федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Yashin, Vasiliy V.

  • 1 Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Grechnikov F.V. etc. Improving the Methodology for Determining the Parameters of Hot Rolling of Aluminum Alloys Based on Digital Modeling // Steel in Translation 2024. — Vol. 54. Issue 7. № 7. — P. 604-608
  • 1 Suzdalcev E.A., Yashin V.V. АНАЛИЗ РАЗРУШЕНИЯ ЗАГОТОВКИ ПРИ ГОРЯЧЕЙ ПРОКАТКЕ С ПРИМЕНЕНИЕМ МОДЕЛИ РАЗРУШЕНИЯ КОКРОФТА–ЛЭТЭМА (COCROFT–LATHAM) // Journal of young scientists and specialists of the University of Samara 2023. — № 1(22). — P. 79-84
  • 1 Ragazin A.A., Yashin V.V., Latushkin I. A. etc. Homogenization Modes Effect on Mechanical Properties and Corrosive Characteristics of the Rolled Products from Al-Mg (1570) Aluminum Alloy with Addition of Scandium and Zirconium // Materials Science Forum. — 2022. — Vol. 1049 MSF. — P. 102-107
  • 1 Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Drits A.M. etc. Effect of Scandium on the Microstructure of the Al–Cu–Mn–Mg–Hf–Nb Alloy // Physics of Metals and Metallography 2021. — Vol. 122. Issue 10. — P. 960-968
  • 2 Yashin V.V., Latushkin I. A. , Aryshensky E.V. etc. Study of recrystallization kinetics of aluminium alloy 1565ch with low degree of cast structure conditioning // Tsvetnye Metally 2021. — Vol. 2021. Issue 1. — P. 58-64
  • 1 Yashin V., Dric A.M., Aryshenskii E. etc. Study of Recrystallization Kinetics of 1565ch Aluminum Alloy during hot deformation // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2020. — Vol. 326.
  • 2 Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Drits A.M. etc. Effect of hafnium transition metal additives on the microstructure of 01570 aluminum alloy // Tsvetnye Metally 2020. — Vol. 2020. Issue 11. — P. 84-90
  • 3 Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Latushkin I. A. etc. Study of kinetics of the supersaturated solid solution decomposition in alloys of the al – mg system with transition elements addition // Tsvetnye Metally 2020. — Vol. 2020. Issue 11. — P. 77-84
  • 1 Aryshenskii E., Khirsh Yu. R. , Yashin V. etc. Study of the recrystallization behaviour of the aluminium 1565ch alloy during hot rolling of the as cast structures // Materials Research Express 2019. — Vol. 6. Issue 7.
  • 2 Yashin V., Aryshenskii E., Hirsch J. etc. Study of recrystallization kinetics in AA5182 aluminium alloy after deformation of the as-cast structure // Materials Research Express 2019. — Vol. 6. Issue 6.
  • 3 Yashin V.V., Kabanov A.S., Aryshensky E.V. etc. How microalloying of the AlMg5 alloy with transition metals (Sc, Zr, Nb) impacts the structure of a cast billet // Tsvetnye Metally 2019. — Issue 2. — P. 56-61
  • 4 Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Konovalov S.V. etc. Study of the specific features, characterising homogenisation of the promising Al-Mg system aluminium alloys with transition elements addition // International Journal of Nanotechnology 2019. — Vol. 16. Issue 6-10. — P. 602-612
  • 5 Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Konovalov S.V. etc. A Study of Texture Component Distribution Over the Cross Section of an Aluminum Alloy 8011 Billet with Hot Rolling in a Four-Stand Continuous Group // Metal science and heat treatment 2019. — Vol. 61. Issue 5-6. — P. 300-304
  • 6 Yashin V.V., Rushchits S.V., Aryshensky E.V. etc. Rheological behavior of 01570 and AA5182 wrought aluminum alloys under hot deformation conditions // Tsvetnye Metally 2019. — Issue 3. — P. 64-69
  • 1 Yashin V.V., Aryshenskiy V.Yu., Latushkin I. A. etc. Substantiation of a manufacturing technology of flat rolled products from Al - Mg - Sc BASED alloys for the aerospace industry // Tsvetnye Metally 2018. — Issue 7. — P. 75-82
  • 2 Nam A., Yashin V., Aryshenskii E. etc. Modelling of cooling and recrystallization kinetics during self-annealing of aluminium coils // Materials Science Forum. — 2018. — Vol. 918 MSF. — P. 110-116
  • 3 Aryshenskii E., Hirsch J., Yashin V. etc. Influence of Local Inhomogeneity of Thermomechanical Treatment Conditions on Microstructure Evolution in Aluminum Alloys // Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2018. — Vol. 27. Issue 12. — P. 6780-6799
  • 4 Yashin V.V., Beglov E.D., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Large size metal-clad ingots rolling process analysis using finite elements method // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии 2018. — Vol. 11. № 4. — P. 419-426
  • 1 Yashin V.V., Aryshenskii E.V., Beglov E.D. etc. Development of a mathematical model of plate rolling on hot reversing mills // Key Engineering Materials. — 2017. — Vol. 746 KEM. — P. 48-55
  • 1 Yashin V.V., Aryshensky E.V., Kawalla R.F. etc. Investigation impact of stressed state conditions and thermomechanical parameters on the texture and structure evolution in 1565ph aluminium alloy // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 156. Issue 1.
  • 2 Yashin V.V., Tepterev M.S., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Моделирование эволюции структуры при горячей прокатке алюминиевых сплавов в программном комплексе Deform // Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии 2016. — Vol. 9. № 6. — P. 830-835
  • 3 Tepterev M.S., Yashin V.V., Aryshenskiy E.V. etc. Изучение влияния жирных спиртов С12-c15 на усилие при холодной прокатке алюминиевых сплавов // Fundamental research 2016. — № 12. Pt. 3. — P. 547-552