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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Zagidullin, Marsel V.

  • Department of Physics, professor
  • 1 He C., Kaiser R.I., Lu W. etc. Unconventional Pathway in the Gas-Phase Synthesis of 9H-Fluorene (C13H10) via the Radical–Radical Reaction of Benzyl (C7H7) with Phenyl (C6H5) // Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 2023. — Vol. 62. Issue 6. № 6.
  • 2 Kuramshin R.A., Torbin A.P., Svistun M.I. etc. Методика измерения констант скорости энергообменных процессов в плазме Ar/He // Физическое образование в ВУЗах 2023. — Vol. 29. № 1. — P. 107-109
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient COIL driven by SOG with filament-guided jets // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5777. Issue PART I. — P. 58-61
  • 2 Zagidullin, MV, Nikolaev, VD, Svistun, MI etc. Oxygen-iodine ejector laser with a centrifugal bubbling singlet-oxygen generator // Quantum Electronics 2005. — Vol. 35. Issue 10. — P. 907-908
  • 3 Nikolaev V.D., Hager G.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Ejector COIL with supersonic nozzles for driver N 2 // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2005. — Vol. 5777. Issue PART I. — P. 160-163
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Characteristics of the gain medium for an ejector COIL with supersonic nozzles for the driver buffer gas // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 2005. — Vol. 81. Issue 2. — P. 311-315
  • 5 Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I., Zagidullin M.V. etc. Efficient chemical oxygen-iodine laser powered by a centrifugal bubble singlet oxygen generator // Applied Physics Letters 2005. — Vol. 86. Issue 23. — P. 1-2
  • 6 Kodymová J., Hrubý J., Špalek O. etc. Advanced concepts of singlet oxygen generator for a chemical oxygen-iodine laser // 36th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. — 2005. —
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Oxygen - Iodine ejector laser with a centrifugal bubbling singlet-oxygen generator // Quantum Electronics 2005. — Vol. 35. Issue 10. — P. 907-908
  • 8 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Oxygen-iodine ejector laser with a centrifugal bubbling singlet-oxygen generator // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2005. — Vol. 35. Issue 10. — P. 907-908
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Katulin V.A. etc. POSSIBILITY OF USING AN ATOMIZER IN A CHEMICAL GENERATOR OF SINGLET OXYGEN FOR AN OXYGEN-IODINE LASER. // Sov J Quantum Electron 1983. — Vol. 13. Issue 4. — P. 494-497
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Katulin V.A. etc. POSSIBILITY OF OPERATION OF A CHEMICAL OXYGEN-IODINE LASER WITHOUT A COOLED TRAP. // Sov J Quantum Electron 1983. — Vol. 13. Issue 1. — P. 75-76
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Katulin V.A. etc. ADVANTAGES OF PULSED OPERATION OF A CHEMICAL OXYGEN-IODINE LASER. // Sov J Quantum Electron 1984. — Vol. 14. Issue 1. — P. 139-140
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Kupriyanov N.L. INFLUENCE OF TRANSLATIONAL AND HYPERFINE RELAXATION ON THE ENERGY CHARACTERISTICS OF AN OXYGEN-IODINE LASER. // Sov J Quantum Electron 1984. — Vol. 14. Issue 2. — P. 259-261
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Kupriyanov N.L. KINETICS OF SATURATION OF THE ACTIVE MEDIUM OF AN OXYGEN-IODINE LASER. // Sov J Quantum Electron 1984. — Vol. 14. Issue 7. — P. 930-936
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Katulin V.A. etc. ANALYSIS OF OXYGEN-IODINE LASERS WITH DEEP REACTOR COOLING. // 1984. —
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Igoshin V.I., Katulin V.A. etc. CROSS-RELAXATION EFFECTS IN LOW-PRESSURE OXYGEN-IODINE LASERS. // 1984. — P. 34
  • 1 Balan N.F., Gizatullin R.M., Zagidullin M.V. etc. Influence of parameters of an O2 (1△) generator on the operation of a pulsed chemical oxygen-iodine laser // Soviet Physics - Lebedev Institute Reports (English Translation of Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya p 1989. — Issue 4. — P. 28-31
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. Compact oxygen-iodine laser with a thermally insulated jet singlet-oxygen generator // Quantum Electronics 1994. — Vol. 24. Issue 1. — P. 21-22
  • 2 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev Y.D. etc. Transport of high-pressure O2(1∆) // Quantum Electronics 1994. — Vol. 24. Issue 3. — P. 229-232
  • 3 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Jet o2(1Δ) generator with oxygen pressures up to 13.3 kpa // Quantum Electronics 1994. — Vol. 24. Issue 2. — P. 129-132
  • 1 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Oxygen-iodine laser with a drop-jet generator of o2(1∆)operating at pressures up to 90 torr // Quantum Electronics 1995. — Vol. 25. Issue 5. — P. 418-420
  • 2 Zagidullin Marsel Liquid-jet O2(1Delta) generator for chemical oxygen-iodine laser // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1995. — Vol. 2502. — P. 208-216
  • 1 Zagidullin Marselle V., Nikolayev V.D., Svistun Michael I. etc. Buffer gas mixing with active gas on chemical oxygen-iodine laser performance with jet type SOG // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1996. — Vol. 2702. — P. 310-319
