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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Martynenko, Aleksey P.

  • Department of General and Theoretical Physics, professor
  • Department of General and Theoretical Physics, leading researcher
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Contribution of hadronic vacuum polarization to hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1998. — Vol. 61. Issue 3. — P. 471-475
  • 1 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2004. — Vol. 70. Issue 1.
  • 2 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2004. — Vol. 70. Issue 1. — P. 13
  • 3 Martynenko A.P. Nuclear structure corrections to gyromagnetic factor of the bound lepton // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2004. — Vol. 602. Issue 1-2. — P. 73-85
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Hyperfine structure of the ground state of muon hydrogen // Zhurnal Eksperimental'noj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki 2004. — Vol. 125. Issue 1. — P. 48-63
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Nuclear-structure corrections to the energy spectra of ordinary and muonic deuterium // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2004. — Vol. 67. Issue 3. — P. 457-463
  • 6 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Hyperfine ground-state structure of muonic hydrogen // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2004. — Vol. 98. Issue 1. — P. 39-52
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. One-Loop Corrections of Orders (Zα)6m1/m 2 and (Zα)7 to the Fine Structure of Muonium // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2003. — Vol. 66. Issue 9. — P. 1719-1729
  • 2 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Nuclear structure corrections in the energy spectra of electronic and muonic deuterium // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 2003. — Vol. 67. Issue 5. — P. 7
  • 3 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Nuclear structure corrections in the energy spectra of electronic and muonic deuterium // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 2003. — Vol. 67. Issue 5. — P. 525061-525067
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Proton-polarizability contribution to the hyperfine splitting in hydrogen // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 2. — P. 265-270
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Magnetic moment of a two-particle bound state in quantum electrodynamics // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI. — 2002. — Vol. 65. Issue 2. — P. 271-276
  • 3 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Proton polarizability contribution to hydrogen hyperfine splitting // European Physical Journal C 2002. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. — P. 281-285
  • 4 Cherednikova E.V., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Proton polarizability contribution to the hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen // Nuclear Physics, Section A 2002. — Vol. 703. Issue 1-2. — P. 365-377
  • 5 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Pseudoscalar pole terms contributions to hadronic light-by-light corrections to the muonium hyperfine splitting // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2002. — Vol. 541. Issue 1-2. — P. 135-141
  • 6 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Gyromagnetic factors of bound particles with arbitrary spin in quantum electrodynamics // Canadian Journal of Physics. — 2002. — Vol. 80. Issue 11. — P. 1365-1372
  • 7 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Mass spectra of doubly heavy,baryons in the relativistic quark model // Physical Review D 2002. — Vol. 66. Issue 1 II. — P. 140081-1400813
  • 1 Faustov RN, Martynenko, AP Proton polarizability contribution to the hydrogen Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting // 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE AND SCIENCES (ICNPAA 2014). — 2001. — Vol. 564. — P. 277-284
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. The g factors of bound particles in quantum electrodynamics // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2001. — Vol. 93. Issue 3. — P. 471-476
  • 3 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Nucleus polarizability contribution to the hydrogen-deuterium isotope shift // Modern Physics Letters A 2001. — Vol. 16. Issue 8. — P. 507-511
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Effects of vacuum polarization and of proton polarizability in the lamb shift of muonic hydrogen // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2001. — Vol. 64. Issue 7. — P. 1282-1287
  • 5 Faustov RN, Martynenko, AP Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the spectra of hydrogenic atoms // 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, AEROSPACE AND SCIENCES (ICNPAA 2014). — 2001. — Vol. 564. — P. 209-216
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Proton Polarizability and Lamb Shift in the Muonic Hydrogen Atom // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2000. — Vol. 63. Issue 5. — P. 845-849
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Production of ultrarelativistic positronium beams in γe interactions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2000. — Vol. 63. Issue 2. — P. 240-243
  • 1 O.A. Guslyarova, Dolgopolov M.V., A.P. Martynenko etc. Two Photon Pionium Decay // Hight Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory - QFTHEP\'99. — 1999. — P. 545-548
  • 2 Faustov R.N., Karimkhodzhaev A., Martynenko A.P. Hadronic-vacuum-polarization contribution to muonium hyperfine splitting // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1999. — Vol. 62. Issue 12. — P. 2103-2105
  • 3 Faustov R.N., Karimkhodzhaev A., Martynenko A.P. Evaluation of hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to muonium hyperfine splitting // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 1999. — Vol. 59. Issue 3. — P. 2498-2499
  • 4 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Proton-polarizability correction to hydrogen hyperfine splitting // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1999. — Vol. 62. Issue 12. — P. 2099-2102
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Order (Zα)6me2/mμ corrections to the fine structure of muomum // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 1999. — Vol. 88. Issue 4. — P. 672-680
  • 1 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model // Zeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields 1997. — Vol. 76. Issue 1. — P. 111-115
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. Magnetic moments of light hybrid baryons in QCD sum rules // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997. — Vol. 60. Issue 4. — P. 646-652
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. QCD fragmentation of heavy quarks into baryons in the quark-diquark model // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997. — Vol. 60. Issue 3. — P. 443-448
  • 4 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Relativistic corrections to the fine structure of positronium // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1997. — Vol. 60. Issue 8. — P. 1272-1278
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Gorbacheva I.V., Martynenko A.P. Proton polarizability effect in the hyperfine splitting of the hydrogen atom // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2006. — Vol. 6165.
