федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Shevchenko, Ekaterina S.

  • Department of Russian and Foreign Literature and Public Relations, professor
  • Department of English Philology, professor
  • 1 Tyutelova L.G., Shevchenko E.S., Lisovitskaya V.N. etc. The Problem of Text Transformation in Digital Communication // Proceedings of the 2023 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar 2023, ComSDS 2023. — 2023. — P. 159-163
  • 1 Lisovitskaya Valeriya Nikolaevna, Tyutelova L.G., Shevchenko V.D. etc. Организация диалога компании и целевой аудитории посредством историй // Российская школа связей с общественностью 2022. — Issue 25. — P. 104-121
  • 2 Tyutelova L.G., Shevchenko E.S., Lisovitskaya V.N. etc. The Problem of Organizing a Dialogue between a Company and Its Target Audience in Digital Society via Storytelling // Proceedings of the 2022 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar 2022, ComSDS 2022. — 2022. — P. 202-206
  • 3 Shevchenko V., Shevchenko E. Semiotics of discourses in interaction // In Esse: English Studies in Albania 2022. — Vol. 13. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 103-114
  • 1 Shevchenko V.D., Shevchenko E.S. Cognitive and pragmatic peculiarities of positive and negative food representation in Russian media discourse // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Yazyk i Literatura 2021. — Vol. 18. Issue 2. — P. 417-431
  • 2 Tytelova L.G., Lisovitskaya V.N., Shevchenko E.S. etc. Communication Strategies of Provincial Cultural Facilities in Digital Environment // Proceedings of the 2021 Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2021. — 2021. — P. 31-36
  • 3 Shevchenko V.D., Makarychev A.V., Shevchenko E.S. etc. Literary character within the situation of uncertainty // European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences 2021. — Vol. 119. — P. 405-412
  • 1 Tyutelova L.G., Lisovitskaya V.N., Shevchenko E.S. etc. The Voice-Activated Digital Assistants in the Brand-Consumer Communication // Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2020. — 2020. — P. 137-140
  • 1 Tyutelova L.G., Lisovitskaya V.N., Shevchenko E.S. etc. The Problem of Comprehension in Digital Communication // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2019 . — 2019. — P. 104-107
  • 2 Shevchenko Ekaterina Sergeevna The Visual Codes of “The Ivanovs’ Christmas Party” Play by Alexander Vvedensky // Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики 2019. — № 3. — P. 180-186
  • 1 Tyutelova L.G., Shevchenko V.D., Shevchenko E.S. Role of artistic communicative strategies in modern day politics // Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Workshop, ComSDS 2018. — 2018. — Vol. 2018-January. — P. 66-71
  • 1 Shevchenko E.S. Театральная аксиология Николая Евреинова // Vestnik of Samara State University: History. Linguistics. Study of Literature. Pedagogics 2017. — № 1.2. — P. 165-169
  • 1 Shevchenko V.D., Shevchenko E.S. Когнитивные доминанты в дискурсе // Vestnik of Samara State University: History. Linguistics. Study of Literature. Pedagogics 2016. — № 3.2. — P. 243-248
  • 2 Shevchenko E.S. «Победа над Солнцем» А. Крученых и традиции русской драматической и театральной пародии // Vestnik os Samara State University 2016. — № 1. — P. 124-129