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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Saleev, Vladimir A.

  • Department of General and Theoretical Physics, head
  • 1 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A., Shilyaev K.K. Production of Polarized Mesons within Nonrelativistic QCD and Generalized Parton Model // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2024. — Vol. 87. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 494-497
  • 2 Omelyanchuk S.S., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Spectra of Bosons and Lepton Angular Coefficients in the Leading Approximation of the Parton Reggeization Approach with Allowance for the Next-to-Leading-Order Corrections // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2024. — Vol. 87. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 237-243
  • 3 Omelyanchuk S.S., Saleev V.A. Z-Boson pT-Spectrum and Lepton Angular Coefficients in the LO High-Energy Factorization with the Real NLO Correction // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2024. — Vol. 21. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 695-697
  • 4 Anufriev A.V., Saleev V.A. High-Energy Production of ηc Mesons in Proton–Proton Collisions // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2024. — Vol. 55. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 836-840
  • 5 Saleev V.A., Chernyshev A.A. Associated Production of Heavy Quarkonia and D Mesons in the High Energy Factorization Approach // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2024. — Vol. 55. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 792-796
  • 6 Syurakshin A.V., Saleev V.A., Yushankhai V.Y. Simulated Quantum Computation of Non-Equilibrium Charge Transport in a Cyclic Molecule // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2024. — Vol. 21. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 607-610
  • 7 Chernyshev A.A., Saleev V.A. Associated production of heavy quarkonia and D mesons in the improved color evaporation model with KaTie // Physical Review D 2024. — Vol. 109. Issue 9. № 9.
  • 1 Kniehl B.A., Vasin D.V., Saleev V.A. Charmonium production at high energy in the kT-factorization approach // Physical Review D 2006. — Vol. 73. Issue 7.
  • 2 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Bottomonium production in the Regge limit of QCD // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2006. — Vol. 74. Issue 1.
  • 3 Likhoded A.K., Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Hadroproduction of High-Transverse-Momentum B c mesons within the k T -Factorization approach // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2006. — Vol. 69. Issue 1. — P. 94-102
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Tsarev V.A., Chechin V.A. MUON METHOD IN NEUTRINO GEOPHYSICS. // Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p 1985. — Issue 7. — P. 51-54
  • 2 Saleev V.A., Tsarev V.A. 'DIRECT' NEUTRINO BEAMS FROM HIGH-ENERGY ELECTRON ACCELERATORS. // Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p 1985. — Issue 2. — P. 7-11
  • 1 Zotov N.P., Saleev V.A., Tsarev V.A. STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONS OF NUCLEI AND GENERATION OF pi -MESONS IN A CUMULATIVE REGION. // Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p 1987. — Issue 5. — P. 51-54
  • 1 Saleev V.A. Are cumulative particles a signal of quark-gluon plasma formation? // Soviet Physics Journal 1989. — Vol. 32. Issue 8. — P. 658-661
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Contribution of the weak interaction to the energy spectrum of a two-lepton system // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1994. — Vol. 100. Issue 3. — P. 1113-1116
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. O(α2) corrections to the orthopositronium decay rate // Physical Review A 1995. — Vol. 51. Issue 6. — P. 4520-4525
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Intrinsic charm contribution to J ψ plus open charm associate hadroproduction at high energies // Physics Letters B 1995. — Vol. 343. Issue 1-4. — P. 381-386
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Relativistic effects in decay of S-wave quarkoniums // Russian Physics Journal 1995. — Vol. 38. Issue 5. — P. 475-482
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. [Formula presented] meson production in [Formula presented] collisions and the charm content of the photon // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 1996. — Vol. 54. Issue 3. — P. 1891-1895
  • 2 Martynenko, AP, Saleev, VA Photon structure function and B-c-meson production in gamma gamma interactions // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 4. — P. 714-719
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy quark fragmentation into double heavy baryons in the quark-diquark model // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 1996. — Vol. 385. Issue 1-4. — P. 297-303
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Photon structure function and Bc-meson production in γγ interactions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 4. — P. 714-719