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. Proton-polarizability effect in the Lamb shift for the hydrogen atom // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2006. — Vol. 69. Issue 8. — P. 1309-1316
  • 3 Ebert D., Martynenko A.P. Relativistic effects in the production of pseudoscalar and vector doubly heavy mesons from e+e- annihilation // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2006. — Vol. 74. Issue 5.
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Photon structure function and Bc-meson production in γγ interactions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 4. — P. 714-719
  • 2 Martynenko, AP, Saleev, VA Photon structure function and B-c-meson production in gamma gamma interactions // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 4. — P. 714-719
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Fragmentation of heavy quarks in polarized quarkonium in the effective heavy quark theory // Russian Physics Journal 1996. — Vol. 39. Issue 7. — P. 683-689
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. [Formula presented] meson production in [Formula presented] collisions and the charm content of the photon // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 1996. — Vol. 54. Issue 3. — P. 1891-1895
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy quark fragmentation into double heavy baryons in the quark-diquark model // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 1996. — Vol. 385. Issue 1-4. — P. 297-303
  • 6 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy quark fragmentation functions in the heavy quark effective theory // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 1996. — Vol. 53. Issue 11. — P. 6666-6669
  • 7 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Heavy-quark fragmentation functions in the effective theory of heavy quarks // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 1996. — Vol. 59. Issue 7. — P. 1252-1261
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. O(α2) corrections to the orthopositronium decay rate // Physical Review A 1995. — Vol. 51. Issue 6. — P. 4520-4525
  • 2 Martynenko, AP Hybrid baryon in QCD sum rules // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 1995. — Vol. 58. Issue 11. — P. 1943-1950
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Relativistic effects in decay of S-wave quarkoniums // Russian Physics Journal 1995. — Vol. 38. Issue 5. — P. 475-482
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Intrinsic charm contribution to J ψ plus open charm associate hadroproduction at high energies // Physics Letters B 1995. — Vol. 343. Issue 1-4. — P. 381-386
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Decay width of positronium. O(α2) correction in second-order perturbation theory // Russian Physics Journal 1994. — Vol. 37. Issue 10. — P. 915-919
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Saleev V.A. Contribution of the weak interaction to the energy spectrum of a two-lepton system // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1994. — Vol. 100. Issue 3. — P. 1113-1116
  • 1 Martynenko A.P. Hybrid mesons and instantons // Russian Physics Journal 1993. — Vol. 36. Issue 8. — P. 789-795
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. Nonperturbative corrections to the cross section ratio R=σLT for deep-inelastic scattering // Russian Physics Journal 1993. — Vol. 36. Issue 3. — P. 257-261
  • 1 Martynenko A.P. Exotic mesons in QCD sum rules // Soviet Physics Journal 1991. — Vol. 34. Issue 5. — P. 387-390
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. Radiative E1 decay of the1P1 level of charmonium in the sum rules of quantum chromodynamics // Soviet Physics Journal 1991. — Vol. 34. Issue 11. — P. 1014-1018
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Relativistic energy spectrum of a bound system of two particles. Local quasipotential equation // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1986. — Vol. 66. Issue 3. — P. 264-270
  • 1 Martynenko A.P. Relativistic effects in the processes of heavy quark fragmentation // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2005. — Vol. 72. Issue 7.
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. 2S Hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 2005. — Vol. 71. Issue 2.
