol. 9. Issue 1.
  • 35 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Optical elements based on silicon photonics // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 6. — P. 1079-1083
  • 36 Kudryashov S.I., Danilov P.A., Porfirev A.P. etc. High-throughput micropatterning of plasmonic surfaces by multiplexed femtosecond laser pulses for advanced IR-sensing applications // Applied Surface Science 2019. — Vol. 484. — P. 948-956
  • 37 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. A T-shaped 1 × 8 balanced optical power splitter based on 90 bend asymmetric vertical slot waveguides // Laser physics 2019. — Vol. 29. Issue 4.
  • 38 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. etc. Diffraction catastrophes and asymptotic analysis of caustics from axisymmetric optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11146.
  • 39 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Kirilenko M.S. Formation of required distributions on the basis of decomposition by vortex eigen functions of a bounded non-paraxial propagation operator // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 2. — P. 184-192
  • 40 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Astigmatic transformation of optical vortex beams with high-order cylindrical polarization // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2019. — Vol. 36. Issue 8. — P. 2193-2201
  • 41 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Enhancement of evanescent field ratio in a silicon strip waveguide by incorporating a thin metal film // Laser physics 2019. — Vol. 29. Issue 7.
  • 42 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Numerical analysis of a miniaturized design of a Fabry–Perot resonator based on silicon strip and slot waveguides for bio-sensing applications // Journal of Modern Optics 2019. — Vol. 66. Issue 11. — P. 1172-1178
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Chávez-Cerda S. Generalized parabolic nondiffracting beams of two orders // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2018. — Vol. 35. Issue 9. — P. 1511-1517
  • 2 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. Calculation of the angular momentum of an electromagnetic field inside a waveguide with absolutely conducting walls // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 588-605
  • 3 Artyukova A.A., Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Comparative study of impact of random environment on individual and combined Laguerre-Gauss modes // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1038. Issue 1.
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. Sudden autofocusing of superlinear chirp beams // Journal of Optics 2018. — Vol. 20. Issue 2.
  • 5 Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Au-SiO2-Si hybrid plasmonic waveguide micro-ring resonator sensor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1124. Issue 5.
  • 6 Butt M.A., Naresh Kumar Reddy A., Khonina S.N. A compact design of a balanced 1×4 optical power splitter based on silicon on insulator slot waveguides // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 244-247
  • 7 Karpeev S.V., Paranin V. D. , Khonina S.N. Generation of nonuniformly polarised vortex Bessel beams by an interference polariser // Quantum Electronics 2018. — Vol. 48. Issue 6. — P. 521-526
  • 8 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Subwavelength diffraction gratings with curved grooves to form cylindrical vector beams of different orders // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Formation of hybrid higher-order cylindrical vector beams using binary multi-sector phase plates // Scientific Reports 2018. — Vol. 8. Issue 1.
  • 10 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Formation of signals matched with vortex eigenfunctions of bounded double lens system // Optics Communications 2018. — Vol. 410. — P. 153-159
  • 11 Reddy A.N.K., Hashemi M., Khonina S.N. Apodization of two-dimensional pupils with aberrations // Pramana - Journal of Physics 2018. — Vol. 90. Issue 6.
  • 12 Kudryashov S., Danilov P., Ionin A. etc. 2-in-1: Advanced high-throughput nanopatterning and self-consistent nanosensing by structured femtosecond laser pulses // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2018. — Vol. Part F108-NP 2018.
  • 13 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Fomchenkov S.A. Diffractive optical elements for generation and transformation of structured laser beams // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10690.
  • 14 Danilov P.A., Saraeva I.N., Kudryashov S.I. etc. Polarization-selective Excitation of Dye Luminescence on a Gold Film by Structured Ultrashort Laser Pulses // JETP Letters 2018. — Vol. 107. Issue 1. — P. 15-18
  • 15 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Paranin V. D. Birefringence detection of a gradient-index lens based on astigmatic transformation of a Bessel beam // OPTIK 2018. — Vol. 164. — P. 679-685
  • 16 Porfirev A.P., Fomchenkov S.A., Gridin G. E. etc. Binary diffractive optics for 3D-demultiplexing of OAM beams // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1124. Issue 5.
  • 17 Butt M., Khonina, SN, Kazanskiy, NL Plasmonic refractive index sensor based on M-I-M square ring resonator // 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (ICE CUBE). — 2018. —
  • 18 Pushkarev D.V., Mitina E.V., Uryupina D.S. etc. Transverse structure and energy deposition control by amplitude and phase beam regularization in multifilamentation regime // Proceedings - International Conference Laser Optics 2018, ICLO 2018. — 2018. — P. 205
  • 19 Pushkarev D., Shipilo D., Lar'Kin A. etc. Effect of phase front modulation on the merging of multiple regularized femtosecond filaments // Laser Physics Letters 2018. — Vol. 15. Issue 4.
  • 20 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Fractal Cylindrical Fracxicon // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2018. — Vol. 27. Issue 1.
  • 21 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Modelling of Rib channel waveguides based on silicon-on-sapphire at 4.67 μm wavelength for evanescent field gas absorption sensor // OPTIK 2018. — Vol. 168. — P. 692-697
  • 22 Porfirev A.P., Fomchenkov S.A., Khonina S.N. Experimental investigation of complex circular Airy beam characteristics // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2018. — Vol. 10717.
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. Polarisation-dependent transformation of vortex beams when focused perpendicular to the crystal axis // Optics Communications 2018. — Vol. 428. — P. 63-68
  • 24 Reddy A.N.K., Martinez-Corral M., Khonina S.N. etc. Focusing of light beams with the phase apodization of the optical system // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 620-626
  • 25 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Compact design of a polarization beam splitter based on silicon-on-insulator platform // Laser physics 2018. — Vol. 28. Issue 11.
  • 26 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P. 3D transformations of light fields in the focal region implemented by diffractive axicons // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2018. — Vol. 124. Issue 9.
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Podlipnov V.V., Volotovskiy S. G. Study of the electro-optical transformation of linearly polarized Bessel beams propagating along the optic axis of an anisotropic DKDP crystal // Journal of Optical Technology 2018. — Vol. 85. Issue 7. — P. 388-395
  • 28 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. etc. Propagation of electromagnetic pulses and calculation of dynamic invariants in a waveguide with a convex shell // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 6. — P. 947-958
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Porfirev A.P. Aberration laser beams with autofocusing properties // Applied Optics 2018. — Vol. 57. Issue 6. — P. 1410-1416
  • 30 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Tighter focus for ultrashort pulse vector light beams: change of the relative contribution of different field components to the focal spot upon pulse shortening // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2018. — Vol. 35. Issue 6. — P. 985-991
  • 31 Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. Conversion of a conical wave with circular polarization into a vortex cylindrically polarized beam in a metal waveguide // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 197-211
  • 32 Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Light confinement in a 90° double high mesa slot bend waveguide // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 33 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Degtyarev S.A. Inverse energy flux of focused radially polarized optical beams // Physical Review A 2018. — Vol. 98. Issue 4.
  • 34 Degtyarev S.A., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. Sublinearly chirped metalenses for forming abruptly autofocusing cylindrically polarized beams // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2018. — Vol. 35. Issue 8. — P. 1963-1969
  • 35 Porfirev A.P., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Investigation of focusing features of a spiral binary axicon // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2018. — Vol. 10717.
  • 36 Kumar Reddy A.N., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Effect of defocusing and apodization on the resolution of incoherent optical system beyond the Rayleigh limit // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1124. Issue 5.
  • 37 Podlipnov V.V., Ivliev N.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Investigation of photoinduced formation of microstructures on the surface of a carbaseole-containing azopolymer depending on the power density of incident beams // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 5. — P. 779-785
  • 38 Andra N.K.R., Khonina S.N. Two-point resolution with spherical aberration quadratic amplitude filters // Optica Applicata 2018. — Vol. 48. Issue 4. — P. 549-561
  • 39 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Paranin V. D. A technique for simultaneous detection of individual vortex states of Laguerre–Gaussian beams transmitted through an aqueous suspension of microparticles // Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2018. — Vol. 105. — P. 68-74
  • 40 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Volotovskiy S. G. Comparison of focusing of short pulses in the debye approximation // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 3. — P. 432-446
  • 41 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Focusing of shifted vortex beams of arbitrary order with different polarization // Optics Communications 2018. — Vol. 426. — P. 359-365
  • 42 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Simulation of vortex laser beams superposition propagation through a random optical environment // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10774.
  • 43 Karpeev S.V., Podlipnov V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. A four-sector polarization converter integrated in a calcite crystal // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 3. — P. 401-407
  • 44 Butt M.A., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. Hybrid plasmonic waveguide-assisted Metal–Insulator–Metal ring resonator for refractive index sensing // Journal of Modern Optics 2018. — Vol. 65. Issue 9. — P. 1135-1140
  • 45 Reddy A.N.K., Khonina S.N. Apodization for improving the two-point resolution of coherent optical systems with defect of focus // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2018. — Vol. 124. Issue 12.
  • 1 Syubaev S., Porfirev A., Zhizhchenko A. etc. Zero-orbital-angular-momentum laser printing of chiral nanoneedles // Optics Letters 2017. — Vol. 42. Issue 23. — P. 5022-5025
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Fidirko N.S. Iterative approach to solve the inverse diffraction problem under sharp focusing conditions // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2017. — Vol. 26. Issue 1. — P. 18-25
  • 3 Reddy A.N.K., Sagar D.K., Khonina S.N. Complex Pupil Masks for Aberrated Imaging of Closely Spaced Objects // Optics and Spectroscopy 2017. — Vol. 123. Issue 6. — P. 940-949
  • 4 Khonina S., Degtyarev S., Savelyev D. etc. Focused, evanescent, hollow, and collimated beams formed by microaxicons with different conical angles // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 16. — P. 19052-19064
  • 5 Klebanov Ya.M., Karsakov A.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Компенсация аберраций волнового фронта в телескопах космических аппаратов с регулировкой температурного поля телескопа // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. № 1. — P. 30-36
  • 6 Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Khonina S.N. Dielectric-Metal-Dielectric (D-M-D) infrared (IR) heat reflectors // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 917. Issue 6.
  • 7 Khonina S.N., Kirilenko M.S., Volotovskiy S. G. Defined distribution forming in the near diffraction zone based on expansion of finite propagation operator eigenfunctions // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 53-60
  • 8 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Generation of closed-packed optical vortex beams using two-level pure-phase diffractive multiplexer // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1874.
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Paranin V. D. etc. Polarization conversion under focusing of vortex laser beams along the axis of anisotropic crystals // Physics Letters A 2017. — Vol. 381. Issue 30. — P. 2444-2455
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Generation of closely located light spots using specular airy laser beams // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 5. — P. 661-669
  • 11 Klebanov J.M., Karsakov A.V., Khonina C.N. etc. Wave front aberration compensation of space telescopes with telescope temperature field adjustment // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 1. — P. 30-36
  • 12 Reddy A.N.K., Sagar D.K., Khonina S.N. Asymmetric apodization for the comma aberrated point spread function // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 484-488
  • 13 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Simple method for efficient reconfigurable optical vortex beam splitting // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 16. — P. 18722-18735
  • 14 Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. Conditions of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric TIO2/SIO2 // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 494-498
  • 15 Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Khonina S.N. Modeling of a narrow band pass filter for Bathymetry light detection and ranging (LIDAR) system // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 917. Issue 6.
  • 16 Elyutin V.V., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. Cold mirror based on high-low-high refractive index dielectric materials // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1900. — P. 5-9
  • 17 Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Khonina S.N. Multilayer dielectric stack Notch filter for 450-700 nm wavelength spectrum // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1900. — P. 1-4
  • 18 Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Zernike basis-matched multi-order diffractive optical elements for wavefront weak aberrations analysis // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10337.
  • 19 Elyutin V.V., Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Modeling of nebula viewing broadband and narrowband filters based on TiO2-SiO2 multilayers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10342.
  • 20 Reddy A.N.K., Verma P., Khonina S.N. etc. Far-field light imaging in the presence of atmospheric turbulence with rotating anti-phase apertures: Theoretical investigation // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology. — 2017. — P. 1008-1012
  • 21 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Fractional Airy beams // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2017. — Vol. 34. Issue 11. — P. 1991-1999
  • 22 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Generation of azimuthally modulated circular superlinear Airy beams // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2017. — Vol. 34. Issue 12. — P. 2544-2549
  • 23 Kuchmizhak A.A., Porfirev A.P., Syubaev S.A. etc. Multi-beam pulsed-laser patterning of plasmonic films using broadband diffractive optical elements // Optics Letters 2017. — Vol. 42. Issue 14. — P. 2838-2841
  • 24 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. Hybrid asymptotic method for analyzing caustics of optical elements in the axially symmetric case // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 2. — P. 175-182
  • 25 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Nonparaxial effects in lensacon optical systems // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 2017. — Vol. 53. Issue 5. — P. 484-493
  • 26 Monin E. O. , Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Propagation modeling of vortex generalized airy beams in parabolic fiber // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2017. — P. 583-589
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S.G., Ustinov A.V. etc. Анализ фокусировки гармонической дифракционной линзой с учётом дисперсии показателя преломления // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. № 3. — P. 338-347
  • 28 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Very compact focal spot in the near-field of the fractional axicon // Optics Communications 2017. — Vol. 391. — P. 24-29
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. Diffractive axicon with tunable fill factor for focal ring splitting // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10233.