  • 5 Saleev V.A., Zotov N.P. Heavy quark photoproduction in the semihard approach at HERA and beyond // Modern Physics Letters A 1996. — Vol. 11. Issue 1. — P. 25-35
  • 6 Saleev V.A. Photon structure function and J/ψ photoproduction on protons at high energies // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 2. — P. 257-261
  • 7 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy quark fragmentation functions in the heavy quark effective theory // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 1996. — Vol. 53. Issue 11. — P. 6666-6669
  • 8 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Fragmentation of heavy quarks in polarized quarkonium in the effective heavy quark theory // Russian Physics Journal 1996. — Vol. 39. Issue 7. — P. 683-689
  • 9 Saleev, VA Photon structure function and J/psi photoproduction on protons at high energies // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 2. — P. 257-261
  • 10 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy-quark fragmentation functions in the effective theory of heavy quarks // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 7. — P. 1252-1261
  • 1 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model // Zeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields 1997. — Vol. 76. Issue 1. — P. 111-115
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. QCD fragmentation of heavy quarks into baryons in the quark-diquark model // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997. — Vol. 60. Issue 3. — P. 443-448
  • 1 Saleev V.A. Λb polarization in Z boson decays // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 1998. — Vol. 426. Issue 3-4. — P. 384-392
  • 2 Saleev V.A. Production of beauty-baryon pairs in electron-positron annihilation // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1998. — Vol. 61. Issue 8. — P. 1393-1397
  • 1 Saleev V.A. Spin effects and the production of heavy baryons in z0 boson decays // Russian Physics Journal 1999. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 203-213
  • 2 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Proton-polarizability correction to hydrogen hyperfine splitting // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1999. — Vol. 62. Issue 12. — P. 2099-2102
  • 3 Saleev V.A. Ωccc production via fragmentation at LHC // Modern Physics Letters A 1999. — Vol. 14. Issue 37. — P. 2615-2619
  • 1 Pakhomova O.N., Saleev V.A. Spin Effects in Two-Body Hadronic Decays of the Bc Mesons // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2000. — Vol. 63. Issue 11. — P. 1999-2003
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Production of ultrarelativistic positronium beams in γe interactions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2000. — Vol. 63. Issue 2. — P. 240-243
  • 3 Lipatov A.V., Saleev V.A., Zotov N.P. Heavy quark photoproduction in the semihard QCD approach and the unintegrated gluon distribution // Modern Physics Letters A 2000. — Vol. 15. Issue 28. — P. 1727-1738
  • 4 Saleev V.A. Fragmentation Production of Occc Baryons at LHC Energies // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2000. — Vol. 63. Issue 9. — P. 1629-1634
  • 1 Saleev V.A. Production of P-wave charmonium states in two-particle decays of Bc mesons // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2001. — Vol. 64. Issue 11. — P. 2027-2031
  • 2 Günter D.A., Saleev V.A. Hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons via charm excitation in the proton // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2001. — Vol. 64. Issue 3. — P. 0340061-0340065
  • 3 Günter D.A., Saleev V.A. Hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons via charm excitation in the proton // Physical Review D 2001. — Vol. 64. Issue 3.
  • 4 Gunter, DA, Saleev, VA Hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons via charm excitation in the proton // Physical Review D 2001. — Vol. 64. Issue 3.
  • 1 Kiselev V.V., Pakhomova O.N., Saleev V.A. Two-particle decays of the Bc meson into charmonium states // Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 2002. — Vol. 28. Issue 4. — P. 595-606
  • 2 Kiselev V.V., Likhoded A.K., Pakhomova O.N. etc. Mass spectra of doubly heavy ΩQQ, baryons // Physical Review D 2002. — Vol. 66. Issue 3.
  • 3 Gunter D.A., Saleev V.A. Hadronic production of doubly charmed baryons and intrinsic charm in the proton // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 2. — P. 299-304
  • 4 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. On charmonia and charmed mesons photoproduction at high energy // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2002. — Vol. 548. Issue 3-4. — P. 161-174
  • 5 Kiselev V.V., Likhoded A.K., Pakhomova O.N. etc. Leptonic constants of heavy quarkonia in a potential approach of nonrelativistic QCD // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 3. — P. 340131-3401310
  • 6 Saleev V.A. Photoproduction of J/ψ mesons at high energies in the parton model and KT-factorization approach // Physical Review D 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 5.