  • 3 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Properties of doubly heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2005. — Vol. 68. Issue 5. — P. 784-807
  • 4 Martynenko A.P. Theory of the muonic hydrogen-muonic deuterium isotope shift // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2005. — Vol. 101. Issue 6. — P. 1021-1035
  • 1 Martynenko A.P. Lamb shift in the muonic helium ion // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 2007. — Vol. 76. Issue 1.
  • 2 Martynenko A.P. Relativistic effects in the processes of heavy-quark fragmentation to double-heavy baryons // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2007. — Vol. 70. Issue 7. — P. 1305-1311
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Relativistic Corrections to the Higgs Boson Decay into a Pair of Vector Quarkonia † // Symmetry 2023. — Vol. 15. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 2 Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Muon Lamb Shift in Three-Particle Muon–Electron Systems in Quantum Electrodynamics // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2023. — Vol. 50. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 229-236
  • 3 Radzhabov A.E., Zhevlakov A.S., Martynenko A.P. etc. Light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from the axial-vector mesons exchanges within the nonlocal quark model // Physical Review D 2023. — Vol. 108. Issue 1. № 1.
  • 4 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Pair Quarkonium Production in Higgs Boson Decay // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2023. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 368-371
  • 5 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Relativistic corrections to paired production of charmonium and bottomonium in decays of the Higgs boson // Physical Review D 2023. — Vol. 107. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 6 Martynenko F.A., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy Levels of Three-Particle Muon–Electronic Ions // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2023. — Vol. 20. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 372-375
  • 7 Eskin A.V., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Three Particle Muon-Electron Bound Systems in Quantum Electrodynamics // Atoms 2023. — Vol. 11. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 8 Eskin A.V., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy Levels of Three-Particle Muon–Electron Helium in Variational Approach // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2023. — Vol. 86. Issue 4. № 4. — P. 583-588
  • 9 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Paired Double Heavy Baryons Production in Decays of the Higgs Boson // Symmetry 2023. — Vol. 15. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 10 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Relativistic Theory of Paired Heavy Meson and Baryon Production // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2023. — Vol. 86. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 878-883
  • 11 Korobov V.I., Eskin A.V., Martynenko A.P. etc. Contribution of hadronic light-by-light scattering to the hyperfine structure of muonium // Physical Review D 2023. — Vol. 108. Issue 11. № 11.
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N., Martynenko F.A. etc. Hadronic deuteron polarizability contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen // Modern Physics Letters A 2016. — Vol. 31. № 18. — P. 1-12
  • 2 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Lamb shift in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium, and boron // Physical Review A 2016. — Vol. 94. Issue 6.
  • 3 Karyasov A.A., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. Relativistic corrections to the pair Bc-meson production in e+e annihilation // Nuclear Physics B 2016. — Vol. 911. — P. 36-51
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko G.A., Sorokin V.V. etc. Hyperfine structure of the S- and P-wave states of muonic deuterium // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2016. — Vol. 79. Issue 2. — P. 243-246
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Ulybin A.A. Hyperfine structure of the ground state in muonic-lithium ions // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2016. — Vol. 79. Issue 2. — P. 247-250
  • 6 Eskin A. V. , Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Hadronic deuteron polarizability contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic deuterium // Modern Physics Letters A 2016. — Vol. 31. Issue 18.
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Martynenko F.A., Martynenko A.P. Relativistic Corrections to the Decay Width of the Higgs Boson into a Pair of Bc Mesons // Moscow University Physics Bulletin 2022. — Vol. 77. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 239-240
  • 2 Faustov R.N., Martynenko F.A., Martynenko Aleksey Petrovich Relativistic Corrections to the Decay Width of the Higgs Boson into a Pair of Bc Mesons // Вестник Московского Университета. Серия 3. Физика. Астрономия 2022. — № 2.
  • 3 Faustov R.N., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Ground-state hyperfine structure of light muon-electron ions // Physical Review A 2022. — Vol. 105. Issue 4.
  • 4 Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Ground State Hyperfine Structure of Muon-Electron Ions of Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2022. — Vol. 49. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 158-163
  • 5 Faustov R.N., Martynenko F.A., Martynenko A.P. Higgs boson decay to the pair of S- and P-wave Bc mesons // European Physical Journal A 2022. — Vol. 58. Issue 1.
  • 1 Dorokhov A.E., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Precision physics of muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron // International Journal Of Modern Physics A 2021. — Vol. 36. Issue 4.
  • 2 Belov I.N., Berezhnoy A.V., Dorokhov A.E. etc. Higgs boson decay to paired Bc: Relativistic and one-loop corrections // Nuclear Physics, Section A 2021. — Vol. 1015.