  • 30 Kharitonov S.I. , Volotovskiy S.G., Khonina S.N. Гибридный асимптотический метод анализа каустик оптических элементов в радиально-симметричном случае // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue -. № 2. Pt. -. — P. 175-182
  • 31 Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. Modeling of a straight channel and Y-splitter waveguides by loading SiO2 planar waveguide with MgF2 // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2017. — P. 2472-2477
  • 32 Monin E. O. , Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Study of conservation of the topological charge of vortex beams transferring in a random media // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2017. — P. 590-596
  • 33 Kirilenko M.S., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Comparison of propagation of vortex and non-vortex laser beams in a random medium // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10342.
  • 34 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Ustinov A.V. etc. Analysis of focusing light by a harmonic diffractive lens with regard for the refractiive index dispersion // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 3. — P. 338-347
  • 35 Paranin V. D. , Khonina S.N. Diffractive polarization illuminator for a two-axis fiber-optic angle sensor // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10342.
  • 36 Khonina S., Savelyev D. Polarization conversion at sharp focusing of vector vortex beams // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2017. —
  • 37 Karpeev S.V., Paranin V. D. , Khonina S.N. Generation of a controlled double-ring-shaped radially polarized spiral laser beam using a combination of a binary axicon with an interference polarizer // Journal of Optics 2017. — Vol. 19. Issue 5.
  • 38 Syubaev S., Zhizhchenko A., Kuchmizhak A. etc. Direct laser printing of chiral plasmonic nanojets by vortex beams // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 9. — P. 10214-10223
  • 39 Butt M.A., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. etc. An evanescent field absorption gas sensor at mid-IR 3.39 μm wavelength // Journal of Modern Optics 2017. — Vol. 64. Issue 18. — P. 1892-1897
  • 40 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Investigation of vortex laser beam injection into an optical fiber // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 917. Issue 6.
  • 41 Porfirev A.P., Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Study of propagation of vortex beams in aerosol optical medium // Applied Optics 2017. — Vol. 56. Issue 11. — P. E8-E15
  • 42 Ustinov A.V., Porfir’ev A.P., Khonina S.N. Effect of the fill factor of an annular diffraction grating on the energy distribution in the focal plane // Journal of Optical Technology 2017. — Vol. 84. Issue 9. — P. 580-587
  • 1 Larkin A.S., Pushkarev D.V., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Generation of Hermite-Gaussian modes of high-power femtosecond laser radiation using binary-phase diffractive optical elements // Quantum Electronics 2016. — Vol. 46. Issue 8. — P. 733-737
  • 2 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Modeling of forming radially polarized beams on the basis of refractive elements with interference polarizer // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 3 Ullah A., Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A. etc. Indium phosphide all air-gap Fabry-Pérot filters for near-infrared spectroscopic applications // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 4 Butt M.A., Verma P., Rasshchepkina N.A. etc. Fabrication of silicon slanted grating by using modified thermal deposition technique to enhance fiber-to-chip coupling // International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication, MicroCom 2016. — 2016. —
  • 5 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Optomechanical control of transforming Bessel beams in a c-cut of lithium niobate // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 735. Issue 1.
  • 6 Mossoulina O.A., Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Simulation of vortex laser beams propagation in parabolic index media based on fractional Fourier transform // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 7 Degtyarev S.A., Orfirev A.P.P., Khonina S.N. Photonic nanohelix generated by a binary spiral axicon // Applied Optics 2016. — Vol. 55. Issue 12. — P. B44-B48
  • 8 Karpeev S.V., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Design and analysis of a three-wave diffraction focusing doublet // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 2. — P. 173-178
  • 9 Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A. V. , Khonina S.N. Polarization conversion when focusing cylindrically polarized vortex beams // Scientific Reports 2016. — Vol. 6. Issue 1.
  • 10 Kharitonov S.I., Kazanskiy N.L., Volotovskiy S. G. etc. Calculating x-ray diffraction on crystals by means of the differential method // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 11 Verma P., Zaman Khan K., Khonina S.N. etc. Ultraviolet-LIGA-based fabrication and characterization of a nonresonant drive-mode vibratory gyro/accelerometer // Journal of Micro/ Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 2016. — Vol. 15. Issue 3.
  • 12 Verma P., Gopal R., Butt M.A. etc. Design and simulation of non-resonant 1-DOF drive mode and anchored 2-DOF sense mode gyroscope for implementation using UV-LIGA process // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 13 Savelyev D., Khonina S. Study of extended focal segment formation by conic axicons and layered lenses // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2016. — Vol. 2016-August.
  • 14 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. Geometric-optical calculation of the focal spot of a harmonic diffractive lens // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 3. — P. 331-337
  • 15 Kirilenko M.S., Mossoulina O.A., Khonina S.N. Propagation of vortex eigenfunctions of bounded Hankel transform in a parabolic fiber // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R432
  • 16 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N., Golub I. Tight focusing of higher orders Laguerre-Gaussian modes // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 17 Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. etc. Demonstration of vortical beams spectral stability formed in non-zero diffraction orders // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 735. Issue 1.
  • 18 Soifer V.A., Korotkova O., Khonina S.N. etc. Vortex beams in turbulent media: Review // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 5. — P. 605-624
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A. Analysis of the formation of a longitudinally polarized optical needle by a lens and axicon under tightly focused conditions // Journal of Optical Technology 2016. — Vol. 83. Issue 4. — P. 197-205
  • 20 Paranin V. D. , Khonina S.N. Electro-optical converter of zero-order and second-order Bessel laser beams for the photolithography systems // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 10224.
  • 21 Verma P., Pavelyev V.S., Volodkin B. O. etc. Design, simulation, and fabrication of silicon-on-insulator MEMS vibratory decoupled gyroscope // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 5. — P. 668-673
  • 22 Podlipnov V.V., Porfirev A.P., Degtyarev S.A. etc. Diffractive axicons to increase the efficiency of solar cells // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 103-110
  • 23 Degtyarev S.A., Podlipnov V.V., Verma P. etc. 3D-simulation of silicon micro-ring resonator with Comsol // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 10224.
  • 24 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Transformation of Bessel Beams in C-Cuts of Uniaxial Crystals by Varying the Emission Source Wavelength // Journal of Russian Laser Research 2016. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 250-253
  • 25 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A., Kazanskiy N.L. Analysis of polarisation states at sharp focusing // OPTIK 2016. — Vol. 127. Issue 6. — P. 3372-3378
  • 26 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Morozov A.A. etc. Implementation of ordinary and extraordinary beams interference by application of diffractive optical elements // Journal of Modern Optics 2016. — Vol. 63. Issue 13. — P. 1239-1247
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Ultrafast rotating dipole or propeller-shaped patterns: Subwavelength shaping of a beam of light on a femtosecond time scale // Optics Letters 2016. — Vol. 41. Issue 7. — P. 1605-1607
  • 28 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. etc. The compact converter of Bessel beams of zero and second orders on the basis of z-cut lithium niobate // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 29 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Simulation of optical signals propagation in a random media // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 55-65
  • 30 Degtyarev S.A., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Modelling of TiO2 based slot waveguides with high optical confinement in sharp bends // 2016 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, ICE Cube 2016 - Proceedings. — 2016. — P. 10-13
  • 31 Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. etc. Singular laser beams nanofocusing with dielectric nanostructures: Theoretical investigation // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2016. — Vol. 33. Issue 12. — P. 2480-2485
  • 32 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Experimental investigation of multi-order diffractive optical elements matched with two types of Zernike functions // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 33 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Experimental investigation of spiral beam formation by binary spiral axicons // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 34 Paranin V. D. , Khonina S., Karpeev S. etc. Generation of cylindrical vector beams on the basis of uniaxial crystals and various types of DOEs // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2016. — Vol. 2016-August.
  • 35 Savelyev D.A., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Focusing of the laser beam by the conical axicon and the matched linearly layered lens // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R423
  • 36 Verma P., Butt M.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Acceleration characterization of dual purpose gyro/accelerometer device using MS3110 differential capacitive read out IC // International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication, MicroCom 2016. — 2016. —
  • 37 Khorin P.A., Khonina S.N., Karsakov A.V. etc. Analysis of corneal aberration of the human eye // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 6. — P. 810-817
  • 38 Kirilenko M.S., Zubtsov R.O., Khonina S.N. Calculation of eigenfunctions of bounded waveguide with quadratic refractive index // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 735. Issue 1.
  • 39 Juneja S., Poletayev S.D., Fomchenkov S. etc. Reactive ion etching of indium-tin oxide films by CCl4-based Inductivity Coupled Plasma // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 40 Kuchmizhak A., Pustovalov E., Syubaev S. etc. On-Fly Femtosecond-Laser Fabrication of Self-Organized Plasmonic Nanotextures for Chemo- and Biosensing Applications // ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016. — Vol. 8. Issue 37. — P. 24946-24955
  • 41 Podlipnov V.V., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. Axicons for power conversion efficiency enhancement in solar cells for the visible spectrum // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 42 Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N. etc. Design of diffractive micro-patterns with weak wavelength dependence // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2016. — Vol. 9917.
  • 43 Degtyarev S.A., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Micro-taper as focusing or scattering optical element // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 44 Juneja S., Verma P., Savelyev D.A. etc. Effect of power on growth of nanocrystalline silicon films deposited by VHF PECVD technique for solar cell applications // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 45 Khonina S.N., Paranin V. D. , Ustinov A.V. etc. Astigmatic transformation of Bessel beams in a uniaxial crystal // Optica Applicata 2016. — Vol. 46. Issue 1. — P. 5-18
  • 46 Butt M.A., Fomchenkov S.A., Ullah A. etc. Biomedical bandpass filter for fluorescence microscopy imaging based on TiO2/SiO2 and TiO2/MgF2 dielectric multilayers // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2016. — Vol. 741. Issue 1.
  • 47 Savelyev D.A., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Layered lens with a linear dependence of the refractive index change // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 48 Khonina S.N., Paranin V. D. Electro-optical correction of bessel beam conversion along the axis of a barium niobate-strontium crystal // Computer Optics 2016. — Vol. 40. Issue 4. — P. 475-481
  • 49 Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Optical planar waveguide sensor based on (Yb,Nb):RTP/RTP(001) system for the estimation of metal coated cells // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 16-23
  • 50 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Time behavior of focused vector beams // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2016. — Vol. 33. Issue 10. — P. 1948-1954
  • 51 Verma P., Juneja S., Savelyev D.A. etc. Design and fabrication of a 1-DOF drive mode and 2-DOF sense mode micro-gyroscope using SU-8 based UV-LIGA process // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1724.
  • 52 Verma P., Khonina S.N., Pavelyev V.S. etc. Anchored multi-DOF MEMS gyroscope having robust drive mode // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 10224.
  • 53 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Control of the formation of vortex Bessel beams in uniaxial crystals by varying the beam divergence // Quantum Electronics 2016. — Vol. 46. Issue 2. — P. 163-168
  • 54 Paranin V. D. , Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. Control of the optical properties of a CaCO3 crystal in problems of generating bessel vortex beams by heating // Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 2016. — Vol. 52. Issue 2. — P. 174-179
  • 55 Butt M.A., Kozlova E.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Modelling of the optical planar waveguide based on (Yb,Nb):RTP/RTP(001) system for cell counting // 2016 International Conference on Computing, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, ICE Cube 2016 - Proceedings. — 2016. — P. 63-67
  • 56 Juneja S., Sudhakar S., Khonina S.N. etc. Nanocrystalline silicon thin films and grating structures for solar cells // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 57 Butt M.A., Pujol M.C., Solé R. etc. Fabrication of optical waveguides in RbTiOPO4 single crystals by using different techniques // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9807.
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Local foci of a parabolic binary diffraction lens // Applied Optics 2015. — Vol. 54. Issue 18. — P. 5680-5685
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. Diffraction patterns with mth order symmetry generated by sectional spiral phase plates // Journal of Optics 2015. — Vol. 17. Issue 12.
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A., Kazanskiy N.L. Vortex phase elements as detectors of polarization state // Optics Express 2015. — Vol. 23. Issue 14. — P. 17845-17859
  • 4 Ustinov A.V., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Diffraction by a conical axicon considering multiple internal reflections // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 4. — P. 500-507
  • 5 Kirilenko M.S., Pribylov V.V., Khonina S.N. Investigation of the free-space propagation operator eigenfunctions in the near-field diffraction // Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. — 2015. — Vol. 2015-January. — P. 2035-2038
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I. Comparative investigation of nonparaxial mode propagation along the axis of uniaxial crystal // Journal of Modern Optics 2015. — Vol. 62. Issue 2. — P. 125-134
  • 7 Skidanov R., Kachalov D., Khonina S. etc. Three-dimensional laser trapping on the base of binary radial diffractive optical element // Journal of Modern Optics 2015. — Vol. 62. Issue 14. — P. 1183-1186
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A., Porfirev A.P. etc. Study of Focusing into Closely Spaced Spots Via Illuminating a Diffractive Optical Element by a Short-Pulse Laser Beam // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 2. — P. 187-196
  • 9 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Transmission of focused light signal through an apertured probe of a near-field scanning microscope // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2015. — Vol. 25. Issue 2. — P. 306-313
  • 10 Savelyev D., Khonina S. Diffraction of Gaussian beams by micro-cylinders with sub-wavelength radius // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2015. — Vol. 2015-August.
