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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Melnikov, Aleksey A.

  • Department of Metals Technology and Aviation Materials, associate professor
  • 1 Zhukov D.V., Giorbelidze M.G., Mel’nikov A.A. etc. Method for Evaluation and Visualization of the Microstructure Materials Heterogeneity // Russian Metallurgy (Metally) 2023. — Vol. 2023. Issue 13. № 13. — P. 2126-2132
  • 1 Zhukov D., Konovalov S., Chen D. etc. Specifics of diagnostics and investigation of material properties in pipes with planar defects // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING 2022. — Vol. 199.
  • 2 Murzin S.P., Palkowski H., Melnikov A.A. etc. Laser Welding of Metal-Polymer-Metal Sandwich Panels // Metals 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 2.
  • 3 Murzin S.P., Palkovski Kh., Melnikov A.A. etc. Improving the Quality of Laser-Welded Butt Joints of Metal–Polymer Sandwich Composites // Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 14. № 14.
  • 4 Zhukov D.V., Melnikov A.A., Konovalov S.V. etc. Reasons for formation of transverse cracks in longitudinal weld of a pipe of the main gas pipeline // Chernye Metally 2022. — Vol. 2022. Issue 9. № 9. — P. 34-38
  • 5 Bondareva O.S., Dobychina O.S., Melnikov A.A. etc. Fractographic analysis of fracture features of a slugger punch and profile bending roll made of Kh12MF steel // Chernye Metally 2022. — Vol. 2022. Issue 9. № 9. — P. 39-44
  • 6 Murzin S.P., Palkowski H., Melnikov A.A. etc. Features of laser welding of sandwich composite metal-polymer materials // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 7 Bondareva O.S., Dobychina O.S., Melnikov A.A. etc. EDS + EBSD Phase Analysis of the Zinc Coating Formed on Steel in a Melt with Nickel Microadditives // Journal of Surface Investigation 2022. — Vol. 16. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 1069-1073
  • 1 Zhukov D. V. , Konovalov S. V. , Melnikov A. etc. Evaluation of strength and microstructure of welded pipes with wall lamination // ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS 2021. — Vol. 122.
  • 2 Murzin S.P., Melnikov A.A., Blokhin M.V. etc. Use of diffractive optics for structures formation in dual-phase steel with reduced microhardness // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 3 Murzin S.P., Blokhin M.V., Melnickov A.A. Synthesis of metal-semiconductor nanocomposite based on zinc oxide by laser irradiation // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 4 Zhukov D.V., Melnikov A.A., Konovalov S.V. etc. Analysis of manufacturing internal pressure induced defects of the pipe wall with modeling of stresses // Chernye Metally 2021. — Issue 10. — P. 49-55
  • 5 Rumyantsev R.N., Mel’nikov A.A., Batanov A.A. etc. Effect of Mechanochemical Activation Conditions on the Physicochemical Properties of Zinc Oxide // Glass and Ceramics (English translation of Steklo i Keramika) 2021. — Vol. 77. Issue 9-10. — P. 400-404
  • 6 Zhukov D. V. , Konovalov S. V. , Melnikov A.A. etc. Metallography of non-metallic inclusions in pipe metal and impact assessment of defect structures on non-destructive testing outcomes // CIS IRON AND STEEL REVIEW 2021. — Vol. 21. — P. 58-63
  • 1 Murzin S.P., Balyakin V.B., Liedl G. etc. Improving tribological properties of stainless steel surfaces by femtosecond laser irradiation // Coatings 2020. — Vol. 10. Issue 7.
  • 2 Murzin S., Kazanskiy N., Liedl G. etc. Study of structure of dual phase steel after laser heat treatment using moving distributed surface heat sources // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 3 Sotov A. V. , Agapovichev A. V. , Smelov V.G. etc. Investigation of the IN-738 superalloy microstructure and mechanical properties for the manufacturing of gas turbine engine nozzle guide vane by selective laser melting // International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2020. — Vol. 107. Issue 5-6. — P. 2525-2535
  • 1 Zagulyaev D., Konovalov S. V. , Gromov V. etc. Research into morphology and phase structure in the surface of Al-Si alloy modified by yttrium oxide // Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 2019. — Vol. 67. Issue 2. — P. 173-177
  • 2 Melnikov A.A., Dmitrieva M.O. Исследование механизма разрушения рабочей поверхности крупногабаритных подшипников в процессе эксплуатации // Vestnik of Samara University. Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 2019. — Vol. 18. № 1. — P. 184-191
  • 3 Murzin S.P., Liedl G., Bielak R. etc. Conditions improving of laser heating for forming of materials with a ferritic-martensitic structure // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 1 Afanasyev A.V., Mel'Nikov A.A., Konovalov S. V. etc. The Analysis of the Influence of Various Factors on the Development of Stress Corrosion Defects in the Main Gas Pipeline Walls in the Conditions of the European Part of the Russian Federation // International Journal of Corrosion 2018. — Vol. 2018.