  • 3 Dorokhov A.E., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Low-lying electron energy levels in three-particle electron-muon ions of Li, Be, and B // Physical Review A 2021. — Vol. 103. Issue 5.
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A., Sukhorukova O.S. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE CORRECTIONS IN THE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE OF P-STATES IN LIGHT MUONIC IONS // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2020. — Vol. 47. Issue 5. — P. 132-135
  • 2 Dorokhov A. E. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Tensor meson contribution to the Lamb shift and hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1435. Issue 1.
  • 3 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Nuclear Structure Correction to Hyperfine Splitting in Light Muonic Ions // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2020. — Vol. 51. Issue 4. — P. 657-660
  • 4 Eskin A.V., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy levels of three particle muonic ions (μeLi), (μeBe), (μeB) // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1690. Issue 1.
  • 5 Dorokhov A.E., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Determination of the proton charge radius from the study of the hydrogen S-energy levels // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1690. Issue 1.
  • 6 Dorokhov A.E., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy interval 3S-1S in muonic hydrogen // Physical Review A 2020. — Vol. 102. Issue 6.
  • 7 Dorokhov A.E., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy interval 2S-1S in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1690. Issue 1.
  • 8 Eskin A. V. , Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Fine and Hyperfine Structure of Muonic Helium // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 2020. — Vol. 84. Issue 3. — P. 258-262
  • 9 Dorokhov A.E., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Photonic production of a pair of Bc mesons // Physical Review D 2020. — Vol. 102. Issue 1.
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Krutov A.A., Martynenko A.P. etc. 1S-2S energy shift in muonic hydrogen // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2019. — Vol. 204.
  • 2 Dorokhov A. E. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Hyperfine structure of S-states in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium and boron // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1390. Issue 1.
  • 3 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Nuclear Structure Effects in the Hyperfine Structure of Muonic Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2019. — Vol. 50. Issue 5. — P. 635-636
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A., Sorokin V.V. etc. Energy Levels of Mesomolecular Ions of Hydrogen in Variational Approach // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2019. — Vol. 46. Issue 4. — P. 143-147
  • 5 Dorokhov A. E. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. The Contribution of the Sigma-Meson to the Lamb Shift of Muonic Hydrogen // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 5. — P. 520-523
  • 6 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko Aleksey Petrovich, Martynenko F.A. etc. The sigma-meson exchange contribution to the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift // EPJ Web of Conferences 2019. — Vol. 212.
  • 7 Dorokhov A. E. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Hyperfine structure of P states in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium, and boron // Physical Review A 2019. — Vol. 100. Issue 6.
  • 8 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko Aleksey Petrovich, Martynenko F.A. etc. The LbL contribution to the muon g-2 from the axial-vector mesons exchanges within the nonlocal quark model // EPJ Web of Conference 2019. — Vol. 212.
  • 9 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko Fedor Alekseevich etc. Effects of light-by-light scattering in the Lamb shift and hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen // The XXIV International Workshop “High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory” (QFTHEP 2019). — 2019. — Vol. 222.
  • 10 Dorokhov A.E., Krutov A.A., Martynenko A.P. etc. Energy spectra of muonic atoms in quantum electrodynamics // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2019. — Vol. 204.
  • 11 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Hadronic contribution of light by light scattering in the energy spectrum of muonic hydrogen // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2019. — Vol. 204.
  • 12 Eskin A. V. , Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Weakly bound states of dtμ muonic molecular ion in quantum electrodynamics // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1390. Issue 1.
  • 13 Eskin A.V., Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Bound states of dt mu, pd mu and tp mu mesomolecules // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2019. — Vol. 204.
  • 14 Dorokhov A. E. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Energy Interval 1S–2S in Muonic Hydrogen and Helium // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2019. — Vol. 129. Issue 6. — P. 956-972
  • 15 Berezhnoy A.V., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Exclusive double B c meson production from e + e annihilation into two virtual photons // Nuclear Physics, Section A 2019. — Vol. 986. — P. 34-47
  • 16 Korobov V.I., Martynenko A.P., Sorokin V.V. etc. Excited States of the dtμ, pdμ, and tpμ Mesomolecules in the Variational Method // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2019. — Vol. 50. Issue 5. — P. 633-634
  • 1 Dorokhov A.E., Kochelev N.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. Corrections of two-photon interactions in the fine and hyperfine structure of the P-energy levels of muonic hydrogen // European Physical Journal A 2018. — Vol. 54. Issue 8.