  • 7 Saleev V.A. Photoproduction of [Formula Presented] mesons at high energies in the parton model and [Formula Presented]-factorization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 5. — P. 7
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Direct JI ψ and ψ′ hadroproduction via fragmentation in the collinear parton model and kT-factorization approach // Physical Review D 2003. — Vol. 68. Issue 11.
  • 2 Saleev V.A. Photoproduction of J/ψ mesons at high energies within the parton model and in the k-factorization approach // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2003. — Vol. 66. Issue 3. — P. 575-581
  • 3 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Direct [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] hadroproduction via fragmentation in the collinear parton model and [Formula Presented]-factorization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2003. — Vol. 68. Issue 11.
  • 4 Zotov N.P., Lipatov A.V., Saleev V.A. Heavy-quark production in pp̄ collisions and unintegrated gluon distributions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2003. — Vol. 66. Issue 4. — P. 755-763
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Production of Bc mesons via fragmentation in the k T-factorization approach // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2005. — Vol. 605. Issue 3-4. — P. 311-318
  • 2 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Electroproduction of D mesons at high energies // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2005. — Vol. 68. Issue 9. — P. 1587-1598
  • 3 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Hadroproduction of Direct J/ψ and ψ(′) Mesons in the Fragmentation of Gluons and c Quarks at High Energies // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2005. — Vol. 68. Issue 1. — P. 94-103
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Relative contributions of fusion and fragmentation mechanisms in J/ψ photoproduction at high energy // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2007. — Vol. 75. Issue 3.
  • 2 Vasin D.V., Saleev V.A. Heavy quarkonium production in the regge limit of quantum chromodynamics // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2007. — Vol. 38. Issue 5. — P. 635-658
  • 3 Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Hadroproduction of heavy quarkonia at high energies within the k T -factorization approach // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2007. — Vol. 70. Issue 9. — P. 1534-1542
  • 4 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V.A., Vasin D.V. Heavy quarkonium production in the Regge limit of QCD // 15th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, DIS 2007. — 2007. —
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Double Longitudinal-Spin Asymmetries in Direct Photon Production at NICA // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2023. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 400-403
  • 2 Chernyshev A.A., Saleev V. Associated production of J/Ã plus Z(W) in the improved color evaporation model using the parton Reggeization approach // International Journal Of Modern Physics A 2023. — Vol. 38. Issue 35-36. № 35-36.
  • 3 Chernyshev A.A., Saleev V.A. Pair Production of Heavy Quarkonia in the Color Evaporation Model // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2023. — Vol. 86. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 1467-1473
  • 4 Guskov A., Datta A., Karpishkov A. etc. Probing Gluons with the Future Spin Physics Detector // Physics (Switzerland) 2023. — Vol. 5. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 672-687
  • 5 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A. On Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries in D-Meson Production at the SPD NICA Experiment // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2023. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 360-363
  • 6 Saleev V.A., Chernyshev A.A. Pair Production of J/ψ in the Color Evaporation Model and the Parton Reggeization Approach // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2023. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 389-394
  • 7 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev Vladimir Anatolevich О поперечных одиночных спиновых асимметриях в рождении d-мезонов в эксперименте SPD NICA // Письма в журнал Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра 2023. — Vol. 20. № 3 (248). — P. 371
  • 1 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Large- pT production of D mesons at the LHCb in the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D 2016. — Vol. 94. Issue 11.
  • 2 Yablokov D.E., Saleev V.A. Universal data model for solving research problems // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 828-837
  • 3 Kniehl B.A., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. ψ (2S) and (3S) hadroproduction in the parton Reggeization approach: Yield, polarization, and the role of fragmentation // Physical Review D 2016. — Vol. 94. Issue 5.
  • 4 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. etc. B-meson production at Tevatron and the LHC in the Regge limit of quantum chromodynamics // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2016. — Vol. 79. Issue 2. — P. 275-277
  • 5 Szczurek A., Maciuła R., Saleev V.A. etc. New single- and double-parton scattering mechanisms for double charmed meson production // Proceedings of Science. — 2016. — Vol. 11-15-April-2016.
  • 6 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. etc. DD and DD pair production at the LHCb in the parton Reggeization approach // Proceedings of Science. — 2016. — Vol. 11-15-April-2016.
