2016 - 2020 Аспирантура: Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П.Королева
2014 - 2016 Высшее образование - специалитет, магистратура: Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П.Королева
1999 - 2005 Высшее: Самарский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика С.П.Королева, факультет Обработка металлов давлением
1Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Grechnikov F.V. etc. Improving the Methodology for Determining the Parameters of Hot Rolling of Aluminum Alloys Based on Digital Modeling // Steel in Translation 2024. — Vol. 54. Issue 7. № 7. — P. 604-608
1Suzdalcev E.A., Yashin V.V.АНАЛИЗ РАЗРУШЕНИЯ ЗАГОТОВКИ ПРИ ГОРЯЧЕЙ ПРОКАТКЕ С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ МОДЕЛИ РАЗРУШЕНИЯ КОКРОФТА–ЛЭТЭМА (COCROFT–LATHAM) // Journal of young scientists and specialists of the University of Samara 2023. — № 1(22). — P. 79-84
1Ragazin A.A., Yashin V.V., Latushkin I. A. etc. Homogenization Modes Effect on Mechanical Properties and Corrosive Characteristics of the Rolled Products from Al-Mg (1570) Aluminum Alloy with Addition of Scandium and Zirconium // Materials Science Forum. — 2022. — Vol. 1049 MSF. — P. 102-107
1Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Drits A.M. etc. Effect of Scandium on the Microstructure of the Al–Cu–Mn–Mg–Hf–Nb Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography 2021. — Vol. 122. Issue 10. — P. 960-968
2Yashin V.V., Latushkin I. A. , Aryshensky E.V. etc. Study of recrystallization kinetics of aluminium alloy 1565ch with low degree of cast structure conditioning // Tsvetnye Metally 2021. — Vol. 2021. Issue 1. — P. 58-64
1Yashin V., Dric A.M., Aryshenskii E. etc. Study of Recrystallization Kinetics of 1565ch Aluminum Alloy during hot deformation // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2020. — Vol. 326.
2Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Drits A.M. etc. Effect of hafnium transition metal additives on the microstructure of 01570 aluminum alloy // Tsvetnye Metally 2020. — Vol. 2020. Issue 11. — P. 84-90
3Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Latushkin I. A. etc. Study of kinetics of the supersaturated solid solution decomposition in alloys of the al – mg system with transition elements addition // Tsvetnye Metally 2020. — Vol. 2020. Issue 11. — P. 77-84
1Aryshenskii E., Khirsh Yu. R. , Yashin V. etc. Study of the recrystallization behaviour of the aluminium 1565ch alloy during hot rolling of the as cast structures // Materials Research Express 2019. — Vol. 6. Issue 7.
2Yashin V., Aryshenskii E., Hirsch J. etc. Study of recrystallization kinetics in AA5182 aluminium alloy after deformation of the as-cast structure // Materials Research Express 2019. — Vol. 6. Issue 6.
3Yashin V.V., Kabanov A.S., Aryshensky E.V. etc. How microalloying of the AlMg5 alloy with transition metals (Sc, Zr, Nb) impacts the structure of a cast billet // Tsvetnye Metally 2019. — Issue 2. — P. 56-61
4Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Konovalov S.V. etc. Study of the specific features, characterising homogenisation of the promising Al-Mg system aluminium alloys with transition elements addition // International Journal of Nanotechnology 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 6-10. — P. 602-612
5Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Konovalov S.V. etc. A Study of Texture Component Distribution Over the Cross Section of an Aluminum Alloy 8011 Billet with Hot Rolling in a Four-Stand Continuous Group // Metal science and heat treatment 2019. — Vol. 61. Issue 5-6. — P. 300-304
6Yashin V.V., Rushchits S.V., Aryshensky E.V. etc. Rheological behavior of 01570 and AA5182 wrought aluminum alloys under hot deformation conditions // Tsvetnye Metally 2019. — Issue 3. — P. 64-69
1Yashin V.V., Aryshenskiy V.Yu., Latushkin I. A. etc. Substantiation of a manufacturing technology of flat rolled products from Al - Mg - Sc BASED alloys for the aerospace industry // Tsvetnye Metally 2018. — Issue 7. — P. 75-82
2Nam A., Yashin V., Aryshenskii E. etc. Modelling of cooling and recrystallization kinetics during self-annealing of aluminium coils // Materials Science Forum. — 2018. — Vol. 918 MSF. — P. 110-116
3Aryshenskii E., Hirsch J., Yashin V. etc. Influence of Local Inhomogeneity of Thermomechanical Treatment Conditions on Microstructure Evolution in Aluminum Alloys // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2018. — Vol. 27. Issue 12. — P. 6780-6799
4Yashin V.V., Beglov E.D., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Large size metal-clad ingots rolling process analysis using finite elements method // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии 2018. — Vol. 11. № 4. — P. 419-426
1Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Beglov E.D. etc. Development of a mathematical model of plate rolling on hot reversing mills // Key Engineering Materials. — 2017. — Vol. 746 KEM. — P. 48-55
1Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Kawalla R.F. etc. Investigation impact of stressed state conditions and thermomechanical parameters on the texture and structure evolution in 1565ph aluminium alloy // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 156. Issue 1.
2Yashin V.V., Tepterev M.S., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Моделирование эволюции структуры при горячей прокатке алюминиевых сплавов в программном комплексе Deform // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии 2016. — Vol. 9. № 6. — P. 830-835
3Tepterev M.S., Yashin V.V., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Изучение влияния жирных спиртов С12-c15 на усилие при холодной прокатке алюминиевых сплавов // Fundamental research 2016. — № 12. Pt. 3. — P. 547-552
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Элементы теории и технологии прокатки листов и плит из алюминиевых сплавов