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A. Laser beam polarization type identification in the tight focus model // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2015. — Vol. 25. Issue 3. — P. 442-455
  • 12 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I., Zoteeva O.V. Sharp focusing of laser beams in anisotropic uniaxial crystals // Journal of Optical Technology 2015. — Vol. 82. Issue 4. — P. 212-219
  • 13 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Interference analysis of radially polarized laser beams generated by ring optical elements with vortical phases at sharp focusing // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2015. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. — P. 130-144
  • 14 Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Generation of radially polarized beams based on the refractive optical elements with interference polarizing coatings // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 4. — P. 492-499
  • 15 Degtyarev S.A., Karsakov A.V., Branchevskaya E.S. etc. Influence of eye refractive surface curvature modification on the retinal image quality in the liou-brennan eye model // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 702-708
  • 16 Kirilenko M.S., Zubtsov R.O., Khonina S.N. Calculation of eigenfunctions of a bounded fractional fourier transform // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 3. — P. 332-338
  • 17 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Generalized apodization of an incoherent imaging system aimed for extending the depth of focus // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 2015. — Vol. 25. Issue 4. — P. 626-631
  • 18 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Characteristics of sharp focusing of vortex Laguerre-Gaussian beams // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 654-662
  • 19 Paranin V. D. , Khonina S., Degtyarev S. etc. Transformation of Bessel beams passing through uniaxial y-cut crystal // International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. — 2015. — Vol. 2015-August.
  • 20 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A. Optimization of the Optical Microelements Using High-Performance Computer Systems // Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics 2015. — Vol. 57. Issue 8-9. — P. 650-658
  • 21 Degtyarev S.A., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Diffraction by an axicon with taking into consideration multiple internal reflections // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2015. — Vol. 1490. — P. 27-36
  • 22 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V. etc. Generation of cylindrical vector beams of high orders using uniaxial crystals // Journal of Optics 2015. — Vol. 17. Issue 6.
  • 23 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I. Study of the Diffraction Grating on a Convex Surface as a Dispersive Element // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 2. — P. 211-217
  • 24 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Comparative study of the spectral characteristics of aspheric lenses // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 3. — P. 363-369
  • 25 Kharitonov S.I., Volotovskiy S. G. , Khonina S.N. etc. A differential method for calculating x-ray diffraction by crystals: The scalar theory // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 4. — P. 469-479
  • 26 Zayarny D.A., Ionin A.A., Kudryashov S.I. etc. Nanoscale boiling during single-shot femtosecond laser ablation of thin gold films // JETP Letters 2015. — Vol. 101. Issue 6. — P. 394-397
  • 27 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Calculation of the eigenfunctions of two lens imaging system // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 9450.
  • 28 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Forming near-field helical intensity using a binary vortical axicon // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 9450.
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Creating order with the help of randomness: Generating transversely random, longitudinally invariant vector optical fields // Optics Letters 2015. — Vol. 40. Issue 17. — P. 4070-4073
  • 30 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Analysis of interference of cylindrical laser beams generated by ring optical elements with a vortex phase at sharp focusing // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 1. — P. 12-25
  • 31 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Lenses to form a longitudinal distribution matched with special functions // Optics Communications 2015. — Vol. 341. — P. 114-121
  • 32 Khonina S.N., Degtyarev S.A. A Longitudinally Polarized Beam Generated by a Binary Axicon // Journal of Russian Laser Research 2015. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 151-161
  • 1 Zoteeva O.V., Khonina S.N. Diffraction of Bessel laser beams on a birefringent object // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9156.
  • 2 ALFEROV S.V., Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Экспериментальное исследование фокусировки неоднородно поляризованных пучков, сформированных при помощи секторных пластинок // Computer Optics 2014. — № Т.38, №1. — P. 57-64
  • 3 Karsakov A.V., Khonina S.N. Investigation of focusing of the fundamental linearly polarized mode using microrelief on the end of an optical fiber // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9156.
  • 4 Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Study of the broadband radiation intensity distribution formed by diffractive optical elements // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 689-694
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V. Theoretical and an experimental research of polarizing transformations in uniaxial crystals for generation cylindrical vector beams of high orders // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 171-180
  • 6 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Analysis of flat beam diffraction by divergent fracxicon in nonparaxial mode // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 1. — P. 42-50
  • 7 Serafimovich P.G., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Sandwich-typed resonator cavity based on a regular photonic crystal nanobeam // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2014. — Vol. 490. Issue 1.
  • 8 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N., Alferov S.V. etc. Theoretical and experimental study of aperture size effects on the polarization sensitivity of near-field microscopy fiber-optic probes // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9156.
  • 9 Alferov S.V., Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. etc. On the possibility of controlling laser ablation by tightly focused femtosecond radiation // Quantum Electronics 2014. — Vol. 44. Issue 11. — P. 1061-1065
  • 10 Alferov S.V., Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Experimental study of focusing of inhomogeneously polarized beams generated using sector polarizing plates // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 1. — P. 57-64
  • 11 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Numerical analysis of subwavelength focusing using a silicon cylinder // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 638-642
  • 12 Kazanskiy N.L., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. etc. Simulation of hyperspectrometer on spectral linear variable filters // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 256-270
  • 13 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Fracxicon as hybrid element between the parabolic lens and the linear axicon // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 3. — P. 402-411
  • 14 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Analysis of laser beam diffraction by axicon with the numerical aperture above limiting // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 213-222
  • 15 Alferov S.V., Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. Study of polarization properties of fiber-optics probes with use of a binary phase plate // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. — 2014. — Vol. 31. Issue 4. — P. 802-807
  • 16 Khonina S.N., Morozov A.A., Karpeev S.V. Effective transformation of a zero-order Bessel beam into a second-order vortex beam using a uniaxial crystal // Laser physics 2014. — Vol. 24. Issue 5.
  • 17 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. The calculation of the diffraction of the laser beams with a phase singularity on the micro-axicons with using high-performance computing // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2014. — Vol. 490. Issue 1.
  • 18 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Coding of an optical signal by a superposition of spheroidal functions for undistorted transmission of information in the lens system // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9156.
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Kovalyov A.A. etc. Near-field propagation of vortex beams: Models and computation algorithms // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2014. — Vol. 23. Issue 2. — P. 50-73
  • 20 Kazanskiy N.L., Kharitonov S.I., Karsakov A.V. etc. Modeling action of a hyperspectrometer based on the Offner scheme within geometric optics // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 271-280
  • 21 Kazanskii N.L., Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V. etc. Formation of images using multilevel diffractive lens // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 3. — P. 425-434
  • 22 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Calculation of eigenfunctions for imaging two-lens system with axial symmetry // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 3. — P. 412-417
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Demidov A.S. Extended depth of focus through imaging system’s phase apodization in coherent and incoherent cases // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2014. — Vol. 23. Issue 3. — P. 130-139
  • 24 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Application axicons in a large-aperture focusing system // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2014. — Vol. 23. Issue 4. — P. 201-217
  • 25 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Degtyarev S.A. Calculation of diffraction of laser radiation by a two-dimensional (Cylindrical) axicon with the high numerical aperture in various models // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 670-680
  • 26 Degtyarev S.A., Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Nanofocusing by sharp edges // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 629-637
  • 27 Kazanskiy N.L., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. etc. Simulation of spectral filters used in hyperspectrometer by decomposition on vector Bessel modes // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9533.
  • 28 Alferov S.V., Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. etc. Experimental generation of the longitudinal electric field component on the optical axis with high-numerical-aperture binary axicons // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9533.
  • 29 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. etc. Lightning-rod effect near sharp dielectric structures // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9533.
  • 30 Khonina S.N., Paranin V. D. , Karpeev S.V. etc. Study of polarization transformations and interaction of ordinary and extraordinary beams in nonparaxial regime // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 598-605
  • 31 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Sharp focusing by means of binary relief at the end of the optical fiber // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9156.
  • 32 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N., Podlipnov V.V. Formation of spiral intensity by binary vortical axicon // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 2. — P. 237-242
  • 33 Kazanskiy N.L., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. Simulation of a hyperspectrometer based on linear spectral filters using vector bessel beams // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 770-776
  • 34 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Volotovskiy S. G. Shaping of spherical light intensity based on the interference of tightly focused beams with different polarizations // Optics and laser technology 2014. — Vol. 60. — P. 99-106
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I. An analog of the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral for anisotropic and gyrotropic media // Journal of Modern Optics 2013. — Vol. 60. Issue 10. — P. 814-822
  • 2 KhONINA S. N., SAVELEV D.A., USTINOV A.V. Острая фокусировка лазерного излучения с помощью двухзонного аксиального микроэлемента // Computer Optics 2013. — № – Т.37. – №.2. — P. 160-169
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Alferov S.V., Karpeev S.V. Strengthening the longitudinal component of the sharply focused electric field by means of higher-order laser beams // Optics Letters 2013. — Vol. 38. Issue 17. — P. 3223-3226
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Design lenses forming paraxial longitudinal distribution according to their spatial spectra // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 2. — P. 193-202
  • 5 Skidanov R.V., Khonina S.N., Morozov A.A. Optical rotation of microparticles in hypergeometric beams formed by diffraction optical elements with multilevel microrelief // Journal of Optical Technology 2013. — Vol. 80. Issue 10. — P. 585-589
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Kharitonov S.I. Features of nonparaxial propagation of Gaussian and bessel beams along the axis of the crystal // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 297-306
  • 7 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Diffraction of a gaussian beam on the generalized lens // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 4. — P. 443-450
  • 8 Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. Study of subwavelength localization of a radiation by forming closely spaced singular lines using of subwavelength features of the dielectric micro-relief // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 4. — P. 426-430
  • 9 KhONINA S. N., ALFEROV S.V., KARPEEV S.V. etc. Исследование поляризационной чувствительности ближнепольного микроскопа с использованием бинарной фазовой пластины. // Computer Optics 2013. — № № 3, Т. 37. — P. 326-331
  • 10 KARPEEV S.V., ALFEROV S.V., KhONINA S. N. etc. Экспериментальная демонстрация формирования продольной компоненты электрического поля на оптической оси с помощью высокоапертурных бинарных аксиконов при линейной и круговой поляризации освещающего пучка // Computer Optics 2013. — № Т 37, N 1. — P. 76-87
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Analysis of the axial distribution of a tightly focused beam with different polarizations // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 1. — P. 59-67
  • 12 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Khonina S.N. Use of photonic crystal cavities for temporal differentiation of optical signals // Optics Letters 2013. — Vol. 38. Issue 7. — P. 1149-1151
  • 13 Kirilenko M.S., Khonina S.N. Information transmission using optical vortices // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2013. — Vol. 22. Issue 2. — P. 81-89
  • 14 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A., Ustinov A.V. Diffraction of laser beam on a two-zone cylindrical microelement // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 2. — P. 160-169
  • 15 Lyubopytov V.S., Tlyavlin A.Z., Sultanov A.K. etc. Mathematical model of completely optical system for detection of mode propagation parameters in an optical fiber with few-mode operation for adaptive compensation of mode coupling // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 352-359
  • 16 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V. etc. Experimental demonstration of the generation of the longitudinal E-field component on the optical axis with high-numerical-aperture binary axicons illuminated by linearly and circularly polarized beams // Journal of Optics 2013. — Vol. 15. Issue 8.
  • 17 Khonina, Svetlana N. Simple phase optical elements for narrowing of a focal spot in high-numerical-aperture conditions // Optical Engineering 2013. — Vol. 52. Issue 9.
  • 18 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Singular phase elements as detectors for different polarizations // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2013. — Vol. 9066.
  • 19 Khonina S.N., Alferov S.V., Karpeev S.V. etc. Study of polarization sensitivity of near-field microscope using a binary phase plate // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 326-331
  • 20 Serafimovich P.G., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Two-component cavity based on a regular photonic crystal nanobeam // Applied Optics 2013. — Vol. 52. Issue 23. — P. 5830-5834
  • 21 Karpeev, Sergey Vladimirovich, Alferov, Sergey Vladimirovich, Khonina, Svetlana Nikolaevna Generation and conversion of mode beams and their polarization states on the basis of diffractive optical elements application // Optical Engineering 2013. — Vol. 52. Issue 9.
  • 22 KHONINA S.N. Simple phase optical elements for nar-rowing of a focal spot in high-numericalaperture conditions // Optical Engineering 2013. — № – Vol.52. – №9.. — P. 091711
  • 23 KHONINA S.N., SAVELYEV D. A. High-aperture binary axicons for the formation of the longitudinal electric field component on the optical axis for linear and circular polarizations of the illuminating beamHigh-aperture binary axicons for the formation of the longitudinal electric field // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2013. — № – Vol.117. – №4.. — P. 623-630
  • 24 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V. etc. Experimental demonstration of generation of longitudinal component of the electric field on the optical axis by high-aperture binary axicon for linear and circular polarization of the incident beam // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 1. — P. 76-87
  • 25 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Generalized lens: Calculation of distribution on the optical axis // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 3. — P. 307-315
  • 26 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. The diffraction of the laser radiation on the two-band axial microelement // Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL. — 2013. — P. 231-233
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Engineering the smallest 3D symmetrical bright and dark focal spots // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2013. — Vol. 30. Issue 10. — P. 2029-2033
  • 28 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Kharitonov S.I. etc. Calculating the energy spectrum of complex low-dimensional heterostructures in the electric field // The Scientific World Journal 2013. — Vol. 2013.