  • 7 Kabanov A.A., Kabanova N.A., Fedotov S.S. etc. Beyond the lithium: ab-initio modelling of different cationconducting materials (Na, Al, K). // 12th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic Transport (ISSFIT). — 2016. — P. 31-31
  • 8 Nefedov M. A. , Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A. etc. D-meson production at the tevatron and LHC in the parton reggeization approach // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1701.
  • 9 Maciuła R., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. etc. New mechanisms for double charmed meson production at the LHCb // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2016. — Vol. 758. — P. 458-464
  • 10 Kniehl B.A., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Prompt-photon plus jet photoproduction with ZEUS at DESY HERA in the parton Reggeization approach // Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 2016. — Vol. 273-275. — P. 1938-1942
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Gluon Sivers Function in Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries of Direct Photons at NICA // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2022. — Vol. 85. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 737-747
  • 2 Chernyshev A.A., Saleev V.A. Single and pair J/ψ production in the improved color evaporation model using the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D 2022. — Vol. 106. Issue 11. № 11.
  • 3 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A. Production of three isolated photons in the parton Reggeization approach at high energies // Physical Review D 2022. — Vol. 106. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 4 Saleev Vladimir Anatolevich Production of three isolated photons in the high-energy factorization approach // SciPost Physics Proceedings 2022. — Issue 8. — P. 167.1-167.6
  • 1 Arbuzov A., Bacchetta A., Butenschoen M. etc. On the physics potential to study the gluon content of proton and deuteron at NICA SPD // Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 2021. — Vol. 119.
  • 2 Karpishkov A.V., Saleev V.A., Nefedov M.A. Estimates for the single-spin asymmetries in the p ↑p →j /ψX process at PHENIX RHIC and SPD NICA // Physical Review D 2021. — Vol. 104. Issue 1.
  • 3 He Z.-G., Kniehl B.A., Nefedov M. A. etc. Double prompt J/ψ production at hadron colliders // Modern Physics Letters A 2021. — Vol. 36. Issue 19.
  • 1 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Two-Jet Correlations in Multijet Events in the Regge Limit of QCD // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2020. — Vol. 51. Issue 4. — P. 714-719
  • 2 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Gauge-invariant TMD factorization for Drell-Yan Helicity Structure Functions // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1435. Issue 1.
  • 3 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Spectra and polarizations of prompt J/ψ at the NICA within collinear parton model and parton Reggeization approach // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1435. Issue 1.
  • 4 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. High-energy factorization for the Drell-Yan process in pp and p p ¯ collisions with new unintegrated PDFs HIGH-ENERGY FACTORIZATION for the DRELL-YAN ... NEFEDOV M. A. And SALEEV V. A. // Physical Review D 2020. — Vol. 102. Issue 11.
  • 1 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. Off-shell initial state effects, gauge invariance and angular distributions in the Drell–Yan process // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2019. — Vol. 790. — P. 551-556
  • 2 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. Off-shell initial state effects and gauge invariance in the Drell-Yan process // Proceedings of Science. — 2019. — Vol. 352.
  • 3 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Correlation Observables in ϒ D Pair Production at the LHC within the Parton Reggeization Approach // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 5. — P. 436-440
  • 4 He Z.-G., Kniehl B.A., Nefedov M. A. etc. Double Prompt J /ψ Hadroproduction in the Parton Reggeization Approach with High-Energy Resummation // PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2019. — Vol. 123. Issue 16.
  • 5 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Ab initio Study of Optical and Bulk Properties of Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite Solid Solutions // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 6. — P. 916-922
  • 6 Karpishkov A., Saleev V., Shipilova A. Angular decorrelations in γ + 2 jets events at high energies in the parton Reggeization approach // Modern Physics Letters A 2019. — Vol. 34. Issue 32.
  • 7 Nefedov M., Saleev V. Off-shell initial state effects in Drell-Yan process at hadron colliders // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2019. — Vol. 204.
  • 8 Saleev V., Shipilova A. Ab initio study of optical and bulk properties of cesium lead halide perovskite solid solutions // Modern Physics Letters B 2019. — Vol. 33. Issue 31.
  • 9 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Evidence in favor of single parton scattering mechanism in and D associated production at the LHC // Physical Review D 2019. — Vol. 99. Issue 9.
  • 1 Saleev V., Shipilova A. First-principles calculations of LiNbO 3 optical properties: From far-infrared to ultraviolet // Modern Physics Letters B 2018. — Vol. 32. Issue 5.