  • 2 Dorokhov A.E., Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. etc. Hyperfine structure of S states in muonic ions of lithium, beryllium, and boron // Physical Review A 2018. — Vol. 98. Issue 4.
  • 3 Dorokhov A.E., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. The proton size puzzle: Experiment vs theory. // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 191.
  • 4 Dorokhov A.E., Kochelev N.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. The contribution of pseudoscalar and axial-vector mesons to hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 938. Issue 1.
  • 5 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Quadrupole Interaction Contribution to the Hyperfine Structure of P-States in Muonic Lithium, Beryllium, and Boron Ions // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2018. — Vol. 45. Issue 3. — P. 87-90
  • 6 Dorokhov A.E., Kochelev N.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. The contribution of axial-vector mesons to hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2018. — Vol. 776. — P. 105-110
  • 1 Eskin A.V., Martynenko A.P., Elekina E.N. The correction of hadronic nucleus polarizability to hyperfine structure of light muonic atoms // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 158.
  • 2 Dorokhov A.E., Kochelev N.I., Martynenko A.P. etc. The contribution of pseudoscalar mesons to hyperfine structure of muonic hydrogen // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2017. — Vol. 14. Issue 6. — P. 857-864
  • 3 Martynenko F.A., Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. Hyperfine structure of S-states of muonic tritium // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 132.
  • 4 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Nuclear radiative recoil corrections to the hyperfine structure of S-states in muonic hydrogen // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017. — Vol. 48. Issue 5. — P. 819-821
  • 5 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Radiative nonrecoil nuclear finite size corrections of order α(Zα)5 to the Lamb shift in light muonic atoms // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2017. — Vol. 775. — P. 79-83
  • 6 Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A., Faustov R.N. Theory of the hyperfine structure of the S states of muonic tritium // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2017. — Vol. 124. Issue 6. — P. 895-907
  • 7 Martynenko A.P., Sorokin V.V. Vacuum polarization and quadrupole corrections to the hyperfine splitting of P-states in muonic deuterium // Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2017. — Vol. 50. Issue 4.
  • 8 Eskin A.V., Martynenko A.P., Elekina E.N. Hadronic deuteron polarizability contribution to the hyperfine structure in muonic deuterium // EPJ Web of Conferences. — 2017. — Vol. 132.
  • 9 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko F.A. etc. Theory of the Lamb shift in muonic ions μLi, μBe, μB // Physics of Particles and Nuclei 2017. — Vol. 48. Issue 5. — P. 832-833
  • 1 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P., Martynenko G.A. etc. Theory of the Lamb shift in muonic helium ions // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2015. — Vol. 120. Issue 1. — P. 73-90
  • 2 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko G.A. etc. Hyperfine structure of P states in muonic deuterium // Physical Review A 2015. — Vol. 92. Issue 5.
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Ulybin A.A. Ground state hyperfine structure in muonic lithium ions // Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2015. — Vol. 48. Issue 19.
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Pair double heavy diquark production in high energy proton–proton collisions // European Physical Journal C 2015. — Vol. 75. Issue 3.
  • 5 Krutov A. A. , Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P. etc. Relativistic and vacuum polarization corrections to the Lamb shift in (µ32He)+, (µ42He)+ // 22nd International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, QFTHEP 2015. — 2015. —
  • 6 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic description of pair production of doubly heavy baryons in e+e annihilation // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2015. — Vol. 78. Issue 3. — P. 404-407
  • 7 Sorokin V.V., Martynenko A.P. Vacuum polarization and quadrupole corrections to the hyperfine splitting of P-states in muonic deuterium // 22nd International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, QFTHEP 2015. — 2015. —
  • 1 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. Ground-state hyperfine structure of the muonic helium atom // Physical Review A 2008. — Vol. 78. Issue 3.
  • 2 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Erratum: Semileptonic decays of doubly heavy baryons in the relativistic quark model (Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology (2006) 70, (014018)) // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2008. — Vol. 77. Issue 7.
  • 3 Martynenko A.P. Fine and hyperfine structure of P-wave levels in muonic hydrogen // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2008. — Vol. 71. Issue 1. — P. 125-135
  • 4 Martynenko A.P. Hyperfine structure of the S levels of the muonic helium ion // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2008. — Vol. 106. Issue 4. — P. 690-699
  • 5 Martynenko A.P. Ground-state triply and doubly heavy baryons in a relativistic three-quark model // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2008. — Vol. 663. Issue 4. — P. 317-321
  • 1 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko G.A. etc. Hyperfine structure of S states in muonic deuterium // Physical Review A 2014. — Vol. 90. Issue 1.