  • 29 Khonina S.N., Savelyev D.A. High-aperture binary axicons for the formation of the longitudinal electric field component on the optical axis for linear and circular polarizations of the illuminating beam // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2013. — Vol. 117. Issue 4. — P. 623-630
  • 30 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Sharper focal spot for a radially polarized beam using ring aperture with phase jump // Journal of Engineering (United States) 2013. — Vol. 2013.
  • 31 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Minimizing the bright/shadow focal spot size with controlled side-lobe increase in high-numerical-aperture focusing systems // Advances in Optical Technologies 2013. —
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Golub I. How low can STED go? Comparison of different write-erase beam combinations for stimulated emission depletion microscopy // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2012. — Vol. 29. Issue 10. — P. 2242-2246
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Enlightening darkness to diffraction limit and beyond: Comparison and optimization of different polarizations for dark spot generation // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2012. — Vol. 29. Issue 7. — P. 1470-1474
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Reducing of the focal spot size at radial polarization by means of the binary annular element // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 219-226
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Serafimovich P.G., Savel'ev D.A. etc. Diffraction at binary microaxicons in the near field // Journal of Optical Technology 2012. — Vol. 79. Issue 10. — P. 626-631
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Nesterenko D.V., Morozov A.A. etc. Narrowing of a light spot at diffraction of linearly-polarized beam on binary asymmetric axicons // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2012. — Vol. 21. Issue 1. — P. 17-26
  • 6 Pavelyev V., Osipov V., Kachalov D. etc. Diffractive optical elements for the formation of "light bottle" intensity distributions // Applied Optics 2012. — Vol. 51. Issue 18. — P. 4215-4218
  • 7 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Analyzing the symmetry properties of a distribution in the focal plane for a focusing element with periodic angle dependence of phase // Advances in Optical Technologies 2012. —
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V. Analysis of symmetry properties in focal area at presence in a focusing element with periodic angular dependence // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 1. — P. 72-79
  • 9 KAZANSKIY N.L., VOLOTOVSKIY S.G., KhARITONOV S.I. etc. Расчёт энергетического спектра сложных низкоразмерных гетероструктур в присутствии электрического поля // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(1). — P. 27-33
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Zoteeva O.V., Kharitonov S.I. Nonparaxial propagation of Gaussian beams on the angle to the axis of the anisotropic crystal // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 3. — P. 346-356
  • 11 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Kharitonov S.I. etc. Calculation of the power spectrum of complex low-dimensional heterostructures in the presence of electric field // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 1. — P. 27-33
  • 12 Khonina S.N. Phase apodization of imaging system to increase the focal depth in coherent and incoherent cases // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 3. — P. 357-364
  • 13 Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I. The theory of indignations for Schrodinger equation in the periodic environment in momentum representation representation // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 1. — P. 21-26
  • 14 Khonina S.N., Kharitonov S.I. Analogue of rayleigh-sommerfeld integral for anisotropic and gyrotropic media // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 172-182
  • 15 Savelyev D.A., Khonina S.N. Maximising the longitudinal electric component at diffraction on a binary axicon linearly polarized radiation // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 511-517
  • 16 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V., Alferov S.V. Polarization converter for higher-order laser beams using a single binary diffractive optical element as beam splitter // Optics Letters 2012. — Vol. 37. Issue 12. — P. 2385-2387
  • 17 Kazanskiy N.L., Kharitonov S.I., Khonina S.N. Joint solution of the klein-gordon and maxwell's equations // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 518-526
  • 18 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Khonina S.N. Enhancement of spatial modal overlap for photonic crystal nanocavities // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 199-204
  • 19 Kachalov D.G., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Experimental realisation of microparticle's optical trapping by use of binary radial doe // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 1. — P. 91-95
  • 20 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N., Alferov S.V. Investigation of focusing inhomogeneously polarized higher-order laser beams // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 506-510
  • 21 KAZANSKIY N.L., SERAFIMOVICh P.G., KhONINA S. N. Повышение пространственного перекрытия резонансных мод фотоннокристаллического нанорезонатора // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(2). — P. 199-204
  • 22 KhONINA S. N., KAZANSKIY N.L., KhARITONOV S.I. Теория возмущений для уравнения Шрёдингера в периодической среде в квазиимпульсном представлении // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(1). — P. 21-26
  • 23 KhONINA S. N., KhARITONOV S.I., ZOTEEVA O.V. Непараксиальное распространение гауссовых пучков под углом к оси анизотропного кристалла // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(3). — P. 346-356
  • 24 KAChALOV D.G., PAVELEV V.S., KhONINA S. N. etc. Экспериментальная реализация оптического захвата микрочастиц на основе применения бинарного радиального ДОЭ // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(1). — P. 91-95
  • 25 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Calculating the complex transmission function of refractive axicons // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2012. — Vol. 21. Issue 3. — P. 133-144
  • 26 KhONINA S. N., USTINOV A.V. Уменьшение размера фокального пятна при радиальной поляризации с помощью бинарного кольцевого элемента // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(2). — P. 219-226
  • 27 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Khonina S.N. Use of photonic crystal resonators for differentiation of optical impulses in time // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 474-478
  • 28 KhONINA S. N., KhARITONOV S.I. Аналог интеграла Рэлея-Зоммерфельда для анизотропной и гиротропной сред // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(2). — P. 172-182
  • 1 KARPEEV S.V., KhONINA S. N., KAZANSKIY N.L. etc. Исследование фокусировки поляризационно-неоднородных лазерных пучков высокого порядка // Computer Optics 2011. — № том 35, № 3. — P. 335-338
  • 2 KARPEEV S.V., KhONINA S. N., KAZANSKIY N.L. etc. Формирование поляризационно-неоднородных лазерных пучков высокого порядка на основе пучков с куруговой поляризацией // Computer Optics 2011. — № том 35, № 2. — P. 224-230
  • 3 KARPEEV S.V., KhONINA S. N. Generating inhomogeneously polarized higher-order laser beams by use of DOEs // Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2011. — № Vol 28 , № 10, Oct 2. — P. 2115-2123
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Pelevina E.A. Analysis of wave aberration influence on reducing focal spot size in a high-aperture focusing system // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 203-219
  • 5 KhONINA S. N., NESTERENKO D.V., MOROZOV A.A. etc. Экспериментальное исследование дифракции линейно-поляризованного Гауссова пучка на бинарных микроаксиконах с периодом близким к длине волны // Computer Optics 2011. — № Том 35, № 1. — P. 11-22
  • 6 KARPEEV S.V., KhONINA S. N. Простой способ генерации поляризационно-неоднородного лазерного излучения, основанный на применении ДОЭ // Computer Optics 2011. — № том 35, N 1. — P. 54-62
  • 7 Khonina S.N., Pelevina E.A. Reduction of the focal spot size in high-aperture focusing systems at inserting of aberrations // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2011. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. — P. 155-167
  • 8 KAChALOV D.G., GAMAZKOV K.A., PAVELEV V.S. etc. Оптимизация бинарного ДОЭ для формирования «световой бутылки» // Computer Optics 2011. — № том 35, N 1. — P. 70-76
  • 9 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Investigation of focusing inhomogeneously polarized higher-order laser beams // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 3. — P. 335-338
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Nesterenko D.V., Morozov A.A. etc. Experimental research of diffraction of an linearly-polarized gaussian beam by binary microaxicon with the period close to wavelength // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 1. — P. 11-21
  • 11 VOLOTOVSKIY S.G., KAZANSKIY N.L., KhONINA S. N. Influence of Vortex Transmission Phase Function on Intensi-ty Distribution in the Focal Area of High-Aperture Focus-ing System // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2011. — № Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.. — P. 23-42
  • 12 KAZANSKIY N.L., KARPEEV S.V., MOISEEV O. Yu. etc. Формирование поляризационно-неоднородных лазер-ных пучков высокого поряд-ка на основе пучков с круго-вой поляризацией // Computer Optics 2011. — № Том 35, № 2.. — P. 224-230
  • 13 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Khonina S.N. Optical nanoresonator in the ridge of photonic crystal waveguides crossing // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 4. — P. 426-431
  • 14 PELEVINA V.A., USTINOV A.V., KhONINA S. N. Analysis of wave aberration in?uence on reducing focal spot size in a high-aperture focusing system // Journal of Optics 2011. — № № 13 (2011) 095702.
  • 15 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. Simple technique of generation inhomogeneously polarized laser beams by means of does // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 1. — P. 54-62
  • 16 Khonina S.N., Golub I. Optimization of focusing of linearly polarized light // Optics Letters 2011. — Vol. 36. Issue 3. — P. 352-354
  • 17 Ustinov A.V., Khonina S.N. Calculation of complex transmission function of refractive axicons // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 4. — P. 480-490
  • 18 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiǐ N.L., Ustinov A.V. etc. The lensacon: Nonparaxial effects // Journal of Optical Technology 2011. — Vol. 78. Issue 11. — P. 724-729
  • 19 Kachalov D.G., Gamazkov K.A., Pavelyev V.S. etc. Optimization of binary doe for formation of the “Light Bottle” // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 1. — P. 70-76
  • 20 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. Generating inhomogeneously polarized higher-order laser beams by use of diffractive optical elements // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2011. — Vol. 28. Issue 10. — P. 2115-2123
  • 21 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L. etc. Forming inhomogeneously polarized higher-order laser beams on the basis of circulary polarised beams // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 224-230
  • 22 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Volotovskiy S. G. Vortex phase transmission function as a factor to reduce the focal spot of high-aperture focusing system // Journal of Modern Optics 2011. — Vol. 58. Issue 9. — P. 748-760
  • 23 Kachalov D.G., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Application of the direct search in solving a problem of forming longitudinal distribution of intensity // Journal of Modern Optics 2011. — Vol. 58. Issue 1. — P. 69-76
  • 24 Khonina S.N., Kazanskiy N.L., Volotovskiy S. G. Influence of Vortex Transmission Phase Function on Intensity Distribution in the Focal Area of High-Aperture Focusing System // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2011. — Vol. 20. Issue 1. — P. 23-42
  • 25 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Pelevina E.A. Analysis of wave aberration influence on reducing focal spot size in a high-aperture focusing system // Journal of Optics 2011. — Vol. 13. Issue 9.
  • 26 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Minimization of light or dark focal spot size with controllable growth of side lobes in focusing systems with the high numerical aperture // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 4. — P. 438-451
  • 27 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Skidanov R.V. Binary lens: Investigation of local focuses // Computer Optics 2011. — Vol. 35. Issue 3. — P. 339-346
  • 28 Khonina S.N. Specular and vortical Airy beams // Optics Communications 2011. — Vol. 284. Issue 19. — P. 4263-4271
  • 1 KhONINA S. N., SKIDANOV R.V., Kachalov D.G. etc. Исследование формирования осевого отрезка с помощью оптимизированного бинарного ДОЭ // Computer Optics 2010. — № т.34,№3. — P. 350-359
  • 2 Kachalov D.G., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Stochastic optimization of radial DOE forming intensity distribution along an axial focal zone // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2010. — Vol. 7717.
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Mirror laser Airy beams // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 2. — P. 203-213
  • 4 KhONINA S. N., USTINOV A.V., VOLOTOVSKIY S.G. etc. Расчёт дифракции линейно-поляризованного ограниченного пучка с постоянной интенсивностью на высокоапертурных бинарных микроаксиконах в ближней зоне // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 4.. — P. 443-461
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Kovalev A.A. etc. Propagation of the radially-limited vortical beam in a near zone. Part I. Calculation algorithms // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 3. — P. 315-329
  • 6 KhONINA S. N. Формирование осевого отрезка с уменьшенным поперечным размером для линейной поляризации освещающего пучка с помощью высокоапертурных бинарных аксиконов, не обладающих осевой симметрией // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 4.. — P. 461-469
  • 7 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Khonina S.N. Harnessing the guided-mode resonance to design nanooptical transmission spectral filters // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2010. — Vol. 19. Issue 4. — P. 318-324
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. Grating-based optical scheme for the universal generation of inhomogeneously polarized laser beams // Applied Optics 2010. — Vol. 49. Issue 10. — P. 1734-1738
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Controlling the contribution of the electric field components to the focus of a high-aperture lens using binary phase structures // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2010. — Vol. 27. Issue 10. — P. 2188-2197
  • 11 Khonina S.N. Formation of an axial line with the reduced cross-section size for linear polarization of an illuminating beam by means of high-aperture binary axicons without axial symmetry // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 4. — P. 461-468
  • 12 Khonina S.N., Kovalev A.A., Ustinov A.V. etc. Propagation of the radially-limited vortical beam in a near zone. Part II. Results of simulation // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 3. — P. 330-339
  • 13 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Control by contribution of components of vector electric field in focus of a high-aperture lens by means of binary phase structures // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 1. — P. 58-68
  • 14 Volotovskiy G.S., KOVALEV A.A., Ustinov A.V. etc. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне. Часть II. Результаты моделирования // Computer Optics 2010. — № том 34, №3.
