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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Doroshin, Anton V.

  • head of
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics, head
  • 1 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A.V. Attitude Dynamics of a Composite Nanosatellite with a Gravitational Damper and with a Movable Unit on a Rail System // 2024 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2024. — 2024. —
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Elisov N.A. Multi-rotor spacecraft attitude control by triggering chaotic modes on strange chaotic attractors // Nonlinear Dynamics 2024. — Vol. 112. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 4617-4649
  • 3 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A.V. Attitude dynamics of a dual-spin nanosatellite with a gravitational damper // Advances in Space Research 2024. — Vol. 73. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 3166-3178
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Exact solutions in attitude dynamics of a magnetic dual-spin spacecraft and a generalization of the lagrange top // WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2013. — Vol. 12. Issue 10. — P. 471-482
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Spinup-capture dynamics of multi-rotor nanosatellites and somersaulting robots // Proceedings of 2013 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2013. — 2013. — P. 613-617
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Exact solutions for angular motion of coaxial bodies and attitude dynamics of gyrostat-satellites // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2013. — Vol. 50. — P. 68-74
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. The motion of a system of coaxial bodies of variable mass // Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 2004. — Vol. 68. Issue 6. — P. 999-1009
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. The motion of a system of coaxial bodies of variable mass // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2004. — Vol. 68. Issue 6. — P. 899-908
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V., Kruglov G.E. The motion of coaxial bodies of varying composition on the active leg of descent // Cosmic Research 2005. — Vol. 43. Issue 3. — P. 213-221
  • 1 Doroshin, Anton V. Phase space research of one non-autonomous dynamic system // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY (EDU'07). — 2007. — P. 161-+
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Evolution of the precessional motion of unbalanced gyrostats of variable structure // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2008. — Vol. 72. Issue 3. — P. 259-269
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Synthesis of attitude motion of variable mass coaxial bodies // WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control 2008. — Vol. 3. Issue 1. — P. 50-61
  • 3 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. Influence of disturbances on the angular motion of a spacecraft in the powered section of its descent // Cosmic Research 2008. — Vol. 46. Issue 2. — P. 166-171
  • 1 Doroshin, Anton V. Attitude Control of Spider-type Multiple-rotor Rigid Bodies Systems // WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING 2009, VOLS I AND II. — 2009. — P. 1544-1549
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Analysis of attitude motion evolutions of variable mass gyrostats and coaxial rigid bodies system // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2010. — Vol. 45. Issue 2. — P. 193-205
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. Chaotic dynamics of an unbalanced gyrostat // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2010. — Vol. 74. Issue 5. — P. 524-535
  • 3 DOROShIN A.V. Perturbed Chaotic Motion of Spider-Type Multibody System // USNCTAM2010 660// Proceedings of the 16th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics USNCTAM2010. — 2010. —
  • 4 Doroshin A.V. Hamiltonian dynamics of spider-type multirotor rigid bodies systems // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2010. — Vol. 1220. — P. 27-42
  • 1 DOROShIN A.V. Attitude Motion Dynamics of Spider-type Multirotor Rigid Bodies System and Spacecraft // Sixth International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications. — 2011. —
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Modeling of chaotic motion of gyrostats in resistant environment on the base of dynamical systems with strange attractors // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2011. — Vol. 16. Issue 8. — P. 3188-3202
  • 3 DOROShIN A.V. Perturbed motion of spider-type multirotor spacecraft at presence of control system harmonic errors // Scientific and Technological Experiments on Automatic Space Vehicles and small Satellites. — 2011. — P. 91
  • 1 DOROShIN A.V. Motion Dynamics of Walking Robots with Multi-Rotor Drive Systems // Recent research in Communications, Electronics, Signal Processing & Automatic Control. – Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA’12) 2012. — P. 122-126
  • 2 DOROShIN A.V. Plenary Lecture 4: Attitude Dynamics and Control of Multi-Rotor Spacecraft and Roll-Walking Robots // 11th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ISPRA’12). — 2012. — P. 15
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Heteroclinic dynamics and attitude motion chaotization of coaxial bodies and dual-spin spacecraft // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2012. — Vol. 17. Issue 3. — P. 1460-1474
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Multi-spin spacecraft and gyrostats as dynamical systems with multiscroll chaotic attractors // Proceedings of 2014 Science and Information Conference, SAI 2014. — 2014. — P. 882-887
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Krikunov M.M. Attitude dynamics of a spacecraft with variable structure at presence of harmonic perturbations // Applied Mathematical Modelling 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 7-8. — P. 2073-2089
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Chaos and its avoidance in spinup dynamics of an axial dual-spin spacecraft // Acta Astronautica 2014. — Vol. 94. Issue 2. — P. 563-576
  • 4 Doroshin A.V. Homoclinic solutions and motion chaotization in attitude dynamics of a multi-spin spacecraft // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2014. — Vol. 19. Issue 7. — P. 2528-2552
  • 5 Doroshin A.V., Krikunov M.M. Dynamical analysis and synthesis of inertia-mass configurations of a spacecraft with variable volumes of liquids in jet engine tanks // WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2014. — Vol. 13. — P. 690-698
  • 6 Doroshin A.V., Neri F. Open research issues on nonlinear dynamics, dynamical systems and processes // WSEAS Transactions on Systems 2014. — Vol. 13. — P. 644-647
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. The Dynamics of Small Satellites with a Three-Axial Gravitational Damper // Mechanics of Solids 2023. — Vol. 58. Issue 8. № 8. — P. 2884-2893
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A.V. Heteroclinic chaos detecting in dissipative mechanical systems: Chaotic regimes of compound nanosatellites dynamics // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2023. — Vol. 127.