  • 2 Zagidullin Marselle V., Nikolayev V.D., Svistun Michael I. etc. Predicted and measured output parameters of high pressure jet SOG // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1996. — Vol. 2767. — P. 219-226
  • 3 Blayvas I., Barmashenko B.D., Furman D. etc. Power optimization of small-scale chemical oxygen-iodine laser with jet-type singlet oxygen generator // IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 1996. — Vol. 32. Issue 12. — P. 2051-2057
  • 1 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with mixing of supersonic jets // Quantum Electronics 1997. — Vol. 27. Issue 6. — P. 477-480
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. Gain saturation and the efficiency of energy conversion into radiation in a supersonic oxygen-iodine laser with a stable cavity // Quantum Electronics 1997. — Vol. 27. Issue 5. — P. 411-416
  • 3 Špalek O., Kodymová J., Zagidullin M.V. etc. Optimization of jet singlet oxygen generator for chemical oxygen-iodine laser // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1997. — Vol. 3092. — P. 565-568
  • 4 Rosenwaks S., Blayvas I., Barmashenko B.D. etc. Experimental study of a small scale COIL using a jet type generator of singlet oxygen // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1997. — Vol. 3092. — P. 690-693
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Highly efficient supersonic chemical oxygen - Iodine laser with a chlorine flow rate of 10 mmol/s // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1997. — Vol. 24. Issue 3. — P. 205
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. Gain saturation and the efficiency of energy conversion into radiation in a supersonic oxygen-iodine laser with a stable cavity // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1997. — Vol. 24. Issue 5. — P. 428
  • 7 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with mixing of supersonic jets // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1997. — Vol. 24. Issue 6. — P. 494
  • 8 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Highly efficient supersonic chemical oxygen - Iodine laser with a chlorine flow rate of 10 mmol s-1 // Quantum Electronics 1997. — Vol. 27. Issue 3. — P. 195-199
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Khvatov N.A. etc. The sub- and supersonic COILs driven by a jet-type singlet oxygen generator // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1998. — Vol. 3574. — P. 246-252
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V. Jet-type singlet oxygen generator for COIL // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 1998. — Vol. 3574. — P. 569-576
  • 3 Endo M., Nagatomo S., Takeda S. etc. High-efficiency operation of chemical oxygen-iodine laser using nitrogen as buffer gas // IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 1998. — Vol. 34. Issue 3. — P. 393-398
  • 4 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Kinetics of chemisorption of Cl2 by H2O-H2O2-KOH and H2O-KOH solutions // Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii 1998. — Vol. 72. Issue 10. — P. 1850-1854
  • 5 Azyazov V.N., Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. etc. Kinetics of chemisorption of Cl2 by H2O-H2O2-KOH and H2O-KOH solutions // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1998. — Vol. 72. Issue 10. — P. 1681-1684
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Comparative characteristics of subsonic and supersonic oxygen-iodine lasers // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1998. — Vol. 25. Issue 5. — P. 415
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Comparative characteristics of subsonic and supersonic oxygen-iodine lasers // Quantum Electronics 1998. — Vol. 28. Issue 5. — P. 400-402
  • 8 Azyazov, VN, Zagidullin, MV, Nikolaev, VD etc. Kinetics of chemisorption of Cl-2 by H2O-H2O2-KOH and H2O-KOH solutions // Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii 1998. — Vol. 72. Issue 10. — P. 1850-1854
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. Modern status and perspectives of chemical oxygen-iodine lasers // Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Ser. Fizicheskaya 1999. — Vol. 63. Issue 10. — P. 1901-1908
  • 2 Zagidullin, MV, Nikolaev, VD Modern status and perspectives of chemical oxygen-iodine lasers // IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SERIYA FIZICHESKAYA 1999. — Vol. 63. Issue 10. — P. 1901-1908
  • 3 Nikolaev Valery, Zagidullin M. Current COIL research in Lebedev Physical Institute, Samara Branch // CLEO/Pacific Rim 1999 - Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. — 1999. — Vol. 2. — P. 149-150
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient oxygen-iodine chemical laser with a longitudinal injection of the active medium // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1999. — Vol. 26. Issue 3. — P. 116
  • 5 Nikolaev V.D., Zagidullin M.V. Completely scaleable 1 kW class COIL with verti-JSOG and nitrogen buffer gases // 30th Plasmadynamic and Lasers Conference. — 1999. —
  • 6 Zagidullin Marsel V., Nikolaev Valery D. COIL with longitudinal pumping out and small iodine flow rate // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1999. — Vol. 3612. — P. 175-181
