федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


Springboard into scientific life
Springboard into scientific life

Scientific summer school “Modern methods of quantum chemistry in applications” draws conclusions


 “We are studying combustion processes to learn how life on the Earth was aroused”
“We are studying combustion processes to learn how life on the Earth was aroused”

Ralf Kaiser told about the search of “life cradle” and how a mega-grant can help in it


Economy of technologies is popular among future engineers
Economy of technologies is popular among future engineers

Summer school of high technologies management has ended


A unique setting for the research of combustion reaction is being built at Samara University
A unique setting for the research of combustion reaction is being built at Samara University

The work is being conducted in the frame of the mega-grant being led by Alexandre Mebel


Zhores Alferov: “Future lies in the union of computer technologies and biology”
Zhores Alferov: “Future lies in the union of computer technologies and biology”

The Nobel Prize Winner shared his ideas on the development of human society and its driving force, i.e. science


Applied Navigation
Applied Navigation

How GNSS technologies can help graduates of Samara University to build careers


Samara University bachelors are going to China for studies
Samara University bachelors are going to China for studies

The level of engineering training at Samara University was estimated highly in Nanjing

