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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

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The invention of our University scientists is included into the list of 10 Russian inventions that can change the world

The invention of our University scientists is included into the list of 10 Russian inventions that can change the world

Самарский университет

The rating is issued by RIA Novosti information agency

Видео Исследования кафедра суперкомпьютеров и общей информатики СМИ о Самарском университете
17.04.2018 1970-01-01
The invention of Samara National Research University scientists is included into the list of 10 Russian inventions that can change the world. The rating has been issued by RIA Novosti information agency.
The invention is the ultralight diffractive lens. The invention was represented at one of the biggest European technological conferences – WebSummit 2017, which was held in November 2017 in Lisbon.
One optical element weighing only 5 gr is able to substitute a sophisticated and bulky system of lens and mirrors similar to the one used in telephoto lens with a focal distance of 300 mm and weighing about 500 gr.
Beside the Samara University scientists’ invention the rating includes other inventions offered by the Russian universities as well as the results of cooperative work involving university researchers, research institutes and ministries.