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. State of the art and perspectives of chemical oxygen-iodine lasers // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 1999. — Vol. 3688. — P. 54-61
  • 8 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient chemical oxygen-iodine laser with longitudinal flow of the active medium // Quantum Electronics 1999. — Vol. 29. Issue 2. — P. 114-116
  • 9 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient oxygen-iodine chemical laser with a longitudinal injection of the active medium // Kvantovaya Elektronika 1999. — Vol. 26. Issue 2. — P. 116
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Supersonic oxygen-iodine 1.4-kW laser with a 5-cm amplification length and a nitrogen-diluted active medium // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2000. — Vol. 30. Issue 2. — P. 166
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Supersonic oxygen - Iodine 1.4-kW laser with a 5 cm gain length and a nitrogen-diluted active medium // Quantum Electronics 2000. — Vol. 30. Issue 2. — P. 161-166
  • 3 Nikolaev V.D., Zagidullin M.V., Madden T.J. etc. An efficient supersonic coil with more than 200 torr of total pressure in the active medium // 31st Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference. — 2000. —
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. Calculation of the mixing chamber of the ejector of a chemical oxygen-iodine laser // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 6. — P. 510-514
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Amplification and gas-dynamic parameters of the active oxygen-iodine medium produced by an ejector nozzle unit // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 8. — P. 678-682
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Temperature dependence of the collision broadening of the 2P1/2-2P3/2 line of atomic iodine // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 4. — P. 373-376
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient chemical oxygen-iodine laser with a high total pressure of the active medium // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 1. — P. 30-34
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D. Calculation of the mixing chamber of an ejector chemical oxygen-iodine laser // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 6. — P. 510-514
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Temperature dependence of shock line spreading of 2P1/2-2R3/2 of atomic iodine // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 4. — P. 373-376
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Amplification and gas-dynamic characteristics of the active oxygen-iodine medium produced by an ejector nozzle unit // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 8. — P. 678-682
  • 8 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Efficient chemical oxygen-iodine laser with a high total pressure of the active medium // Quantum Electronics 2001. — Vol. 31. Issue 1. — P. 30-34
  • 1 Nikolaev V.D., Zagidullin M.V., Svistun M.I. etc. Results of small-signal gain measurements on a supersonic chemical oxygen iodine laser with an advanced nozzle bank // IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 2002. — Vol. 38. Issue 5. — P. 421-428
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Palina N.Yu. etc. Effect of the solution temperature in a singlet-oxygen generator on the formation of active medium in an ejector oxygen-iodine laser // Quantum Electronics 2002. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. — P. 101-106
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Palina N.Yu. etc. Effect of the solution temperature in a singlet-oxygen on the formation of the active medium in an ejector oxygen-iodine laser // Kvantovaya Elektronika 2002. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. — P. 101-107
  • 4 Khvatov N.A., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Lasing performance of a Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL) with advanced ejector nozzle banks // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2002. — Vol. 4760. Issue I. — P. 550-559
  • 1 Hager G.D., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Lasing performance of a chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) with advanced ejector-nozzle banks // Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 2003. — Vol. 77. Issue 2. — P. 325-329
  • 2 Beránek J., Rohlena K., Zagidullin M.V. A Simplified 1d Kinetic Model for a Subsonic COIL with a "Mixing Term" in Spatially Dependent Kinetic Equation for I2 Molecules // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2003. — Vol. 5120. — P. 386-391
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. High gain, high pressure, highly efficient COIL // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5448. Issue PART 2. — P. 1139-1149
  • 2 Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I., Zagidullin M.V. Ejector COIL // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2004. — Vol. 5479. — P. 10-18
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Perspective methods for the generation of COIL gain medium // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6611.