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Double P-wave charmonium production in e+e- annihilation // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2014. — Vol. 77. Issue 6. — P. 777-785
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic corrections to the pair double heavy diquark production in e + e - Annihilation // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2014. — Vol. 89. Issue 1.
  • 4 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic corrections to Bc mesons pair production in proton-proton collisions // Proceedings of Science. — 2014. —
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Krutov A. A. , Shamsutdinov R.N. Theory of the lamb shift in muonic deuterium // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2014. — Vol. 77. Issue 6. — P. 786-794
  • 6 Faustov R.N., Martynenko A.P., Martynenko G.A. etc. Radiative nonrecoil nuclear finite size corrections of order α(Zα)5 to the hyperfine splitting of S-states in muonic hydrogen // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2014. — Vol. 733. — P. 354-358
  • 1 MARTYNENKO A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic corrections to c-pair production in high energy proton-proton collisions // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2013. — № Vol. 723, Issues 6-7. — P. 211-216
  • 2 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic corrections to 3b7;c-pair production in high energy proton-proton collisions // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2013. — Vol. 723. Issue 1-3. — P. 132-139
  • 1 MARTYNENKO A.P., Krutov A.A. Hyperfine structure of excited state of muonic helium atom // Physical Review A 2012. — № A86. — P. 052501-1 -052501-13
  • 2 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. Hyperfine structure of the excited state 1s1/2(e)2s1/2(μ) of the muonic helium atom // Physical Review A 2012. — Vol. 86. Issue 5.
  • 3 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic corrections to double charmonium production in high energy proton-proton interaction // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2012. — Vol. 86. Issue 9.
  • 4 Krutov A.A., Martynenko A.P. Hyperfine structure of the excited state 1s1/2(e)2s1/2(μ) of the muonic helium atom // Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 2012. — № V. 86, Iss. 5. — P. 1-14
  • 1 Elekina E.N., Martynenko A.P. Double S- and P-wave charmonium production in e+ e- annihilation // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2011. — Vol. 74. Issue 1. — P. 130-138
  • 2 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. Lamb shift in the muonic deuterium atom // Physical Review A 2011. — Vol. 84. Issue 5.
  • 3 Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. Hyperfine structure of the ground state muonic 3He atom // European Physical Journal D 2011. — Vol. 62. Issue 2. — P. 163-175
  • 4 Krutov A.A., Martynenko A.P. Lamb shift in Muonic deuterium atom // Physical Review A 2011. — № Volume 84, Issue 5. — P. 052514
  • 5 Elekina E.N., Krutov A. A. , Martynenko A.P. Fine structure of the muonic 4He ion1 // Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 2011. — Vol. 8. Issue 4. — P. 331-336
  • 6 Martynenko A.P., Trunin A.M. Relativistic description of the double P-wave charmonium production in e+e- annihilation // Proceedings of Science. — 2011. —
  • 1 Elekina E.N., Martynenko A.P. Relativistic effects in the double S- and P-wave charmonium production in e+e- annihilation // Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 2010. — Vol. 81. Issue 5.
  • 2 MARTYNENKO A.P., Krutov A.A. Hyperfine structure of the ground state muonic He3 atom // arXiv:1007.1419, 2010 2010. —
  • 3 MARTYNENKO A.P., Elekina E.N. Fine and hyperfine structure of the muonic He3 ion // Physics of Atomic Nuclei 2010. — № V.73, N.10. — P. 1828-1837
  • 4 Elekina E.N., Martynenko A.P. Fine and hyperfine structure of the muonic 3He ion // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2010. — Vol. 73. Issue 11. — P. 1828-1837
  • 5 Martynenko A.P., Elekina E.N. Hyperfine structure of S- and P-wave states in muonic-helium ion // PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI 2010. — Vol. 73. Issue 12. — P. 2074-2082
  • 1 Ebert D., Faustov R.N., Galkin V.O. etc. Relativistic description of the double charmonium production in e+ e- annihilation // Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 2009. — Vol. 672. Issue 3. — P. 264-269
  • 1 Martynenko A.P., Faustov R.N. Relativistic reduced mass and quasipotential equation // Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1985. — Vol. 64. Issue 2. — P. 765-770