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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Artemev, Dmitriy N.

  • Department of Laser and Biotechnical Systems, associate professor
  • Institute of Space Device Engineering, senior researcher
  • Research laboratory of radio-electronic methods and devices for diagnostics of aircraft systems, senior researcher
  • 1 Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko L.A., Matveeva I.A. etc. Differential Rapid Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer and Its Benign Pathological Conditions Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy // Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering 2024. — Vol. 10. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 1 Zuev V.M., Lystsev D.V., Artem’ev D.N. etc. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy in women with benign and malignant endometrial diseases // V.F. Snegirev Archives of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 299-310
  • 2 Remizov N.V., Bataeva E.M., Stramousov D.P. etc. 3D Printed Modular Vein Viewing System Based on Differential Light Absorption in the Near Infrared Range // Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering 2023. — Vol. 9. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 3 Gorshkova A., Gorshkov M., Tripathi N. etc. Enhancement in NO2 sensing properties of SWNTs: A detailed analysis on functionalization of SWNTs with Z-Gly-OH // Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 2023. — Vol. 34. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 1 Artemyev D.N., Shackaya A. A. Study of spurious optical signals in a fiber-optic Raman spectroscopy system // Optics and laser technology 2022. — Vol. 152.
  • 2 Ryabochkina P.A., Belyaev A.N., Artemov A.A. etc. Prospects of automating the process of endovasal laser coagulation with using the visualization of the venous bed // 2022 International Conference Laser Optics, ICLO 2022 - Proceedingss. — 2022. —
  • 3 Shackaya A.A., Frolova Y., Artemyev D. Optical modeling of compact Raman biomedical probe for endoscopic applications // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2022. — Vol. 12144.
  • 1 Shackaya A. A. , Artemev D. 3D-printed collection channel of Raman probe designed using modular approach // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2021. — Vol. 11920.
  • 2 Bratchenko I.A., Bratchenko L.A., Moryatov A.A. etc. In vivo diagnosis of skin cancer with a portable Raman spectroscopic device // Experimental Dermatology 2021. — Vol. 30. Issue 5. — P. 652-663
  • 3 Artemyev D.N., Kukushkin V.I., Avraamova S.T. etc. Using the method of “optical biopsy” of prostatic tissue to diagnose prostate cancer // Molecules 2021. — Vol. 26. Issue 7.
  • 4 Shavaeva R.Kh., Kukushkin V.I., Artemyev D.N. etc. Assessment of the carotenoid pool using resonance raman spectroscopy in pregnant women with preeclampsia // Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii 2021. — Vol. 20. Issue 1. — P. 40-46
  • 5 Shackaya A. A. , Cherepanov K.V., Artemyev D.N. Long-pass edge interference filters designing in NIR spectral range for Raman spectroscopy // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 6 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Khristoforova Y.A. etc. Raman spectroscopy of human skin for kidney failure detection // Journal of Biophotonics 2021. — Vol. 14. Issue 2.
  • 7 Shavaeva R.Kh., Kukushkin V.I., Artemev Dmitriy Nikolaevich etc. Определение пула каротиноидов с использованием резонансной рамановской спектроскопии у беременных с преэклампсией // Voprosy Ginekologii, Akusherstva i Perinatologii 2021. — Vol. 20. № 1. — P. 40-46
  • 1 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko L.A., Khristoforova Y.A. etc. Multiparametric spectral diagnosis of skin cancer // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11363.
  • 2 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Lykina A. A. etc. Comparative study of multivariative analysis methods of blood Raman spectra classification // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 2020. — Vol. 51. Issue 2. — P. 279-292
  • 3 Artemyev D., Kukushkin V., Shavaeva R. etc. The study of methods of spontaneous and resonance Raman spectroscopy of blood plasma for the rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 4 Artemyev D.N., Shackaya A. A. , Bratchenko I.A. Fiber probe configurations simulation for depth-resolved skin fluorescence registration // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11363.
  • 5 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Bratchenko L.A. etc. Optical biopsy of skin cancer based on Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 11582.
  • 6 Bratchenko I.A., Bratchenko L.A., Khristoforova Yu.A. etc. Multivariative analysis of Raman and autofluorescence spectra of human tissues // Twelfth Winter Symposium on Chemometrics "Modern Methods of Data Analysis". — 2020. — P. 54-55
  • 7 Bratchenko Ivan Alekseevich, Artemev D.N., Khristoforova Yu.A. etc. Raman Spectroscopy Techniques for Skin Cancer Detection and DiagnosisCham: Springer Nature, 2020. 35p.