  • 15 KhONINA S. N., Volotovskiy S.G. Исследование применения аксиконов в высокоапертурной фокусирующей системе // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 1.. — P. 35-51
  • 16 Volotovskiy S.G., KhONINA S. N. Зеркальные лазерные пучки Эйри // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34,№2. — P. 203-213
  • 17 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Kachalov D.G. etc. Investigation of the axial line formation by optimized binary DOE // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 3. — P. 350-359
  • 18 Kazanskiy N.L., Serafimovich P.G., Popov S.B. etc. Using guided-mode resonance to design nano-optical spectral transmission filters // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 2. — P. 162-168
  • 19 Volotovskiy S.G., KOVALEV A.A., Ustinov A.V. etc. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне. Часть I. Алгоритмы расчета // Computer Optics 2010. — № том 34, №3.
  • 20 Khonina S.N., Ustinov A.V., Volotovskiy S. G. etc. Calculation of diffraction of the linearly-polarized limited beam with uniform intensity on high-aperture binary micro-axicons in a near zone // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 4. — P. 443-460
  • 21 KhONINA S. N., Volotovskiy S.G. Управление вкладом компонент векторно-го электрического поля в фокусе высоко-апретурной линзы с помощью бинарных фазовых структур // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 1, с. 58-68.
  • 22 Khonina S.N., Striletz A.S., Kovalev A.A. etc. Propagation of laser vortex beams in a parabolic optical fiber // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2010. — Vol. 7523.
  • 23 Khonina S.N., Karpeev S.V. DOE-based optical scheme for the universal generation and conversion of inhomogeneously polarized laser beams // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2010. — Vol. 7523.
  • 24 KhONINA S. N., KOVALEV A.A., Ustinov A.V. etc. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне: II. Результаты моделирования // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 3.. — P. 330-339
  • 25 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Investigation of axicon application in high-aperture focusing system // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 1. — P. 35-51
  • 26 KhONINA S. N., KOVALEV A.A., Volotovskiy S.G. etc. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне: I. Алгоритмы расчёта // Computer Optics 2010. — № т. 34, № 3.. — P. 315-325
  • 27 KhONINA S. N., Volotovskiy S.G. Controlling the contribution of the electric ?eld components to the focus of a high-aperture lens using binary phase structures // Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2010. — № Vol.27,No10.. — P. 2188-2197
  • 1 Kachalov D.G., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. Optimization of binary doe forming intensity distribution along an axial focal zone // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 4. — P. 441-445
  • 2 Karpeev S.V., Khonina S.N. The optical scheme for universal generation and conversion of nonuniform polarized laser beams by means of DOEs // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 3. — P. 261-267
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Moiseev O.Y. Airy laser beams generation by binary-coded diffractive optical elements for microparticles manipulation // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 2. — P. 138-146
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Balalaev S.A. The comparative analysis of the intensity distributions formed by diffractive axicon and diffractive logarithmic axicon // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 2. — P. 162-174
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Balalaev S.A. Hypergeometrical beams in a near zone of diffraction within the limits of scalar model // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 4. — P. 427-435
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Fracxicon-diffractive optical element with conical focal domain // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 4. — P. 401-411
  • 7 Ananin M.A., Khonina S.N. Modelling of optical processing of images with use of the vortical spatial filter // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 4. — P. 466-472
  • 8 Khonina S.N. Simple way for effective formation various nondiffractive laser beams // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 1. — P. 70-78
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Balalayev S.A., Skidanov R.V. etc. Encoded binary diffractive element to form hyper-geometric laser beams // Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 2009. — Vol. 11. Issue 6.
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. Bounded one-dimensional airy beams: Laser fan // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. — P. 168-175
  • 2 Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Skidanov R.V. etc. Generating hypergeometric laser beams with a diffractive optical element // Applied Optics 2008. — Vol. 47. Issue 32. — P. 6124-6133
  • 3 Skidanov R.V., Khonina S.N., Morozov A.A. etc. Calculating forces acting upon a spherical microobject in hypergeometric beams // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 1. — P. 39-42
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Balalaev S.A. Examination of bounded hypergeometric laser beams properties // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 3. — P. 226-233
  • 5 Striletz A.S., Khonina S.N. Matching and investigation methods based on differential and integral operators of laser radiation propagation in a medium with small inhomogeneities // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 1. — P. 33-38
  • 6 Skidanov R.V., Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V. Optical micromanipulation using a binary dynamic light modulator // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 4. — P. 361-365
  • 7 Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Skidanov R.V. etc. Particular cases of hypergeometric laser beams in optical micromanipulation // Computer Optics 2008. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. — P. 180-186
  • 1 Karpeev S.V., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Fibre sensors based on transverse mode selection // Journal of Modern Optics 2007. — Vol. 54. Issue 6. — P. 833-844
  • 2 Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Hypergeometric modes // Optics Letters 2007. — Vol. 32. Issue 7. — P. 742-744
  • 3 Doskolovich L.L., Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. etc. Design and investigation of color separation diffraction gratings // Applied Optics 2007. — Vol. 46. Issue 15. — P. 2825-2830
  • 4 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V. etc. Rotation of laser beams with zero of the orbital angular momentum // Optics Communications 2007. — Vol. 274. Issue 1. — P. 8-14
  • 5 Azimov J.B., Bagmanov V.H., Bakirov N.K. etc. Information technology of remotely sensed optical image analysis on the basis of multiscale conceptions integration // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6605.
  • 6 Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Skidanov R.V. etc. Simple optical vortices formed by a spiral phase plate // Journal of Optical Technology 2007. — Vol. 74. Issue 10. — P. 686-693
  • 1 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Kovalev A.A. etc. Diffraction of a plane, finite-radius wave by a spiral phase plate // Optics Letters 2006. — Vol. 31. Issue 11. — P. 1597-1599
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Optical micromanipulation using DOEs matched with optical vorticies // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6187.
  • 3 Almazov A.A., Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V. How the tilt of a phase diffraction optical element affects the properties of shaped laser beams matched with a basis of angular harmonics // Journal of Optical Technology 2006. — Vol. 73. Issue 9. — P. 633-639
  • 4 Kotlyar V.V., Kovalev A.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Diffraction of conic and Gaussian beams by a spiral phase plate // Applied Optics 2006. — Vol. 45. Issue 12. — P. 2656-2665
  • 5 Soifer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Remarkable laser beams formed by computer-generated optical elements: Properties and applications // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6252.
  • 6 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Almazov A.A. etc. Elliptic Laguerre-Gaussian beams // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2006. — Vol. 23. Issue 1. — P. 43-56
  • 1 Almazov A.A., Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V. Using phase diffraction optical elements to shape and select laser beams consisting of a superposition of an arbitrary number of angular harmonics // Journal of Optical Technology 2005. — Vol. 72. Issue 5. — P. 391-399
  • 2 Almazov A.A., Khonina S.N. Analysis of angular harmonics-containing laser beams regeneration after an obstacle // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5773. — P. 75-86
  • 3 Karpeev S.V., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. High-effective fiber sensors based on transversal mode selection // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5854. — P. 163-169
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Kotlyar V.V. etc. DOE-generated laser beams with a given orbital angular momentum: Application for micromanipulation // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5962. Issue 1.
  • 5 Almazov A.A., Khonina S.N. Analysis of angular harmonics-containing laser beams regeneration after an obstacle // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5772. — P. 42-53
  • 6 Kotlyar V.V., Almazov A.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Generation of phase singularity through diffracting a plane or Gaussian beam by a spiral phase plate // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2005. — Vol. 22. Issue 5. — P. 849-861
  • 7 Karpeev S.V., Pavelyev V.S., Soifer V.A. etc. Transverse mode multiplexing by diffractive optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5854. — P. 1-12
  • 1 Soifer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. Optical microparticle manipulation: Advances and new possibilities created by diffractive optics // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2004. — Vol. 35. Issue 6. — P. 733-766
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Rotation of microparticles with Bessel beams generated by diffractive elements // Journal of Modern Optics 2004. — Vol. 51. Issue 14. — P. 2167-2184
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Rotating microobjects using a DOE-generated laser bessel beam // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5456. — P. 244-255
  • 4 Korsakova S.S., Nalimov A.G., Khonina S.N. A method of calculating the diffraction and refraction of radiation at a dielectric cylinder // Journal of Optical Technology . — 2004. — Vol. 71. Issue 7. — P. 472-477
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Rotation of microparticles with Bessel beams generated by diffractive elements // Journal of Modern Optics 2004. — Vol. 51. Issue 14. — P. 2167-2184
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Astigmatic bessel laser beams // Journal of Modern Optics 2004. — Vol. 51. Issue 5. — P. 677-686
  • 7 Skidanov R.V., Khonina S.N. How processing errors and broadening of the emission line of a laser affect the operating quality of diffractive optical elements // Journal of Optical Technology . — 2004. — Vol. 71. Issue 7. — P. 469-471
  • 8 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Phase diffractive filter to analyze an output step-index fiber beam // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5182. — P. 251-259
  • 9 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Generation and selection of laser beams represented by a superposition of two angular harmonics // Journal of Modern Optics 2004. — Vol. 51. Issue 5. — P. 761-773
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Skidanov R.V., Almazov A.A. etc. DOE for optical micromanipulation // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5447. — P. 304-311
  • 1 Filkin V.V., Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Optical manipulators based on laser beams with nonzero orbital momentum // Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL. — 2003. — Vol. 1. — P. 201-203
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Optodigital system for identifying fingerprints in real time // Journal of Optical Technology 2003. — Vol. 70. Issue 8. — P. 586-589
  • 3 Filkin, VV, Khonina, SN, Kotlyar, VV etc. Optical manipulators based on laser beams with Nonzero orbital momentum // CAOL '2003: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED OPTOELECTRONICS AND LASERS, VOL 1. — 2003. — P. 201-203
  • 4 Khonina, SN, Skidanov, RV, Kotlyar, VV Phase diffractive filter to analyze an output step-index fiber beam // NONLINEAR AND COHERENT OPTICS - LASERS OPTICS '98. — 2003. — Vol. 5182. — P. 251-259
  • 1 Soifer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Measuring the geometric parameters using image processing and diffractive optics methods // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 4900. Issue 2. — P. 996-1006
  • 2 Filkin V.V., Khonina S.N., Kotova S.P. etc. Micro-object manipulation by laser beams with nonzero orbital momentum // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 5129. — P. 140-146
  • 3 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Sojfer V.A. etc. Light field orbital angular moment measurement with the help of diffractive optical element // Avtometriya 2002. — Issue 3. — P. 33-44
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Almazov A.A. Generating Gaussian beams using energy-efficient phase DOEs // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 5067. — P. 7-13
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Almazov A.A. Design of multi-channel phase spatial filter for selection of Gauss-Laguerre laser modes // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 4705. — P. 30-39
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. Techniques for encoding composite diffractive optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 5036. — P. 493-498
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. An analysis of the angular momentum of a light field in terms of angular harmonics // Journal of Modern Optics 2001. — Vol. 48. Issue 10. — P. 1543-1557