  • 3 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A.V. Investigation of the attitude dynamics of a composite nanosatellite with a gravitational damper on circular orbits // 2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT). — 2023. —
  • 1 Anton V. Doroshin IMAGES OF CHAOS IN ATTITUDE DYNAMICS OF MULTI-SPIN SPACECRAFT AND GYROSTAT-SATELLITES // Journal of Dynamics and Vibroacoustics 2015. — Vol. 2. № 2. — P. 17-27
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Initiations of chaotic regimes of attitude dynamics of multi-spin spacecraft and gyrostat-satellites basing on multiscroll strange chaotic attractors // IntelliSys 2015 - Proceedings of 2015 SAI Intelligent Systems Conference. — 2015. — P. 698-704
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Attitude control and angular reorientations of dual-spin spacecraft and gyrostat-satellites using chaotic regimes initiations // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2015. — Vol. 2217. — P. 100-104
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Heteroclinic chaos and its local suppression in attitude dynamics of an asymmetrical dual-spin spacecraft and gyrostat-satellites. The Part I-Main models and solutions // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2016. — Vol. 31. Issue 1-3. — P. 151-170
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Initiations of chaotic motions as a method of spacecraft attitude control and reorientations // International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS 2015) & World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2015). — 2016. — P. 15-28
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Heteroclinic chaos and its local suppression in attitude dynamics of an asymmetrical dual-spin spacecraft and gyrostat-satellites. The Part II-The heteroclinic chaos investigation // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2016. — Vol. 31. Issue 1-3. — P. 171-196
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Analytical solutions for dynamics of dual-spin spacecraft and gyrostat-satellites under magnetic attitude control in omega-regimes // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2017. — Vol. 96. — P. 64-74
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Attitude dynamics of gyrostat–satellites under control by magnetic actuators at small perturbations // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2017. — Vol. 49. — P. 159-175
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Attitude Dynamics of Spacecraft with Control by Relocatable Internal Position of Mass Center // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2017. — Vol. 2227. — P. 231-235
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. New strange chaotic attractors in dynamical systems of multi-spin spacecraft and gyrostats // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2018. — Vol. 15. — P. 771-782
  • 2 Doroshin A.V. Computing the heteroclinic orbits splitting in systems phase spaces via the matricant method // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2018. — Vol. 2233. — P. 428-433
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Some properties of gyrostats dynamical regimes close to new strange attractors of the newton-leipnik type // Studies in Computational Intelligence. — 2018. — Vol. 751. — P. 156-176
  • 4 Doroshin A.V. Chaos as the hub of systems dynamics. The part I––The attitude control of spacecraft by involving in the heteroclinic chaos // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2018. — Vol. 59. — P. 47-66
  • 1 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Shilnikov’s homoclinic loops in attitude dynamics of Cubesat-3U nanosatellites with one movable unit // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2019. — Vol. 2239. — P. 73-76
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Attitude dynamics of nanosatellite with a module on retractable beams // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1260. Issue 11.
  • 3 Doroshin A.V. Regimes of regular and chaotic motion of gyrostats in the central gravity field // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2019. — Vol. 69. — P. 416-431
  • 4 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Nutational oscillations suppression in attitude dynamics of spacecraft by relative motion of its movable module // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 4.
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Change of mechanical structures of spacecraft with variable quantity of degrees of freedom in purposes of reaction/momentum wheels unloading // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 984. Issue 1.
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Stabilization of the rotational motion of a composite nanosatellite with a mobile module mounted on a rotating platform // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 984. Issue 1.
  • 3 Vostokin Sergey Vladimirovich, Doroshin A.V. A Software Package for Studying Dynamical Systems Using the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent in a Hybrid Computing Environment // Международная конференция «Суперкомпьютерные дни в России». — 2020. — P. 4-10
  • 4 Popov S. N. , Vostokin S.V., Doroshin A.V. Dynamical systems analysis using many-task interactive cloud computing // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1694. Issue 1.
  • 5 Doroshin A. Implementation of regimes with strange attractors in attitude dynamics of multi-rotor spacecraft // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 1 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Attitude control of nanosatellite with single thruster using relative displacements of movable unit // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2021. — Vol. 235. Issue 7. — P. 758-767
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Aspects of Chaotic Regimes of a Nanosatellite With Movable Unit // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2021. — Vol. 2243. — P. 39-43
  • 3 Doroshin A., Krikunov M. Phase Trajectories Curvature Computing for Qualitative Analysis of Spacecraft Dynamics as Variable Structure Bodies // 15th International IEEE Scientific and Technical Conference Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines, Dynamics 2021 - Proceedings. — 2021. —
  • 4 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Reorienting nanosatellites to a predefined attitude using angular displacements of movable modules // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol. 1745. Issue 1.
  • 5 Doroshin A.V. Redistributions of Relative Angular Momentum in Multi-rotor Systems of Multi-spin Spacecraft // Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science. — 2021. — Vol. 2243. — P. 35-38
  • 1 Doroshin A.V. Schemes of momentum/reaction wheels unloading by mechanical restructuring and gearbox for spacecraft // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2022. — Vol. 108.
  • 2 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A. V. Synthesis of dynamics of nanosatellites with variable inertial-mass parameters // OMFI-2021. — 2022. — Vol. 2182. Issue 1.
  • 3 Doroshin A.V., Krikunov M.M. The generalized method of phase trajectory curvature synthesis in spacecraft attitude dynamics tasks // International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 2022. — Vol. 147.
  • 4 Doroshin A.V., Eremenko A.V. Attitude dynamics modeling of a dual-spin nanosatellite with an elastic longitudinal axis // 2022 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT 2022. — 2022. —
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Doroshin A.V. Stabilization of a reentry vehicle by a partial spin-up during uncontrolled descent // Cosmic Research 2002. — Vol. 40. Issue 2. — P. 178-185