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Results of testing a centrifugal bubble singlet-oxygen generator // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics 2007. — Vol. 80. Issue 3. — P. 555-562
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Khvatov N.A. etc. Advanced singlet oxygen generator and nozzle bank in traditional COIL technology // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6735.
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Azyazov V.N., Pichugin S.Yu. I2 dissociation pathways in the COIL medium // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6735.
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Khvatov N.A. etc. Performance of high pressure COIL with centrifugal bubble singlet oxygen generator // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6346 PART 1.
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Singlet oxygen generator based on the reaction of chlorine with filament-guided jets of basic hydrogen peroxide // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 41. Issue 2. — P. 164-170
  • 1 Kuramshin R.A., Torbin A.P., Svistun M.I. etc. ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ КОНСТАНТ СКОРОСТИ ЭНЕРГООБМЕННЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ В ПЛАЗМЕ AR/HE // XX Всероссийский молодежный Самарский конкурс-конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике, посвященный 100-летию со дня рождения Н.Г. Басова. — 2022. — P. 402-409
  • 2 Kaiser R.I., Zhao L., Lu W. etc. Formation of Benzene and Naphthalene through Cyclopentadienyl-Mediated Radical-Radical Reactions // Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022. — P. 208-213
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Diagnostics of an O2(1Δ) generator using multichannel recording of oxygen emission spectra // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 2008. — Vol. 105. Issue 2. — P. 202-207
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Svistun M.I. etc. Centrifugal bubble O2 (1Δ) gas generator with a total pressure of 100 Torr // Quantum Electronics 2008. — Vol. 38. Issue 8. — P. 794-800
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Nikolaev V.D., Khvatov N.A. etc. Supersonic COIL driven by centrifugal bubbling SOG with efficient depletion of chemicals in single pass // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2009. — Vol. 7131.
  • 1 Mikheyev P.A., Zagidullin M.V., Ufimtsev N.I. etc. COIL operation with iodine atoms generated in a glow discharge // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2010. — Vol. 7751.
  • 2 Mikheyev P.A., Zagidullin M.V., Azyazov V.N. Chemical oxygen-iodine laser with external production of iodine atoms in CH3I/Ar dc glow discharge // Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 2010. — Vol. 101. Issue 1-2. — P. 7-10
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A. Kinetics of O2(1Δ) self-quenching in the O 2-O2(1Δ)-H2O gas mixture // Quantum Electronics 2010. — Vol. 40. Issue 9. — P. 800-803
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V. Nonequilibrium population of the first vibrational level of O2(1S) molecules in O2 – O2(1D) – H2O gas flow at the output of chemical singlet-oxygen generator // Quantum Electronics 2010. — № Volume 40, Issue 9. — P. 794-799
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A. Kinetics of O2(1D) self-quenching in the О2 – O2(1D) – Н2О gas mixture // Quantum Electronics 2010. — № Volume 40, Issue 9. — P. 800-803
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V. The temperature dependence of the spectral width of singlet oxygen dimole emission // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 2010. — Vol. 109. Issue 4. — P. 538-542
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V. Nonequilibrium population of the first vibrational level of O 2(1∑) molecules in O2-O2( 1Δ) - H2O gas flow at the output of chemical singlet-oxygen generator // Quantum Electronics 2010. — Vol. 40. Issue 9. — P. 794-799
  • 8 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Mikheyev P.A. Results of measurements of the absolute spectral irradiance from O 2(a)-O2-H2O gas produced by chemical singlet oxygen generator // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2010. — Vol. 7751.