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. An analysis of the angular momentum of a light field in terms of angular harmonics // Journal of Modern Optics 2001. — Vol. 48. Issue 10. — P. 1543-1557
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Soifer V.A. A method for computing the eigenvalues of prolate spheroidal functions of order zero // Doklady Mathematics 2001. — Vol. 63. Issue 1. — P. 136-138
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Volotovskiy S. G. , Sojfer V.A. A method to compute eigenvalues of prolate spheroidal functions of zero order // Doklady Akademii Nauk 2001. — Vol. 376. Issue 1. — P. 30-33
  • 5 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. etc. Selection of angular harmonics by the use of diffractive optical elements // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 2001. — Vol. 4403. — P. 271-279
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Levelling the focal spot intensity of the focused gaussian beam // Journal of Modern Optics 2000. — Vol. 47. Issue 5. — P. 883-904
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Levelling the focal spot intensity of the focused gaussian beam // Journal of Modern Optics 2000. — Vol. 47. Issue 5. — P. 883-904
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Skidanov R.V. etc. Gauss-Laguerre modes with different indices in prescribed diffraction orders of a diffractive phase element // Optics Communications 2000. — Vol. 175. Issue 4. — P. 301-308
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Generation of Gauss-Hermite modes using binary DOEs // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2000. — Vol. 4016. — P. 234-239
  • 5 Volkov A.V., Kotlyar V.V., Moiseev O.V. etc. Binary Diffraction Optical Element Focusing a Gaussian Beam to a Longitudinal Segment // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 2000. — Vol. 89. Issue 2. — P. 318-323
  • 1 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Generation of rotating gauss—Laguerre modes with binary-phase diffractive optics // Journal of Modern Optics 1999. — Vol. 46. Issue 2. — P. 227-238
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Generating a couple of rotating nondiffracting beams using a binary-phase DOE // Optik (Jena) 1999. — Vol. 110. Issue 3. — P. 137-144
  • 3 Khonina, SN, Kotlyar, VV, Soifer, VA etc. Generation of rotating Gauss-Laguerre modes with binary-phase diffractive optics // Journal of Modern Optics 1999. — Vol. 46. Issue 2. — P. 227-238
  • 4 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soǐfer V.A. Self-reproduction of multimode Hermite-Gaussian beams // Technical Physics Letters 1999. — Vol. 25. Issue 6. — P. 489-491
  • 1 Ha Yonggang, Zhao Dazun, Wang Yongtian etc. Diffractive optical element for Zernike decomposition // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1998. — Vol. 3557. — P. 191-197
  • 2 Khonina, SN, Kotlyar, VV, Soifer, VA etc. Decomposition of a coherent light field using a phase Zernike filter // NONLINEAR AND COHERENT OPTICS - LASERS OPTICS '98. — 1998. — Vol. 3573. — P. 550-553
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. Diffraction optical elements matched to the gauss-laguerre modes // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 1998. — Vol. 85. Issue 4. — P. 636-644
  • 4 Kotlyar V., Soifer V.A., Khonina S.N. Phase formers of light fields with longitudinal periodicity // Optika i Spektroskopiya 1998. — Vol. 84. Issue 5. — P. 853-859
  • 5 Kotlyar V., Soifer V.A., Khonina S.N. Phase formers of light fields with longitudinal periodicity // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 1998. — Vol. 84. Issue 5. — P. 771-777
  • 6 Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A., Khonina S.N. Rotation of multimodal Gauss-Laguerre light beams in free space and in a fiber // Optics and Lasers in Engineering 1998. — Vol. 29. Issue 4-5. — P. 343-350
  • 7 Pääkkönen P., Lautanen J., Honkanen M. etc. Rotating optical fields: Experimental demonstration with diffractive optics // Journal of Modern Optics 1998. — Vol. 45. Issue 11. — P. 2355-2369
  • 8 Soifer V., Kotlyar V., Khonina S. etc. Optical-digital methods of fingerprint identification // Optics and Lasers in Engineering 1998. — Vol. 29. Issue 4-5. — P. 351-359
  • 9 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Light field decomposition in angular harmonics by means of diffractive optics // Journal of Modern Optics 1998. — Vol. 45. Issue 7. — P. 1495-1506
  • 10 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Generalized hermite beams in free space // Optik (Jena) 1998. — Vol. 108. Issue 1. — P. 20-26
  • 1 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. A method for design of DOE for the generation of contour images // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1997. — Vol. 3348. — P. 48-55
  • 2 Soifer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Image recognition using a directions field technique // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1997. — Vol. 3346. — P. 238-258
  • 3 Kotlyar V.V., Sojfer V.A., Khonina S.N. Calculation algorithm of diffraction optical elements for generation of rotating modal images // Avtometriya 1997. — Issue 5. — P. 46-54
  • 4 Skidanov R.V., Sojfer V.A., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Optical-digital experiment on fingerprint identification // Avtometriya 1997. — Issue 5. — P. 55-63
  • 5 Kotlyar V.V., Soǐfer V.A., Khonina S.N. Rotation of multimode Gauss-Laguerre light beams in free space // Technical Physics Letters 1997. — Vol. 23. Issue 9. — P. 657-658
  • 6 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. etc. Finger-print recognition using Hadamard-expanded partial images // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1997. — Vol. 3238. — P. 66-73
  • 7 Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A., Khonina S.N. An algorithm for the generation of laser beams with longitudinal periodicity: Rotating images // Journal of Modern Optics 1997. — Vol. 44. Issue 7. — P. 1409-1416
  • 1 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Iterative calculation of diffractive optical elements focusing into a three-dimensional domain and onto the surface of the body of rotation // Journal of Modern Optics 1996. — Vol. 43. Issue 7. — P. 1509-1524
  • 2 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Calculation of phase formers of non-diffracting images and a set of concentric rings // Optik (Jena) 1996. — Vol. 102. Issue 2. — P. 45-50
  • 3 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. etc. Optical/digital system for fingerprint recognition // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1996. — Vol. 2778. Issue PART 1. — P. 493-494
  • 4 Soifer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. etc. Fingerprint identification using the directions field // Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition. — 1996. — Vol. 3. — P. 586-590
  • 5 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. Phase diffractive optical elements for the Hadamard expansion // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1996. — Vol. 2951. — P. 181-185
  • 6 Sojfer V.A., Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N. An optical method of directions field construction // Avtometriya 1996. — Issue 1. — P. 31-36
  • 1 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Phase optical elements for widening a minimum diffraction spot // Optics and laser technology 1995. — Vol. 27. Issue 4. — P. 235-240
  • 2 Khonina Svetlana N., Kotlyar Viktor V. Bessel-mode formers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1995. — Vol. 2363. — P. 184-190
  • 3 Kotlyar V.V., Khonina S.N., Soifer V.A. Algorithm for the generation of non-diffracting bessel modes // Journal of Modern Optics 1995. — Vol. 42. Issue 6. — P. 1231-1239
  • 4 Khonina Svetlana N., Kotlyar Viktor V., Soifer Viktor A. etc. Optical-digital method for detecting distortions of microcrystal structure on a tear crystallogram // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1995. — Vol. 2363. — P. 249-255
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V. etc. Focusators into a ring // Optical and Quantum Electronics 1993. — Vol. 25. Issue 11. — P. 801-814
  • 2 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. Diffraction computation of 'focusator' into longitudinal segment and multifocal lens // Ultrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy VI - Proceeding of SPIE. — 1993. — Vol. 1780.
  • 3 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Soifer V.A. Calculation of the focusators into a longitudinal line-segment and study of a focal area // Journal of Modern Optics 1993. — Vol. 40. Issue 5. — P. 761-769


  • 1 Khonina S.N., Porfirev A.P., Ustinov A.V. etc. Polarization Transformation Using Thin Optical Elements Barcelona, Spain: IFSA Publishing, 2019. 43p.


  • 1 Хонина С.Н., Порфирьев А.П., Хорин П.А. и др. Многопорядковые оптические пространственные вихревые фильтры для одновременного выделения контуров различных частей объекта // Компьютерная оптика. — 2024. — Т. 48. № 4. — С. 525-534
  • 1 Фролов А.О., Ustinov А.V., Хонина С.Н. Changing the trajectory of Airy beam sets with spatial carriers // Computer Optics. — 2022. — Т. 46. Вып. 5. № 5. — С. 724-732
  • 2 Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Aberration-Matched Filter for the Topological Vortex Charge Analysis // Photonics Russia. — 2022. — Т. 16. Вып. 5. № 5. — С. 416-424
  • 1 Клебанов Я.М., Карсаков А.В., Хонина С.Н. и др. Компенсация аберраций волнового фронта в телескопах космических аппаратов с регулировкой температурного поля телескопа // Компьютерная оптика. — 2017. — Т. 41. № 1. — С. 30-36
  • 2 Reddy A.N.K., Sagar D.K., Хонина С. Н. Asymmetric apodization for the comma aberrated point spread function // Компьютерная оптика. — 2017. — Т. 41. Вып. 4. — С. 484-488
  • 3 Бутт М. , Козлова Е. С. , Хонина С. Н. Conditions of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric TIO2/SIO2 // Компьютерная оптика. — 2017. — Т. 41. Вып. 4. — С. 494-498
  • 4 Хонина С.Н., Волотовский С.Г., Устинов А.В. и др. Анализ фокусировки гармонической дифракционной линзой с учётом дисперсии показателя преломления // Компьютерная оптика. — 2017. — Т. 41. № 3. — С. 338-347
  • 5 Харитонов С.И., Волотовский С.Г., Хонина С.Н. Гибридный асимптотический метод анализа каустик оптических элементов в радиально-симметричном случае // Компьютерная оптика. — 2017. — Т. 41. Вып. -. № 2. Ч. -. — С. 175-182
  • 1 Паранин В.Д., Карпеев С.В., Хонина С.Н. Управление формированием вихревых пучков Бесселя в с-срезах одноосных кристаллов за счет изменения расходимости пучка // Квантовая электроника. — 2016. — № Т. 46, № 2. — С. 163-168
  • 2 Паранин В.Д., Хонина С.Н., Карпеев С.В. Управление оптическими свойствами кристалла CaCO3 в задачах формирования вихревых пучков Бесселя путем нагрева // Автометрия. — 2016. — № Т. 52, № 2. — С. 81-87
  • 3 Хонина С. Н. , Паранин В. Д. Electro-optical correction of bessel beam conversion along the axis of a barium niobate-strontium crystal // Компьютерная оптика. — 2016. — Т. 40. Вып. 4. — С. 475-481
  • 1 Ustinov A.V., Дегтярев С. А. , Хонина С. Н. Diffraction by a conical axicon considering multiple internal reflections // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 4. — С. 500-507
  • 2 Хонина С. Н. , Дегтярев С. А. , Порфирьев А. П. и др. Study of Focusing into Closely Spaced Spots Via Illuminating a Diffractive Optical Element by a Short-Pulse Laser Beam // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 2. — С. 187-196
  • 3 Паранин В. Д. , Карпеев С. В. , Хонина С. Н. Generation of radially polarized beams based on the refractive optical elements with interference polarizing coatings // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 4. — С. 492-499
  • 4 Кириленко М. С. , Zubtsov R.O., Хонина С. Н. Calculation of eigenfunctions of a bounded fractional fourier transform // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 3. — С. 332-338
  • 5 Савельев Д. А. , Хонина С. Н. Characteristics of sharp focusing of vortex Laguerre-Gaussian beams // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 5. — С. 654-662
  • 6 Карпеев С. В. , Хонина С. Н. , Харитонов С. И. Study of the Diffraction Grating on a Convex Surface as a Dispersive Element // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 2. — С. 211-217
  • 7 Хонина С. Н. , Ustinov A.V., Скиданов Р. В. и др. Comparative study of the spectral characteristics of aspheric lenses // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 3. — С. 363-369
  • 8 Харитонов С. И. , Волотовский С. Г. , Хонина С. Н. и др. A differential method for calculating x-ray diffraction by crystals: The scalar theory // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 4. — С. 469-479
  • 9 Хонина С. Н. , Ustinov A.V. Analysis of interference of cylindrical laser beams generated by ring optical elements with a vortex phase at sharp focusing // Компьютерная оптика. — 2015. — Т. 39. Вып. 1. — С. 12-25
  • 10 Савельев Д.А., Хонина С.Н. Исследование дифракции гауссовых лазерных пучков на микродефектах // Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика. — 2015. — № Т. 58, № 11/3. — С. 157-161
  • 11 Хонина С. Н. , Дегтярев С. А. A Longitudinally Polarized Beam Generated by a Binary Axicon // Journal of Russian Laser Research. — 2015. — Т. 36. Вып. 2. — С. 151-161
  • 12 Хонина С.Н., Волотовский С.Г., Устинов А.В. и др. Теоретическое исследование фокусировки вихревых гауссовых пучков вдоль оси кристалла // Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета. — 2015. — № Том 14, № 1. — С. 190-206
  • 1 АЛФЁРОВ С.В., КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. и др. Экспериментальное исследование фокусировки неоднородно поляризованных пучков, сформированных при помощи секторных пластинок // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — № Т.38, №1. — С. 57-64
  • 2 Карпеев С. В. , Alferov S.V., Хонина С. Н. и др. Study of the broadband radiation intensity distribution formed by diffractive optical elements // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 4. — С. 689-694
  • 3 Хонина С. Н. , Карпеев С. В. , Alferov S.V. Theoretical and an experimental research of polarizing transformations in uniaxial crystals for generation cylindrical vector beams of high orders // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 2. — С. 171-180
  • 4 САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А., ХОНИНА С. Н. Влияние субволновых деталей микрорельефа на картину дифракции гауссовых пучков // Вестник СГАУ. — 2014. — № – Т.43. – №1.. — С. 275-284
  • 5 ХОНИНА С. Н., ФИДИРКО Н.С. Исследование встречной интерференции остросфокусированных пучков с различной поляризацией // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2014. — № – Т.16. – №4.. — С. 27-33
