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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Ledkov, Alexander S.

  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics, associate professor
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics, senior researcher
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. The ion beam interceptor concept for a space station collision avoidance with space debris // Acta Astronautica 2024. — Vol. 223. — P. 49-57
  • 2 Ledkov A.S. Determining the Effective Space Debris Attitude Motion Modes for Ion-Beam-Assisted Transportation // JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS 2024. — Vol. 61. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 104-113
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Survey of Tether System Technology for Space Debris Removal Missions // JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS 2023. — Vol. 60. Issue 5. № 5. — P. 1355-1371
  • 2 Ledkov A.S., Aslanov V.S. Active space debris removal by ion multi-beam shepherd spacecraft // Acta Astronautica 2023. — Vol. 205. — P. 247-257
  • 3 Ledkov A.S., Pikalov R.S. Nonlinear Control of Tether Retrieval in an Elliptical Orbit // Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 2023. — Vol. 19. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 201-218
  • 1 Aslanov V., Ledkov A. Attitude Dynamics and Control of Space Debris During Ion Beam Transportation2022. 309p.
  • 2 Ledkov A., Aslanov V. Review of contact and contactless active space debris removal approaches // Progress in Aerospace Sciences 2022. — Vol. 134.
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S., Konstantinov M.S. Attitude motion of a space object during its contactless ion beam transportation // Acta Astronautica 2021. — Vol. 179. — P. 359-370
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Fuel costs estimation for ion beam assisted space debris removal mission with and without attitude control // Acta Astronautica 2021. — Vol. 187. — P. 123-132
  • 3 Aslanov V., Ledkov A. Detumbling of axisymmetric space debris during transportation by ion beam shepherd in 3D case // Advances in Space Research 2021. —
  • 4 Belov A.A., Ledkov A.S. МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ДВИЖЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРОДИНАМИЧЕСКОЙ КОСМИЧЕСКОЙ ТРОСОВОЙ СИСТЕМЫ НА КРУГОВОЙ ОРБИТЕ // Международная молодёжная научная конференция, посвящённая 60-летию полёта в космос Ю.А. Гагарина «XVI КОРОЛЁВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ». — 2021. — Vol. 1. — P. 94-95
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Dynamics and control of space debris during its contactless ion beam assisted removal // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1705. Issue 1.
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Space debris attitude control during contactless transportation in planar case // Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 2020. — Vol. 43. Issue 3. — P. 451-461
  • 3 Aslanov V., Ledkov A., Konstantinov M. Chaotic motion of a cylindrical body during contactless transportation from MEO to LEO by ion beam // Nonlinear Dynamics 2020. — Vol. 101. Issue 2. — P. 1221-1231
  • 4 Aslanov V., Ledkov A. Chaotic motion of a passive space object during its contactless ion beam transportation // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 5 Popov G., Aslanov V., Petukhov V. etc. Influence of space debris attitude motion on ion beam assisted removal mission costs // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2020. — Vol. 2020-October.
  • 6 Ledkov A. Modeling the spatial motion of a space tether system with an inflatable balloon for raising payload orbit // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 7 Aslanov V., Ledkov A., Konstantinov M. Attitude dynamics and control of space object during contactless transportation by ion beam // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2020. — Vol. 2020-October.
  • 8 Ledkov A.S., Zharinov M.K. Dynamics of Space Tether System in Circular Orbit in Presence of Aerodynamic Drag // ICMAE 2020 - 2020 11th International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. — 2020. — P. 218-222
  • 1 Ryazanov V.V., Ledkov A.S. Descent of nanosatellite from low earth orbit by ion beam // Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics 2019. — Vol. 19. Issue 1. — P. 79-90
  • 2 Ledkov A., Aslanov V. Evolution of space tethered system’s orbit during space debris towing taking into account the atmosphere influence // Nonlinear Dynamics 2019. —
  • 1 Ledkov A.S., Sobolev R. G. Mathematical simulation of a tethered satellite system motion with an inflatable spherical balloon during a spacecraft orbit injection // Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Matematika i Mekhanika 2018. — Issue 52. — P. 63-74
  • 2 Ledkov A.S., Aslanov V.S. Attitude motion of space debris during its removal by ion beam taking into account atmospheric disturbance // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1050. Issue 1.
  • 3 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Dynamics of reusable tether system with sliding bead capsule for deorbiting small payloads // JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS 2018. — Vol. 55. Issue 6. — P. 1519-1527
  • 4 Aslanov V., Avramenko A., Ledkov A. Tethered towing large space debris with fuel residues by a small spacecraft-tug // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2018. — Vol. 2018-October.
  • 5 Aslanov V., Ledkov A., Ledkova T. A. Dynamic analysis of space tether system with sliding bead-capsule for payload delivery // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2018. — Vol. 2018-October.
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Attitude motion of cylindrical space debris during its removal by ion beam // Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2017. — Vol. 2017.
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A. Tether length control in tether-assisted deorbiting mission from an elliptical orbit // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2017. — Vol. 11. — P. 7127-7132
  • 3 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Swing principle in tether-assisted return mission from an elliptical orbit // Aerospace Science and Technology 2017. — Vol. 71. — P. 156-162
  • 4 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Tether-assisted re-entry capsule deorbiting from an elliptical orbit // Acta Astronautica 2017. — Vol. 130. — P. 180-186
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Chaotic motion of a reentry capsule during descent into the atmosphere // Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 2016. — Vol. 39. Issue 8. — P. 1834-1843
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Dynamics of Tethered Satellite SystemsSingapore: Published by Elsever (Singapore) Pte Ltd. and National Defence Industry Press (http://www.bookschina.com/6820425.htm), 2015. 179p.
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Dynamics of towed large space debris taking into account atmospheric disturbance // Acta Mechanica 2014. — Vol. 225. Issue 9. — P. 2685-2697
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S., Misra A.K. etc. Dynamics of space elevator after tether rupture // Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 2013. — Vol. 36. Issue 4. — P. 986-992
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Dynamics of tethered satellite systems2012. 0p.
  • 2 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S., Misra A.K. etc. Motion of the space elevator after the ribbon rupture // Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC. — 2012. — Vol. 12. — P. 9408-9415
  • 3 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Chaotic oscillations of spacecraft with an elastic radially oriented tether // Cosmic Research 2012. — Vol. 50. Issue 2. — P. 188-198
  • 1 Aslanov V., Ledkov A. Analysis of the resonance and ways of its elimination at the descent of spacecrafts in the rarefied atmosphere // Aerospace Science and Technology 2009. — Vol. 13. Issue 4-5. — P. 224-231
  • 1 Aslanov V.S., Ledkov A.S. Features of rotational motion of a spacecraft descending in the Martian atmosphere // Cosmic Research 2007. — Vol. 45. Issue 4. — P. 331-338