  • 8 Shackaya A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. Modeling of Fiber Optic Probes for Selective Fluorescence Sensing of Multilayered Biological Tissues // Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 2020. — Vol. 87. Issue 1. — P. 112-120
  • 1 Bourdine A.V., Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Research of laser beam profile structure dependence on micro-lensed optical fiber configuration // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11146.
  • 2 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Kukushkin V.I. etc. Multivariate analysis of tissues Raman spectra using regression methods // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 3 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemev D.N. etc. Рамановская спектроскопия асцитической жидкости пациентов с онкопатологиями // V Международная конференция и молодёжная школа «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2019). — 2019. — Vol. 1. — P. 249-254
  • 4 Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N., Khristoforova Y.A. etc. Use of Raman spectroscopy to screen diabetes mellitus with machine learning tools: Comment // BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS 2019. — Vol. 10. Issue 9. — P. 4489-4491
  • 5 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Total protein measurement features in venous and capillary blood using Raman spectroscopy method // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11140.
  • 6 Shackaya A.A., Artemev D.N. Математическое моделирование волоконных оптических систем для эффективной регистрации флуоресценции кожи // Mathematical modeling of optical fiber systems for efficient registration of skin fluorescence. — 2019. — Vol. 1. — P. 492-495
  • 7 Shackaya A.A., Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. Монте Карло моделирование регистрации люминесцентного сигнала кожи оптоволоконным зондом с линзой с разрешением по глубине // XVII ALL-RUSSIAN YOUTH SAMARA COMPETITION-CONFERENCE OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS ON OPTICS AND LASER PHYSICS: proceedings of the conference. — 2019. — P. 429-436
  • 8 Khristoforova Y., Bratchenko I., Myakinin O. O. etc. In vivo multimodal optical biopsy of skin cancer // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2019. — Vol. 11140.
  • 9 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. Portable spectroscopic system for in vivo skin neoplasms diagnostics by Raman and autofluorescence analysis // Journal of Biophotonics 2019. — Vol. 12. Issue 4.
  • 10 Bratchenko L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Conventional Raman and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of ascitic fluid // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1368. Issue 2.
  • 11 Ustinova A.O., Bratchenko Ivan Alekseevich, Artemev D.N. Monte Carlo simulation of skin multispectral autofluorescence // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2019. — Vol. 5. № 2.
  • 1 Shamina L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Comparative study of human blood Raman spectra and biochemical analysis of patients with cancer // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2018. — Vol. 10716.
  • 2 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. In vivo NIR Raman and autofluorescence spectroscopies of skin neoplasms // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10753.
  • 3 Bourdine A.V., Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Experimental research of fusion splicer software settings impact on micro-lensed optical fiber configuration and geometry parameters // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10774.
  • 4 Bourdine A.V., Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Development of alternative fiber optic Raman probes based on optical fibers with written precision micro-structure defects // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 5 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Kukushkin V.I. etc. Raman spectroscopy for kidney tissue and its neoplasms research // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 6 Shamina L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Analysis of correlation between Raman and autofluorescence human skin response in visible and NIR region // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 7 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N. Analysis of albumin Raman scattering in visible and near-infrared ranges // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2018. — Vol. 10716.
  • 8 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Multimodal optical biopsy and imaging of skin cancer // Neurophotonics and Biomedical Spectroscopy 2018. — P. 449-476
  • 9 Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O.O., Sherendak V.P. etc. In vivo hyperspectral analysis of skin hemoglobin and melanin content for neoplasia detection // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2018. — Vol. 4. № 4.
  • 1 Bratchenko I.A., Khristoforova Y.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. In vivo study of skin cancers with dermoscopy, hyperspectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy // Симпозиум: Оптика и биофотоника 2017. — 2017. — P. 34
  • 2 Shamina L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Comparative research of the biochemical analysis results and the raman and autofluorescence analysis of human bodyfluids from the patients with malig-nant tumors // Симпозиум: Оптика и биофотоника 2017. — 2017. — P. 21
  • 3 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Optical diagnostics of malignant and benign skin neoplasms // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 201. — P. 141-147
  • 4 Artemyev D.N., Shamina L.A., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Raman and autofluorescence analysis of human body fluids from patients with malignant tumors // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2017. — Vol. 3. № 2. — P. 0203081-0203089
  • 5 Artemyev D.N., Lykina A.A., Bratchenko I.A. Analysis of albumin Raman scattering registration efficiency from different volume and shape cuvette // Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 2017. — Vol. 3. № 2. — P. 0203091-0203097
  • 6 Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N., Myakinin O. O. etc. Combined Raman and autofluorescence ex vivo diagnostics of skin cancer in near-infrared and visible regions // JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 2017. — Vol. 22. Issue 2.