  • 6 КРАСНОВ А.П., ХОНИНА С. Н. Сравнительное моделирование распространения лазерных пучков в одноосном кристалле на основе интегральных операторов // Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета им. академика С.П. Королёва (национального исследовательского университета). — 2014. — № № 1 (43). — С. 238-252
  • 7 УСТИНОВ А. В., ХОНИНА С. Н. Расчёт дифракции плоской волны на рассеивающем дробном аксиконе с учётом затухающих волн // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2014. — № – Т.16. – №4.. — С. 34-41
  • 8 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д. А. Оптимизация оптических микроэлементов с использованием высокопроизводительных компьютерных систем // Известия высших учебных заведений. Радиофизика. — 2014. — № – Т.57. – №8-9.. — С. 728-737
  • 9 Савельев Д. А. , Хонина С. Н. Numerical analysis of subwavelength focusing using a silicon cylinder // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 4. — С. 638-642
  • 10 Хонина С. Н. , Ustinov A.V., Ковалев А. А. и др. Near-field propagation of vortex beams: Models and computation algorithms // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics). — 2014. — Т. 23. Вып. 2. — С. 50-73
  • 11 Кириленко М. С. , Хонина С. Н. Calculation of eigenfunctions for imaging two-lens system with axial symmetry // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 3. — С. 412-417
  • 12 Хонина С. Н. , Волотовский С. Г. Application axicons in a large-aperture focusing system // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics). — 2014. — Т. 23. Вып. 4. — С. 201-217
  • 13 Хонина С. Н. , Паранин В. Д. , Карпеев С. В. и др. Study of polarization transformations and interaction of ordinary and extraordinary beams in nonparaxial regime // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 4. — С. 598-605
  • 14 Дегтярев С. А. , Хонина С. Н. , Подлипнов В. В. Formation of spiral intensity by binary vortical axicon // Компьютерная оптика. — 2014. — Т. 38. Вып. 2. — С. 237-242
  • 1 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А. Высокоапертурные бинарные аксиконы для формирования продольной компоненты электрического поля на оптической оси при линейной и круговой поляризациях освещающего пучка // ЖЭТФ. — 2013. — № – Т.144. – №4 . — С. 718-729
  • 2 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А., УСТИНОВ А.В. Острая фокусировка лазерного излучения с помощью двухзонного аксиального микроэлемента // Компьютерная оптика. — 2013. — № – Т.37. – №.2. — С. 160-169
  • 3 ХОНИНА С. Н., АЛФЁРОВ С.В., КАРПЕЕВ С.В. и др. Исследование поляризационной чувствительности ближнепольного микроскопа с использованием бинарной фазовой пластины. // Компьютерная оптика. — 2013. — № № 3, Т. 37. — С. 326-331
  • 4 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., АЛФЁРОВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. и др. Экспериментальная демонстрация формирования продольной компоненты электрического поля на оптической оси с помощью высокоапертурных бинарных аксиконов при линейной и круговой поляризации освещающего пучка // Компьютерная оптика. — 2013. — № Т 37, N 1. — С. 76-87
  • 5 Хонина С. Н. , Ustinov A.V. Analysis of the axial distribution of a tightly focused beam with different polarizations // Компьютерная оптика. — 2013. — Т. 37. Вып. 1. — С. 59-67
  • 6 ХОНИНА С. Н., КИРИЛЕНКО М.С. Формирование оптического сигнала, согласованного со сфероидальными функциями, для передачи в линзовой системе без искажений // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2013. — № – Т.15. – №6.. — С. 31-34
  • 7 Хонина С. Н. , Савельев Д. А. , Ustinov A.V. Diffraction of laser beam on a two-zone cylindrical microelement // Компьютерная оптика. — 2013. — Т. 37. Вып. 2. — С. 160-169
  • 8 ХОНИНА С. Н., УСТИНОВ А.В. Формирование конической фокальной области при острой фокусировке // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2013. — № – Т.15. – №4.. — С. 23-30
  • 9 УСТИНОВ А.В., ХОНИНА С. Н., КАРСАКОВ А.В. Анализ осевого распределения, формируемого фраксиконом в параксиальном и непараксиальном случаях // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2013. — № – Т.15. – №4.. — С. 18-25
  • 1 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А., Пустовой И.А. и др. Дифракция на бинарных микроаксиконах в ближней зоне // Оптический журнал. — 2012. — № – Т.79. – №10.. — С. 22-29
  • 2 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н., МОИСЕЕВ О.Ю. и др. Поляризационный конвертор для формирования лазерных пучков высокого порядка с использованием бинарного дифракционного оптического элемента. // Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Сер. Физ.-мат. науки.. — 2012. — № №1 (26). — С. 1-19
  • 3 Кириленко М.С., Хонина С.Н. Передача информации с использованием оптических вихрей // Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук. — 2012. — № Т. 14, № 6-1. — С. 292-299
  • 4 КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., ВОЛОТОВСКИЙ С.Г., ХАРИТОНОВ С.И. и др. Расчёт энергетического спектра сложных низкоразмерных гетероструктур в присутствии электрического поля // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(1). — С. 27-33
  • 5 КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., СЕРАФИМОВИЧ П.Г., ХОНИНА С. Н. Повышение пространственного перекрытия резонансных мод фотоннокристаллического нанорезонатора // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(2). — С. 199-204
  • 6 ХОНИНА С. Н., КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., ХАРИТОНОВ С.И. Теория возмущений для уравнения Шрёдингера в периодической среде в квазиимпульсном представлении // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(1). — С. 21-26
  • 7 ХОНИНА С. Н., ХАРИТОНОВ С.И., ЗОТЕЕВА О.В. Непараксиальное распространение гауссовых пучков под углом к оси анизотропного кристалла // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(3). — С. 346-356
  • 8 КАЧАЛОВ Д.Г., ПАВЕЛЬЕВ В.С., ХОНИНА С. Н. и др. Экспериментальная реализация оптического захвата микрочастиц на основе применения бинарного радиального ДОЭ // КОМПЬЮТЕРНАЯ ОПТИКА. — 2012. — № 36(1). — С. 91-95
  • 9 ДЕГТЯРЕВ С.А., ХОНИНА С. Н. Острая фокусировка линейно-поляризованного вихревого пучка с помощью микроаксикона // Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета. — 2012. — № 32(1). — С. 195-206
  • 10 ХОНИНА С. Н., УСТИНОВ А.В. Уменьшение размера фокального пятна при радиальной поляризации с помощью бинарного кольцевого элемента // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(2). — С. 219-226
  • 11 ХОНИНА С. Н., ХАРИТОНОВ С.И. Аналог интеграла Рэлея-Зоммерфельда для анизотропной и гиротропной сред // Компьютерная оптика. — 2012. — № 36(2). — С. 172-182
  • 1 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. Генерация поляризационно-неоднородных лазерных пучков высокого порядка на основе применения ДОЭ // Известия СНЦ РАН. — 2011. — № Т.13, № 4. — С. 29 - 38
  • 2 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н., КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л. и др. Исследование фокусировки поляризационно-неоднородных лазерных пучков высокого порядка // Компьтерная оптика. — 2011. — № том 35, № 3. — С. 335-338
  • 3 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н., КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л. и др. Формирование поляризационно-неоднородных лазерных пучков высокого порядка на основе пучков с куруговой поляризацией // Компьютерная оптика. — 2011. — № том 35, № 2. — С. 224-230
  • 4 ХОНИНА С. Н., НЕСТЕРЕНКО Д.В., МОРОЗОВ А.А. и др. Экспериментальное исследование дифракции линейно-поляризованного Гауссова пучка на бинарных микроаксиконах с периодом близким к длине волны // Компьютерная оптика. — 2011. — № Том 35, № 1. — С. 11-22
  • 5 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. Простой способ генерации поляризационно-неоднородного лазерного излучения, основанный на применении ДОЭ // Компьютерная оптика. — 2011. — № том 35, N 1. — С. 54-62
  • 6 КАЧАЛОВ Д.Г., ГАМАЗКОВ К.А., ПАВЕЛЬЕВ В.С. и др. Оптимизация бинарного ДОЭ для формирования «световой бутылки» // Компьютерная оптика. — 2011. — № том 35, N 1. — С. 70-76
  • 7 КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., КАРПЕЕВ С.В., МОИСЕЕВ О. Ю. и др. Формирование поляризационно-неоднородных лазер-ных пучков высокого поряд-ка на основе пучков с круго-вой поляризацией // Компьютерная оптика.. — 2011. — № Том 35, № 2.. — С. 224-230
  • 8 ВОЛОТОВСКИЙ С.Г., КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., УСТИНОВ А.В. и др. Линзакон: непараксиальные эффекты // Оптический журнал.. — 2011. — № Том 78, № 11.. — С. 44-51
  • 9 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А. Применение аксиконов в изображающих системах для увеличения глубины фокуса // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2011. — № 13(6). — С. 7-15
  • 10 ХОНИНА С. Н., ЗОТЕЕВА О.В., КАРПЕЕВ С.В. Астигматическое преобразование одномерных распределений для формирования матриц оптических вихрей // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. — 2011. — № 13(6). — С. 16-25
  • 1 ХОНИНА С. Н., СКИДАНОВ Р.В., Качалов Д.Г. и др. Исследование формирования осевого отрезка с помощью оптимизированного бинарного ДОЭ // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т.34,№3. — С. 350-359
  • 2 ХОНИНА С. Н., НАЛИМОВ А.Г. Сравнение методов расчета распространения ренгеновского излучения через ДОЭ в параксиальной области // Известия СНЦ РАН. — 2010. — № т.12,№4. — С. 26-31
  • 3 ХОНИНА С. Н., УСТИНОВ А.В., ВОЛОТОВСКИЙ С.Г. и др. Расчёт дифракции линейно-поляризованного ограниченного пучка с постоянной интенсивностью на высокоапертурных бинарных микроаксиконах в ближней зоне // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 4.. — С. 443-461
  • 4 ХОНИНА С. Н, Устинов А.В., Волотовский С.Г. и др. Алгоритм быстрого расчета дифракции радиально-вихревых лазерных полей на микроапертуре // Известия СНЦ РАН. — 2010. — № Т.12, №4. — С. 15-25
  • 5 ХОНИНА С. Н. Формирование осевого отрезка с уменьшенным поперечным размером для линейной поляризации освещающего пучка с помощью высокоапертурных бинарных аксиконов, не обладающих осевой симметрией // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 4.. — С. 461-469
  • 7 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н., ВОЛКОВ А. В. и др. Высокоапертурный бинарный биаксикон для дальнейшего ИК-диапазона: изготовление и экспериментальное тестирование при линейной поляризации падающего излучения // Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета имени академика С.П. Королева (национальнго исследовательского университета). — 2010. — № №4 (24). — С. 215-223
  • 8 КАРПЕЕВ С.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. Генерация и анализ модовых всетовых пучков с помощью многопорядковых ДЩЭ, согласованных с модами лазерного излучения и функциями Цернике // Вестник Самарского государственного аэрокосмического университета имени академика С.П. Королева (национального исследовательского университета). — 2010. — № №4 (24). — С. 202-214
  • 9 НАЛИМОВ А.Г., ХОНИНА С. Н. Сравнение методов расчета распространения рентгеновского излучения через ДОЭ в параксиальной области // Известия СНЦ РАН. — 2010. — № т.12, № 4.. — С. 26-31
  • 10 Волотовский Г.С., КОВАЛЕВ А.А., Устинов А.В. и др. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне. Часть II. Результаты моделирования // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № том 34, №3.
  • 11 ХОНИНА С. Н., Волотовский С.Г. Исследование применения аксиконов в высокоапертурной фокусирующей системе // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 1.. — С. 35-51
  • 12 Волотовский С.Г., ХОНИНА С. Н. Зеркальные лазерные пучки Эйри // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34,№2. — С. 203-213
  • 13 Волотовский С.Г., КОВАЛЕВ А.А., Устинов А.В. и др. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне. Часть I. Алгоритмы расчета // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № том 34, №3.
  • 14 ХОНИНА С. Н., Волотовский С.Г. Управление вкладом компонент векторно-го электрического поля в фокусе высоко-апретурной линзы с помощью бинарных фазовых структур // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 1, с. 58-68.
  • 15 ХОНИНА С. Н., Волотовский Г.С., Устинов А.В. и др. Алгоритмы быстрого расчета дифракции радиально-вихревых лазерных полей на микроапертуре // Известия Самарского научного цен-тра РАН. — 2010. — № т. 12, № 3.. — С. 15-25
  • 16 ХОНИНА С. Н., КОВАЛЕВ А.А., Устинов А.В. и др. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне: II. Результаты моделирования // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 3.. — С. 330-339
  • 17 ХОНИНА С. Н., КОВАЛЕВ А.А., Волотовский С.Г. и др. Распространение радиально-ограниченных вихревых пучков в ближней зоне: I. Алгоритмы расчёта // Компьютерная оптика. — 2010. — № т. 34, № 3.. — С. 315-325


  • 1 Устинов А.В., Логачев В.И., Хонина С.Н. Расчёт функции пропускания обобщённой спиральной фазовой пластинки для формирования заданной кривой // X Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2024). — 2024. — Т. 1.
  • 1 Хорин П.А., Волотовский С.Г., Вечканова П.А. и др. Применение метода моментов для компенсации аберраций волнового фронта // XX Международная конференция по голографии и прикладным оптическим технологиям "HOLOEXPO 2023" . — 2023. — С. 86-98
  • 2 Сергунин С.К., Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Фокусировка поляризованного Гауссова пучка набором эллиптических и круглых пластинок // XXI Международная научно-техническая конференция «ОПТИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ТЕЛЕКОММУНИКАЦИЯХ» ОТТ-2023. — 2023. — Т. 2. — С. 213-215
  • 3 Сергунин С.К., Хонина С.Н. Дифракция линейно-поляризованного Гауссова пучка на эллиптических пластинках // IX Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2023). — 2023. — Т. 1.
  • 1 Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Моделирование компенсации волновых аберраций роговицы миопического глаза человека // XXXII Международная школа-симпозиум по голографии, когерентной оптике и фотонике. — 2022. — С. 123-125
  • 2 Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Влияния отклонений 3D формы спиральной микроструктуры на свойства формируемого вихревого пучка в ближней зоне дифракции // XIX Международная конференция по голографии и прикладным оптическим технологиям HOLOEXPO Science & Practice 2022. — 2022. — С. 383-387
  • 1 Прокофьева И.А., Подлипнов В.В., Хонина С.Н. Классификация оптически сформированных мод Эрмита-Гаусса с применением сверточной нейронной сети // VII Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2021). — 2021. — Т. 1.