  • 2 Saleev V.A., Kalinin N.V. Ab initio modeling of raman and infrared spectra of calcite // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 2. — P. 263-266
  • 3 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Ab Initio Simulation of Magnesium Surface Oxidation // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2018. — Vol. 45. Issue 10. — P. 311-313
  • 4 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. From LO to NLO in the parton Reggeization approach // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 191.
  • 5 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Quantum-Mechanical Modeling of the Elastic Properties of Aluminum-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018. — Vol. 92. Issue 10. — P. 1940-1946
  • 6 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Ab initio modeling of band gaps of cesium lead halide perovskites depending on the dopant amount // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1096. Issue 1.
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Ab initio modeling of optical properties of the new sp3 silicon and germanium allotropes // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2017. — Vol. 1966. — P. 10-15
  • 2 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. On the one-loop calculations with Reggeized quarks // Modern Physics Letters A 2017. — Vol. 32. Issue 40.
  • 3 Karpishkov A., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. Angular correlations in pair production at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 158.
  • 4 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Optical properties of lowest-energy carbon allotropes from first-principles calculations // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 4. — P. 476-483
  • 5 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V. DIS structure functions in the NLO approximation of the Parton Reggeization Approach // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 158.
  • 6 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. etc. Hard processes at high energies in the Reggeized-parton approach // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017. — Vol. 48. Issue 5. — P. 827-828
  • 7 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V., Proserpio D.M. etc. Ab initio study of new sp3 silicon and germanium allotropes predicted from the zeolite topologies // European Physical Journal B 2017. — Vol. 90. Issue 8.
  • 8 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Production of ψ(2S) and ϒ(3S) mesons in the parton Reggeization approach: Polarization observables and fragmentation // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017. — Vol. 48. Issue 6. — P. 859-861
  • 9 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. B B angular correlations at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach merged with higher-order matrix elements B B Angular correlations at the lhc in the // Physical Review D 2017. — Vol. 96. Issue 9.
  • 1 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Diphoton production at the Tevatron and the LHC in the NLO approximation of the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2015. — Vol. 92. Issue 9.
  • 2 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. etc. B-meson production in the Parton Reggeization Approach at Tevatron and the LHC // International Journal Of Modern Physics A 2015. — Vol. 30. Issue 4-5.
  • 3 Saleev V.A., Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M.A. etc. Рождение D мезонов на Большом адронном коллайдере в реджевском пределе КХД // J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. & Math. Sci.] 2015. — № Том 19, № 3. — P. 441-461
  • 4 Karpishkov A.V., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. etc. Open charm production in the parton Reggeization approach: Tevatron and the LHC // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2015. — Vol. 91. Issue 5.
  • 5 Baburin I.A., Proserpio D.M., Saleev V.A. etc. From zeolite nets to sp3 carbon allotropes: A topology-based multiscale theoretical study // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015. — Vol. 17. Issue 2. — P. 1332-1338
  • 1 Saleev V.A. DIS and prompt photon production with reggeized amplitudes // DIS 2008 - Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics. — 2008. —
  • 2 Saleev V.A. Deep inelastic scattering and prompt photon production within the framework of the quark Reggeization hypothesis // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2008. — Vol. 78. Issue 3.
  • 3 Saleev V.A. Prompt photon photoproduction at HERA within the framework of the quark Reggeization hypothesis // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2008. — Vol. 78. Issue 11.
  • 1 Kniehl B.A., Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A. Prompt-photon plus jet associated photoproduction at HERA in the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2014. — Vol. 89. Issue 11.
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Nefedov M.A. Prompt // Physical Review D 2013. — № V. 88, Iss. 1. — P. 014003-014003
  • 2 Nefedov M. A. , Nikolaev N.N., Saleev V.A. Drell-Yan lepton pair production at high energies in the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2013. — Vol. 87. Issue 1.
  • 3 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Dijet azimuthal decorrelations at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2013. — Vol. 87. Issue 9.
  • 4 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Prompt Υ(nS) production at the LHC in the Regge limit of QCD // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2013. — Vol. 88. Issue 1.
