2015 Среднее общее образование: МБОУ СОШ 22 городского округа Самара
2020 Высшее образование - специалитет, магистратура: Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева , Самарский университет
1Yu Vinogradov K., Shafigulin R.V., Davydov V.A. etc. Catalyst Based on Palladium-Modified MIL-53(Al) Pyrolysate for ORR in Alkaline Media // ChemCatChem 2025. — Vol. 17. Issue 4. № 4.
1Shafigulin R.V., Vinogradov K.Y., Bulanova A.V. etc. ORR Catalysts Based on Carbon Nanotubes and Metal Phthalocyanines Obtained by High-Temperature Synthesis // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 39-48
2Vinogradov K.Y., Shafigulin R.V., Davydov V.M. etc. Catalytic Activity of MWCNTs Doped with Some Transition Metal Phthalocyanines and Modified with Silver in ORR // International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 2024. — Vol. 33. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 149-160
3Davydov Vladislav Mikhaylovich, Vinogradov K.Yu., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Influence of the Nature of Transition Metals on the Electrocatalytic Activity in ORR CNTs Doped with Phthalocyanines of Metals and Modified with Silver // XII International Conference “Mechanisms of Catalytic Reactions”. — 2024. — P. 242-243
4Raznitsyna V.M., Shafigulin R.V., Vinogradov K.Y.U. etc. Sorption of flavonoids and aromatic acids on hypercrosslinked polystyrene in systems with addition of imidazolium ionic liquids; [СОРБЦИЯ ФЛАВОНОИДОВ И АРОМАТИЧЕСКИХ КИСЛОТ НА СВЕРХСШИТОМ ПОЛИСТИРОЛЕ В СИСТЕМАХ С ДОБАВКАМИ ИМИДАЗОЛИЕВЫХ ИОННЫХ ЖИДКОСТЕЙ] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 682-694
5Raznitsyna V.M., Shafigulin R.V., Vinogradov K.Yu. etc. Sorption of flavonoids from aqueous acetonitrile solutions containing imidazolium ionic liquids on octadecyl silica gel under RP-HPLC conditions; [Сорбция флавоноидов из водно-ацетонитрильных растворов, содержащих имидазолиевые ионные жидкости, на октадецилсиликагеле в условиях ОФ ВЭЖХ] // Sorbtsionnye i Khromatograficheskie Protsessy 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 975-993
1Raznitsyna V.M., Shafigulin R.V., Vinogradov K.Y. etc. The Influence of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids on the Chromatographic Behavior of Some Aromatic Acids under Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Conditions // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2023. — Vol. 59. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 1113-1122
2Vinogradov K.Y., Shafigulin R.V., Vostrikov S.V. etc. Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction on a Vulcan XC-72 Carbon Substrate Modified with Transition Metals // Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2023. — Vol. 59. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 1078-1086
3Vinogradov Kirill Yurevich, Davydov V.M., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Bimetallic catalysts for oxygen electroreduction based on carbon nanotubes and cobalt, copper, and nickel phthalocyanines // The 8th Asian Symposium оn Advanced Materials. — 2023. — P. 133-134
4Martynenko E.A., Vostrikov S.V., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Palladium-containing catalysts based on mesostructured material of the cmk type in the reaction of oxygen electroreduction // Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2023. — Vol. 53. — P. 645-659
1Tokranova E.O., Tokranov A.A., Yu Vinogradov K. etc. Mesoporous silica gel doped with dysprosium and modified with copper: A selective catalyst for the hydrogenation of 1-hexyne/1-hexene mixture // International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 2022. —
2Vinogradov K.Y., Bulanova A.V., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Density Functional Theory Study of the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mechanism on Graphene Doped with Nitrogen and a Transition Metal // ACS Omega 2022. — Vol. 7. Issue 8. — P. 7066-7073
3Bulanova A.V., Shafigulin R.V., Vinogradov K.Y. etc. Effect of Modifying Carbon Materials with Metal Phthalocynines and Palladium on Their Catalytic Activity in ORR // Catalysts 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 9. № 9.
4Vinogradov K.Y., Bulanova A.V., Shafigulin R.V. etc. Quantum-Chemical Modeling of the Catalytic Activity of Graphene Doped with Metal Phthalocyanines in ORR // Catalysts 2022. — Vol. 12. Issue 7. № 7.
1Shmelev A.A., Shafigulin R.V., Bulanova A.V. etc. Investigation of the Adsorption and Photocatalytic Properties of Mesoporous Titanium Dioxide Doped with Dysprosium // 6th International School-Conference on Catalysis for Young Scientists. Catalyst Design. From Molecular to Industrial Level. — 2021. — P. 324-325
2Gildina A. R. , Zavershinskiy I. P. , Mebel A.M. etc. Theoretical Study of the Mechanism and Kinetics of the Oxidation of Cyclopenta[ a]Naphthalenyl Radical C13H9with Molecular Oxygen // Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021. — Vol. 125. Issue 31. — P. 6796-6804