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Nyagashkin A.Yu. Kinetics of O2(1Σ) formation in the reaction O2(1Δ) + O2(1Δ) → O2(1Σ) + O2(3Σ) // Quantum Electronics 2011. — Vol. 41. Issue 2. — P. 135-138
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V. The rate constants of singlet oxygen collision-induced emission at 634 and 703 nm wavelengths // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011. — Vol. 5. Issue 1. — P. 3-7
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Malyshev M.S. Kinetics of formation of O 2( 1∑) molecules in reactions involving excited O 2( 1Δ) Oxygen Molecules and I( 2P 1/2) iodine atoms // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011. — Vol. 5. Issue 6. — P. 969-973
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Malyshev M.S. etc. Dissociation of molecular iodine in a flow tube in the presence of O 2( 1∑) molecules // Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012. — Vol. 116. Issue 41. — P. 10050-10053
  • 2 ZAGIDULLIN M.V., Khvatov N.A., Malyshev M.S. etc. Dissociation of Molecular Iodine in Flow Tube in the Presence of O2(1sigma) Molecules // Journal Phys Chem. A 2012. — № 116(41). — P. 10050 - 10053
  • 1 Zagidullin M. V. , Khvatov N.A., Svistun M.I. etc. Kinetics of energy deactivation in the O2(1 // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B V. 7, Iss. 3. P. 196-202, 2013 2013. — № 32. — P. 196-202
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Svistun M.I. etc. Kinetics of energy deactivation in the O2(1Δ)-I medium // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013. — Vol. 7. Issue 3. — P. 196-202
  • 1 ZAGIDULLIN M.V., MIKhEEV P.A., PERShIN A.A. etc. Fast singlet oxygen quenching effect in O/O2/O3 system // 6 Int. Symp. on Non-equilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion, and Atmospheric Phenomena. — 2014. — P. 3-9
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Svistun M.I., Khvatov N.A. etc. Collision-induced emission of singlet oxygen in the visible spectral region at temperatures of 90-315 K // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 2014. — Vol. 116. Issue 4. — P. 542-547
  • 3 Malyshev M., Zagidullin M. Prospect of optically pumped oxygen-iodine lasers // Proceedings - 2014 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2014. — 2014. —
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Insapov A.S. 1.27-μm emission of O2(1Δ) induced by collisions with oxygen molecules // Optics and Spectroscopy 2015. — Vol. 118. Issue 5. — P. 693-696
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Pershin A.A., Azyazov V.N. etc. Luminescence of the (O2 (a1Δg)) 2 collisional complex in the temperature range of 90-315 K: Experiment and theory // The Journal of chemical physics 2015. — № Vol. 143, Iss. 24. — P. 244315-244327
  • 3 Zagidullin M.V., Torbin A.P., Chernyshov A.A. etc. Gas Flow Visualization Using Laser-induced Fluorescence // Procedia Engineering. — 2015. — Vol. 106. — P. 92-96
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Malyshev M.S., Azyazov V.N. Kinetics of an oxygen-iodine active medium with iodine atoms optically pumped on the 2P1/2-2P3/2 transition // Quantum Electronics 2015. — Vol. 45. Issue 8. — P. 720-724
  • 5 Zagidullin M.V., Pershin A.A., Azyazov V.N. etc. Luminescence of the (O2(a 1Δg))2 collisional complex in the temperature range of 90-315 K: Experiment and theory // The Journal of chemical physics 2015. — Vol. 143. Issue 24.
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Malyshev M.S., Azyazov V.N. etc. Optical pumping of the oxygen-iodine laser medium // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 9729.
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Malyshev M.S. etc. Experimental results on the dissociation of molecular iodine in the presence of singlet oxygen molecules // Quantum Electronics 2016. — Vol. 46. Issue 8. — P. 706-712
  • 3 Pershin A.A., Mebel A.M., Zagidullin M.V. etc. Ab initio calculations of transition dipole moments of (O2)2 complex // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R27
  • 4 Zagidullin M.V., Azyazov V.N., Malyshev M.S. etc. Prospect of optically pumped oxygen laser // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R216
  • 5 Pershin, A. A., Mebel, A. M., Zagidullin, M. V. etc. Ab initio Calculations of Transition Dipole Moments of (O-2)(2) Complex // 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LASER OPTICS (LO). — 2016. —
  • 6 Malyshev M.S., Zagidullin M.V. Impact of water vapor concentration on O2(a) yield in optically pumped oxygen-iodine laser // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R26
  • 7 Zagidullin M.V., Malyshev M.S., Khvatov N.A. Experimental study of iodine dissociation in active medium of oxygen-iodine laser // Proceedings - 2016 International Conference Laser Optics, LO 2016. — 2016. — P. R217
  • 1 Zagidullin M.V., Khvatov N.A., Malyshev M.S. Results of experiments on iodine dissociation in active medium of oxygen-iodine laser // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10254.
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