  • 1 Фролов А.О., Хонина С.Н. Моделирование распространения наборов автофокусирующихся лазерных пучков // XVIII Международная научно-техническая конференция «Оптические технологии в телекоммуникациях» ОТТ-2020. — 2020. — С. 93-94
  • 1 Хонина С.Н., Дегтярев С.А., Савельев Д.А. Металинза для формирования продольно поляризованной фотонной иглы // V Международная конференция и молодежная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Т. 1. — С. 546-549
  • 2 Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Расчет дифракционных оптических элементов для формирования освещающих пучков в плоскостной микроскопии // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Т. 1. — С. 63-69
  • 1 Хорин П.А., Хонина С.Н. Метод фазового контраста Цернике с применением динамического транспаранта // XX Международная научно-техническая конференция «Проблемы техники и технологии телекоммуникаций» и XVI Международная научно-техническая конференция «Оптические технологии в телекоммуникациях». — 2018. — Т. 2. — С. 168-170
  • 2 Ивлиев Н.А., Подлипнов В.В., Хонина С.Н. Исследование влияния поляризации лазерных пучков на форму сформированных ими микровыступов в карбазолсодержащем азополимере // Проблемы техники и технологии телекоммуникаций. Оптические технологии в телекоммуникациях. — 2018. — Т. 2. — С. 184-186
  • 1 Verma P.., S.A. Degtyarev, Reddi A.N.K. etc. Computer-Aided Design and Simulation of TiO2 Micro-Ring Resonator, Materials of International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation // International Conference on Signal, Image Processing Communication and Automation 2017. — 2017. — P. 361-366
  • 2 Савельев Д.А., Дегтярев С.А., Хонина С.Н. Исследование вихревых затухающих полей в ближней зоне оптоволоконного тейпера и субволнового дифракционного аксикона // II НАУЧНЫЙ ФОРУМ ТЕЛЕКОММУНИКАЦИИ: ТЕОРИЯ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ТТТ-2017. Оптические технологии в телекоммуникациях ОТТ-2017. — 2017. — С. 79-80
  • 3 Савельев Д.А., Хонина С.Н. Генерация затухающих пучков с помощью бинарных дифракционных аксиконов с числовой апертурой больше единицы // Международная молодежная конференция ФизикА.СПб 2017. — 2017. — С. 188-190
  • 4 Верма П.., Павельев В.С., Андреева Т.В. и др. Design and simulation of a MEMS differential capacitive accelerometer with hairpin beams // III Международная конференция и молодежная школа "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии (ИТНТ-2017)". — 2017. — С. 14-17
  • 5 Butt M.A., Elyutin V. V., Khonina S.N. Modeling of a Cold mirror based on TiO2/MgF2 and TiO2/SiO2 at 45 degree angle of incidence // III международная конференция и молодёжная школа "Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии" (ИТНТ-2017). — 2017. — P. 26-28
  • 1 Савельев Д.А., Хонина С.Н. Исследование формирования протяженного фокуса дифракционным аксиконом и слоистыми линзами, согласованными между собой // XIV Международная научно-техническая конференция ОТТ-2016. — 2016. — С. 78-79
  • 2 Верма П.., Павельев В.С., Володкин Б.О. и др. Разработка, изготовление и исследование симметрично-разделенного гироскопа в МЭМС-исполнении // Актуальные проблемы радиоэлектроники и телекоммуникаций: материалы Всероссийской научно-технической конференции. — 2016. — С. 154-157
  • 3 Verma P.., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Simulation of titanium oxide micro-ring resonator using COMSOL Multiphysics // ICANN-2016. — 2016. — P. 396
  • 4 Verma P.., Pavelyev V.S., Khonina S.N. etc. Mechanical design and simulation of a differential SOL MEMS accelerometer // ICANN-2016. — 2016. — P. 420-421
  • 1 Паранин В.Д., Бакиров Ш.М., Карпеев С.В. и др. Термооптическое преобразование пучков Бесселя нулевого и второго порядков в z­срезе кристалла CaCO3 // IX Международная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов «Оптика -­ 2015». — 2015. — С. 309-311
  • 2 Кириленко М.С., Зубцов Р.О., Хонина С.Н. Расчет собственных функций ограниченного волновода с квадратичным показателем преломления // IX Международная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов «Оптика-2015». — 2015. — С. 587-589
  • 3 Porfirev A.P., Degtyarev S.A., Khonina S.N. etc. Chromatics aberrations of diffractive elements in pulsed laser beams formation // International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computers (APSAC 2015). — 2015. — P. 50-53
  • 4 Кириленко М.С., Хонина С.Н. Вычисление вихревых собственных функций ограниченного оператора передачи сигнала через линзовую систему // XVI Международная научно-техническая конференция «Проблемы техники и технологии телекоммуникаций». — 2015. — С. 77-79
  • 5 Паранин В.Д., Карпеев С.В., Хонина С.Н. Оптико­-механическое управление преобразованием пучков Бесселя в с­-срезе ниобата лития // IX Международная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов «Оптика ­ 2015». — 2015. — С. 104-106
  • 6 Дегтярев С.А., Порфирьев А.П., Хонина С.Н. и др. Демонстрация спектральной устойчивости вихревых пучков, формируемых в высших порядках дифракции // IX Международная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов Оптика-2015. — 2015. — С. 193-196
  • 7 Карпеев С.В., Хонина С.Н., Харитонов С.И. Разработка и исследование макетного образца гиперспектрометра по схеме Оффнера // IV Всероссийская научно-техническая конференция «Актуальные проблемы ракетно-космической техники» («IV Козловские чтения»). — 2015. — С. 225-225
  • 8 Порфирьев А.П., Хонина С.Н. Экспериментальное исследование многопорядковых дифракционных оптических элементов, согласованных с базисом полиномов Цернике двух типов // Международная научно-техническая конференция \"Проблемы техники и технологии телекоммуникаций\". — 2015. — С. 116-118
  • 9 Savelyev D.A. , Kazanskiy N.L., Khonina S.N. Detection Singular Polarization State by Multi-Order Diffractive Optical Element // Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Physics, Simulation and Computers (APSAC 2015). — 2015. — P. 87-91
  • 10 Khonina S.N., Kotlyar V.V., Kirsh D.V. Zernike phase spatial filter for measuring the aberrations of the optical structures of the eye // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2015. — № Vol. 1, No. 2. — P. 146-153
  • 11 Савельев Д.А., Хонина С.Н., Казанский Н.Л. Слоистые линзы с линейной зависимостью изменения показателя преломления // XIII Международная научно-техническая конференция \"Оптические технологии в телекоммуникациях\". — 2015. — С. 93-95
  • 1 ДЕГТЯРЕВ С.А., ХОНИНА С. Н. Формирование протяженного продольно-поляризованного лазерного пучка // VIII международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики». — 2014. — С. 232-235
  • 2 ХОНИНА С. Н., КИРИЛЕНКО М.С. Математическое моделирование прохождения сигнала через двух-линзовую оптическую систему без искажений // VIII международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики». — 2014. — С. 264-267
  • 3 КРАСНОВ А.П., ХОНИНА С. Н. Сравнение распространения гауссовых и бесселевых лазерных пучков в одноосном кристалле // VIII международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики». — 2014. — С. 273-275
  • 4 САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А., ХОНИНА С. Н. Формирование продольно-поляризованного светового отрезка с использованием лазерных пучков с вихревой фазовой сингулярностью // Международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики». — 2014. — С. 276-278
  • 5 Савельев Д.А., Хонина С.Н. Analysis of Near-Field Diffraction Patterns of Gaussian Beams for Surface Defects Detection // 9th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding. — 2014. — С. 34-37
  • 6 Краснов А.П., Хонина С.Н. Моделирование распространения лазерных пучков в одноосном кристалле на основе интегральных операторов // XII Всероссийский молодёжный Самарский конкурс-конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике. — 2014. — С. 252-260
  • 1 ALFEROV S.V., KARPEEV S.V., KhONINA S. N. Study of sharply focusing higher – order inhomogeneously polarized laser beams by means of near-field microscopy. // International conference ICONO/LAT.. — 2013. — P. 45-46
  • 2 Кириленко М.С., Хонина С.Н. Описание прохождения оптического сигнала в линзовой системе на основе его разложения по сфероидальным функциям // XI Всероссийский молодежный Самарский конкурс-конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике. — 2013. — С. 82-88
  • 1 KARPEEV S.V., ALFEROV S.V., KhONINA S. N. Generation and conversion of mode beams and their polarization states on the basis of DOEs application // Sino-Russia bilateral scientific seminar on diffractive optics and nano-photonics. — 2012. — P. 88-97
  • 2 KAZANSKIY N.L., KhONINA S. N., SOYFER V.A. Optical Vortices in a Fiber: Mode Division Multiplexing and Multimode Self-Imaging // Recent Progress in Optical Fiber Research, Croatia, InTech. — 2012. — P. 327-352
  • 3 ХОНИНА С. Н., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А. Сравнение фокусирующих свойств аксиконоподобных структур // Международный научно-технический форум, посвященный 100-летию ОАО 'КУЗНЕЦОВ' и 70-летию СГАУ. — 2012. —
  • 4 ХОНИНА С. Н., ЗОТЕЕВА О.В. Влияние астигматического искажения на фокусирующие свойства высокоапертурной линзы // VII международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики – 2012». — 2012. — С. 161-163
  • 5 ХОНИНА С. Н., УСТИНОВ А.В., САВЕЛЬЕВ Д.А. Анализ фокусирующих свойств аксиконоподобных структур // VII международная конференция «Фундаментальные проблемы оптики – 2012». — 2012. — С. 411-414
  • 1 KhONINA S. N., KARPEEV S.V. Generation and conversion of mode beams and their polarization states on the basis of DOEs application // Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics. — 2011. — P. 1 DVD-ROM, LFS3
  • 2 СОЙФЕР В.А., ГОЛОВАШКИН Д.Л., ДОСКОЛОВИЧ Л.Л. и др. Решение задач дифракционной нанофотоники на основе уравнений Максвелла. // Современные проблемы прикладной математики и механики: теория, эксперимент и практика.. — 2011. —
  • 3 KAZANSKIY N.L., SOYFER V.A., KhONINA S. N. Optical Vortices in a Fiber: Mode Division Multiplexing and Multimode Self-Imaging // InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2011. 2011. —
  • 4 ZOTEEVA O.V., KhONINA S. N. Nonparaxial modeling of astigmatic trans-formation using binary does and cylindrical lens // Труды международной конференции “Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics (APCOM)”. — 2011. —
  • 5 Savelev S.V., KhONINA S. N. Overcoming the diffraction limit of a con-trolled increase in sidelobe // Труды международной конференции “Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics (APCOM)”.. — 2011. —
  • 6 KhONINA S. N., DEGTYaREV S.A. Subwavelength focusing of electromagnetic waves with phase’s singularity in the optical taper // Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conferences on “Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics (APCOM)”. — 2011. —
  • 7 ХОНИНА С. Н., ЗОТЕЕВА О.В. Непараксиальное моделирование лазерных пучков с вихревыми фазовыми особенностями с применением дифракционных оптических элементов // VII международная конференция молодых ученых и специалистов «Оптика - 2011». — 2011. —
  • 8 KhONINA S. N., ZOTEEVA O.V., KARPEEV S.V. Astigmatic transformation of one-dimensional distributions for generation optical vortex arrays // Pacific Science Review 2011. — № 13(3). — P. 233-241
  • 1 Зотеева О.В., ХОНИНА С. Н. Астигматическое преобразование одно-мерных распределений, согласованных с функциями Эйри // Международная конференция «Перспективные информационные технологии для авиации и космоса» .. — 2010. — С. 890-894
  • 2 КАЗАНСКИЙ Н.Л., СЕРАФИМОВИЧ П.Г., ХОНИНА С. Н. Использование параллельных методов оптимизациидля создания нанооптических спектральных пропускающих фильтров // 7-ая Международная научно-практическая конференция ГОЛОЭКСПО-2010. — 2010. — С. 52-62
  • 3 ХОНИНА С. Н., Зотеева О.В. Астигмтическое преобразование ономерных распределений, согласованных с функциями Эйри // Перспективные инфрмационные технологии для авыиации и космоса. — 2010. —
  • 4 ХОНИНА С. Н., Пелевина В.А. Исследование влияния аберраций на высокоапертурные фокусирующие системы // Перспективные иформационные технологии для авиации и космоса. — 2010. — С. 564-569
  • 5 Дегтярев С.А., ХОНИНА С. Н. Моделирование распространения лазер-ных пучков с фазовой сингулярностью в оптических волноводах // Международная конференция «Перспективные информационные технологии для авиации и космоса». — 2010. — С. 877-881
  • 6 ХОНИНА С. Н., Савеьев Д.А. Улучшение разрешения на основе использования пространственых фильтров // Перспективные информационные технологи для авиации и космоса. — 2010. — С. 579-584
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