федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Kretova, Irina G.

  • Department of Human and Animal Physiology, professor
  • 1 Kretova I.G., Belyaeva O.V., Vedyasova O.A. etc. The analysis of students` attitude to healthy lifestyle and reproductive health care [Анализ отношения студентов к здоровому образу жизни и сохранению репродуктивного здоровья] // Gigiena i sanitariia 2022. — Vol. 101. Issue 9. № 9. — P. 1080-1085
  • 1 Pavlenko S.I., Vedyasova O.A., Kretova I.G. Correlations between the External Respiration Indicators and the Heart Rate Variability in Students of Different Chronotypes during Their Mental Activities // Human Physiology 2021. — Vol. 47. Issue 2. — P. 158-167
  • 1 Kretova Irina Gennadevna Формирование универсальных компетенций студентов средствами дисциплины "Безопасность жизнедеятельности" // Vestnik of Samara State University: History. Linguistics. Study of Literature. Pedagogics 2018. — Vol. 24. № 3. — P. 62-66
  • 1 Kretova I.G., Vedyasova O.A., Komarova M.V. etc. Analysis and forecasting of reserve capabilities of the organism of students according to indices of heart rate variability // Gigiena i sanitariia 2017. — Vol. 96. Issue 6. — P. 556-561
  • 1 Gilmiyarova F.N., Radomskaya V.M., Babichev A.V. etc. The phenomenon of Silybum marianum // European Journal of Natural History 2016. — № 3. — P. 45-53
  • 2 Vedyasova O.A., Pavlenko S.I., Kretova I.G. Влияние ментального стресса на параметры паттерна дыхания у студентов с разной циркадианной типологией // Ulyanovsk Medico-biological Journal 2016. — № № 4. — P. 78-85
  • 3 Vedyasova O.A., Pavlenko S.I., Kretova I.G. etc. THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION LOAD ON THE TIMECOURSE OF SPECTRAL PARAMETERS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY IN STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT CHRONOTYPES // Rossiiskii fiziologicheskii zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova / Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk 2016. — Vol. 102. Issue 8. — P. 990-1001
  • 1 Kretova I.G., Belyaeva O.V., Shiryaeva O.I. etc. Influenced by social and psychological factors on the formation of health students during training in higher education institutions // Hygiene & Sanitation 2014. — № № 4. — P. 85-90
  • 2 Kretova I.G., Belyaeva O.V., Shiraeva O.I. etc. The impact of social and psychological factors on the formation of health students during training in the higher educational institution // Gigiena i sanitariia 2014. — Issue 4. — P. 85-90
  • 1 Berezin I.I., Kretova I.G., Rusakova N.V. etc. [Comparative assessment of educational conditions in various secondary educational institutions in Samara]. // Gigiena i sanitariia 2010. — Issue 4. — P. 83-86
  • 1 Merkulova N.A., Iniushkin A.N., Zaǐnulin R.A. etc. Features and mechanisms of realization the respiratory influences of the extrapyramydal system structures // Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk 2004. — Vol. 35. Issue 2. — P. 22-34
  • 1 Berezhnoǐ V.P., Gil'miiarov E.M., Kretova I.G. etc. Metabolic prerequisites for the development of dental diseases in pneumonia // Stomatologiia 2003. — Vol. 82. Issue 2. — P. 25-27
  • 1 Gil'miiarova F.N., Tutel'ian V.A., Radomskaia V.M. etc. Biological value of Silybum marianum oil // Voprosy pitaniia 2002. — Vol. 71. Issue 4. — P. 32-35
  • 1 Gilmiyarova F.N., Radomskaya V.M., Baisheva G.M. etc. Role of hyper lactate dehydrogenazemia in induction of metabolic disturbance in organism // Voprosy Meditsinskoj Khimii 2001. — Vol. 47. Issue 5. — P. 475-476
  • 2 Gil'miiarov E.M., Dolgova G.I., Radomskaia V.M. etc. Implantation with natursil as a method for repair of dental defects and normalization of oral homeostasis // Stomatologiia 2001. — Vol. 80. Issue 5. — P. 26-29
  • 1 Gil'miiarova F.N., Radomskaia V.M., Kretova I.G. etc. Chronic fatigue syndrome:objective criteria of metabolic defects // Klinicheskaia laboratornaia diagnostika 1999. — Issue 2. — P. 9-11
  • 1 Gilmiyarova F.N., Radomskaya V.M., Kretova I.G. etc. Bioactive addition from silybum marianum in solving healthcare problems // Voprosy pitaniia 1998. — Issue 3. — P. 33-35
  • 2 Gil'miiarov E.M., Radomskaia V.M., Kretova I.G. etc. Biologically active additive from milk thistle in the solution of public health problems // Voprosy pitaniia 1998. — Issue 3. — P. 33-35
  • 1 Gil'miiarova F.N., Radomskaia V.M., Babichev A.V. etc. Key mechanisms of damage and adaptation in the body under the multi-factoral effect of ecotoxicants // Voprosy Meditsinskoj Khimii 1996. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 344-347
  • 1 Gil'miiarova F.N., Morugova T.V., Kamilov F.K. etc. The oxidative metabolic systems of the liver in exposure to maninil and obzidan // Eksperimental"naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia 1994. — Vol. 57. Issue 5. — P. 35-37
  • 1 Gil'miiarova F.N., Radomskaia V.M., Vinogradova L.N. etc. Structure-activity features of malate dehydrogenase from human myocardium in atherosclerosis // Voprosy Meditsinskoj Khimii 1993. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 17-18