  • 5 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Charmonium production at the Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider in the Regge limit of QCD // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2013. — Vol. 76. Issue 12. — P. 1546-1553
  • 6 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Production of b-quark jets at the large Hadron Collider in the parton-reggeization approach // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2013. — Vol. 76. Issue 11. — P. 1391-1397
  • 1 Saleev V., Shipilova A. B-jet production via Reggeized gluon fusion at Tevatron and LHC // Proceedings of Science. — 2012. —
  • 2 SALEEV V.A., Shipilova M.A. Inclusive b-jet and b // Physical Review D 2012. — № D86. — P. 034032-1 - 034032-16
  • 3 Nefedov M. A. , Saleev V., Shipilova A. Heavy quarkonium production in the Regge limit of QCD: From Tevatron to LHC // Proceedings of Science. — 2012. —
  • 4 Saleev V.A., Nefedov M. A. , Shipilova A.V. Prompt J/ψ production in the Regge limit of QCD: From the Tevatron to the LHC // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2012. — Vol. 85. Issue 7.
  • 5 SALEEV V.A., Shipilova A.V., Nefedov M.A. Prompt J/psi production in the Regge limit of QCD: From Tevatron to LHC // Physical Review D 2012. — № D85. — P. 074013-1 - 074013
  • 6 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Inclusive b-jet and bb̄-dijet production at the LHC via Reggeized gluons // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2012. — Vol. 86. Issue 3.
  • 7 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V., Yatsenko E.V. Inclusive jet production at the tevatron collider in the Regge limit of quantum chromodynamics // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2012. — Vol. 9. Issue 2. — P. 129-133
  • 1 Knil A.B., Shipilova A.V., SALEEV V.A. Isolated jet production in the Regge limit of QCD: from Tevatron to LHC // International conference Low-x. — 2011. — P. 23-25
  • 2 Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Production of b-quark jets at the Tevatron Collider in the Regge limit of QCD // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2011. — Vol. 74. Issue 1. — P. 151-157
  • 3 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. etc. Single jet and prompt-photon inclusive production with multi-Regge kinematics: From Tevatron to LHC // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2011. — Vol. 84. Issue 7.
  • 1 Saleev V., Shipilova A. Quasi-multi-regge-kinematics approach, quark Reggeization and applications // Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Structure and the Interactions of the Photon, PHOTON 2009 - 18th Int. Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions - Int. Workshop on High Energy Photon Linear Colliders. — 2010. — P. 241-246
  • 2 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. Inclusive b and bb̄ production with quasi-multi-Regge kinematics at the Tevatron // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2010. — Vol. 81. Issue 9.
  • 3 Saleev V.A. Nanoscale effects in field electron emission of ultrathin metal films // Computer Optics 2010. — Vol. 34. Issue 4. — P. 531-537
  • 4 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V., Shipilova A. Inclusive and associated b-quark production in the regge limit of QCD // Physics at LHC 2010, PLHC 2010. — 2010. — P. 418-420
  • 5 Kniehl B.A., Saleev V.A., Shipilova A.V. B bb̄ and bγ production at the Tevatron in the Regge limit of QCD // Proceedings of Science. — 2010. — Issue 18248039.
  • 6 SALEEV V.A., Kniehl B.A., Shipilova A.V. b, b?b and bg production at the Tevatron in the Regge limit of QCD // XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, DIS 2010.. — 2010. — P. P.125-129
  • 1 Kniehl B.A., Shipilova A.V., Saleev V.A. Open charm production at high energies and the quark Reggeization hypothesis // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2009. — Vol. 79. Issue 3.
  • 2 Saleev V.A. Diphoton production at the tevatron in the quasi-multi-Regge-kinematic approach // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2009. — Vol. 80. Issue 11.
  • 3 Saleev V.A. Quark reggeization and prompt photon production at hera and tevatron // DIS 2009 - Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics. — 2009. —
  • 4 Ajaltouni Z.J., Banfi A., Baranov S. etc. Heavy flavour production at the LHC: Theoretical aspects // Proceedings of the Workshop - HERA and the LHC: Workshop Series on the Implications of HERA for LHC Physics, HERA-LHC 2006 - 2008. — 2009. — P. 331-394
  • 1 Saleev V.A., Tsarev V.A., Chechin V.A. THERMOACOUSTIC SIGNAL FROM A BEAM OF 'DIRECT' NEUTRINOS. // Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p 1984. — Issue 5. — P. 32-36