  • 7 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. In vivo diagnostics of malignant and benign tumors with low-cost Raman spectrometer // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2017. — Vol. Part F66-FiO 2017.
  • 8 Moryatov A.A., Kozlov S.V., Kaganov O.I. etc. Raman spectroscopy of skin neoplasms // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1882.
  • 9 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Raman spectra analysis of human blood protein fractions using the projection on latent structures method // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1900. — P. 64-68
  • 10 Lykina A.A., Atremyev D., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Projection on latent structures method for analysis of blood plasma Raman spectra // Summer school on optics & photonics 2017. — 2017. — P. 49
  • 1 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. Comparison of Raman spectroscopy equipment for tissues and biofluids analysis // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9887.
  • 2 Artemyev D.N., Bratchenko I.A., Khristoforova Y.A. etc. Blood proteins analysis by Raman spectroscopy method // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9887.
  • 3 Konyukhov V.N., Zakharov V.P., Davydkin I.L. etc. Experimental unit for in vivo measurement of hemoglobin content in blood // Optical and Quantum Electronics 2016. — Vol. 48. Issue 6.
  • 4 Khristoforova Y.A., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. NIR autofluorescence skin tumor diagnostics // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. S217
  • 5 Bratchenko I.A., Kristoforova Y.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. Fluorescence spectroscopy for neoplasms control // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9887.
  • 6 Zherdeva L.A., Bratchenko I.A., Alonova M.V. etc. Hyperspectral imaging of skin and lung cancers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9887.
  • 7 Artemyev D.N., Zakharov V.P., Davydkin I.L. etc. Measurement of human serum albumin concentration using Raman spectroscopy setup // Optical and Quantum Electronics 2016. — Vol. 48. Issue 6.
  • 8 Lykina A. A. , Artemyev D.N., Khristoforova Y.A. etc. The plasma protein fractions research by Raman spectroscopy method // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. S216
  • 9 Gao W., Zakharov V.P., Myakinin O. O. etc. Medical images classification for skin cancer using quantitative image features with optical coherence tomography // Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2016. — Vol. 9. Issue 2.
  • 1 Gao W., Zakharova V.P., Myakinin O. O. etc. Investigation of changes in fractal dimension from layered retinal structures of healthy and diabetic eyes with optical coherence tomography // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2015. —
  • 2 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Combined autofluorescence and Raman spectroscopy method for skin tumor detection in visible and near infrared regions // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2015. — Vol. 9537.
  • 3 Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N., Myakinin O. O. etc. Complex optical method of cancer detection and visualization // 2015 International Conference on BioPhotonics, BioPhotonics 2015. — 2015. —
  • 4 Gao W., Zakharov V.P., Myakinin O. O. etc. Investigation of changes in fractal dimension from layered retinal structures of healthy and diabetic eyes with optical coherence tomography // Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. — 2015. — Vol. 9541.
  • 5 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Comparative analysis of combined spectral and optical tomography methods for detection of skin and lung cancers // JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS 2015. — Vol. 20. Issue 2.
  • 6 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Artemyev D.N. etc. Skin neoplasm diagnostics using combined spectral method in visible and near infrared regions // 2015 International Conference on BioPhotonics, BioPhotonics 2015. — 2015. —
  • 7 Myakinin O. O. , Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A. etc. Dermoscopy analysis of RGB-images based on comparative features // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 9599.
  • 1 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Kozlov S.V. etc. Advances in tumor diagnosis using OCT and Raman spectroscopy // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9129.
  • 2 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Kozlov S.V. etc. Two-step Raman spectroscopy method for tumor diagnosis // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9129.
  • 3 Myakinin O. O. , Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A. etc. The empirical mode decomposition algorithm via fast fourier transform // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9217.
  • 4 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. Multimodal diagnosis and visualisation of oncologic pathologies // Quantum Electronics 2014. — Vol. 44. Issue 8. — P. 726-731
  • 5 Zakharov V.P., Bratchenko I.A., Myakinin O. O. etc. Combined Raman spectroscopy and autofluoresence imaging method for in vivo skin tumor diagnosis // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 9198.