  • 2 Afanas’Ev A.V., Mel’Nikov A.A., Vas’Kov M.I. etc. Cyclic tests of stress-corrosion cracks of steel gas pipeline pipes in the absence of corrosive environment // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Chernaya Metallurgiya 2018. — Vol. 61. Issue 8. — P. 589-595
  • 3 Afanas’ev A.V., Mel’nikov A.A., Vas’kov M.I. etc. Cyclic Tests of Stress-corrosion Cracks in Steel Gas Pipelines with No Corrosive Fluid // Steel in Translation 2018. — Vol. 48. Issue 8. — P. 483-488
  • 4 Murzin S.P., Liedl G., Pospichal R. etc. Study of the action of a femtosecond laser beam on samples of a Cu-Zn alloy // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 1 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A. Исследование тонкой структуры и энергодисперсионный элементный микроанализ наноразмерных структурных составляющих цинкового покрытия на сталях с различным содержанием кремния // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН 2017. — Vol. 19. № 1 (3). — P. 511-516
  • 2 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A. Влияние содержания кремния в конструкционных сталях на строение и скорость роста цинкового покрытия // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН 2017. — Vol. 19. № 1 (3). — P. 506-510
  • 1 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A. Effect of the silicon content in steel on the hot-dip zinc coating microstructure formation // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 156. Issue 1.
  • 2 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A. Improving the quality of the coating at hot-dip galvanizing of machine steels in the zinc melt with microadditives of nickel // Key Engineering Materials. — 2016. — Vol. 685. — P. 380-384
  • 1 Murzin S.P., Balyakin V.B., Melnikov A.A. etc. Determining ways of improving the tribological properties of the silicon carbide ceramic using a pulse-periodic laser treatment // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 1. — P. 64-69
  • 2 MURZIN S.P., BALYaKIN V.B., MELNIKOV A.A. etc. Определение возможности улучшения трибологических свойств керамики из карбида кремния импульсно-периодической лазерной обработкой // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. № 1. — P. 64-69
  • 1 Bondareva, Olga, Melnikov, Alexsey Study of The Coatings Structure At High Temperature Hot-Dip Galvanizing Steel With A High Silicon Content // INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MECHANICS AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING (ICMME 2014). — 2014. — P. 419-423
  • 2 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A., Amosov A. P. Influence of hot-dip galvanizing temperature on formation of zinc coating on a steel with a high silicon content // Advances in Environmental Biology 2014. — Vol. 8. Issue 10. — P. 943-948
  • 3 MELNIKOV A.A., Bondareva O.S. Study of the Coat ings Struct ure at High Temp er at ure Hot-DipGalv an iz ing Steel with a High Sil ic on Content // International Conference on Mechanics and Materials Engineering 2014. — № 1. — P. 419-424
  • 1 Murzin S.P., Tregub V.I., Melnikov A.A. etc. Application of radiation focusators for creation of nanoporous metal materials with high specific surface area by laser action // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 2. — P. 226-232
  • 2 Bondareva O.S., Melnikov A.A. Исследование механизма влияния микродобавок алюминия и никеля в расплаве цинка на строение фаз цинкового покрытия на кремнийсодержащих сталях // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН 2013. — Vol. 15. № 6 (3). — P. 607-611
  • 1 Sverdlin A., Loumacheva T., Melnikov A. etc. Application of Recycled Metal Powder for Machine Parts Production // ASM Proceedings: Heat Treating. — 2000. — Vol. 2. — P. 1024-1028
  • 1 Sverdlin A., Ioumacheva T., Sarbaeva K. etc. Recycled Steel Powder as the Source for the Machine Parts Manufacturing // ASM Proceedings: Heat Treating. — 1999. — P. 171-177
  • 1 Lyssenko Natalia, Sverdlin Alexey, Ness Arnold etc. Powder production by recycling waste products // Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate Materials. — 1997. — Vol. 1. — P. 2-79