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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Bykov, Dmitry A.

  • leading researcher
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, leading researcher
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, professor
  • 1 Motz G.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soshnikov D.V. etc. Design of Diffractive Neural Networks for Solving Different Classification Problems at Different Wavelengths // PHOTONICS 2024. — Vol. 11. Issue 8. № 8.
  • 2 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. On simulating light diffraction by layered structures with multiple wedges // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2024. — Vol. 41. Issue 9. № 9. — P. 1693-1701
  • 3 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Spatiotemporal coupled-mode theory for Fabry-Pérot resonators and its application to linear variable filters // Physical Review A 2024. — Vol. 110. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 4 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Mingazov A.A. etc. Algebraic approach to finding the number of parameters required to obtain a bound state in the continuum // Physical Review A 2024. — Vol. 109. Issue 5. № 5.
  • 5 Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Differentiation of Optical Signals Using an Integrated Metal–Dielectric–Metal Structure // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 2024. — Vol. 88. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 1-5
  • 6 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. On-chip spatiotemporal optical vortex generation using an integrated metal–dielectric resonator // Optics and laser technology 2024. — Vol. 174.
  • 1 Belotelov V.I., Kreilkamp L.E., Kalish A.N. etc. Magnetophotonic intensity effects in hybrid metal-dielectric structures // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 2014. — Vol. 89. Issue 4.
  • 2 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Spatial integration of optical beams using phase-shifted Bragg grating // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 3. — P. 372-376
  • 3 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. Optical computation of the Laplace operator using phase-shifted Bragg grating // Optics Express 2014. — Vol. 22. Issue 21. — P. 25084-25092
  • 4 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. On the diffraction of an optical beam by a phase shifted bragg grating // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 590-597
  • 5 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Resonant diffraction gratings for spatial differentiation of optical beams // Quantum Electronics 2014. — Vol. 44. Issue 10. — P. 984-988
  • 6 Bykov D. A., Doskolovich L. L. Controlling surface plasmon polaritons using magneto-optical cavites // PIERS Abstracts. — 2014. — P. 114-114
  • 7 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Controlling the surface plasmon excitation efficiency using dielectric magneto-optical cavity // Journal of Optics 2014. — Vol. 16. Issue 8.
  • 8 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. Spatial differentiation of optical beams using phase-shifted Bragg grating // Optics Letters 2014. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 1278-1281
  • 9 Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. Phase modulation of Bloch surface waves with the use of a diffraction microrelief at the boundary of a one-dimensional photonic crystal // JETP Letters 2014. — Vol. 99. Issue 2. — P. 63-66
  • 10 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. On the compensation of the diffraction orders overlap effect in the offner spectrometer // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 777-781
  • 1 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Diffraction gratings for generating varying-period interference patterns of surface plasmons // Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 2008. — Vol. 10. Issue 9.
  • 1 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. Investigation of magneto-optical properties of dielectric gratings based on the analysys of parity and dispersion of eigenmodes // Computer Optics 2009. — Vol. 33. Issue 4. — P. 384-392
  • 2 Greǐsukh G.I., Ezhov E.G., Stepanov S.A. etc. Diffraction elements in the optical systems of modern optoelectronics // Journal of Optical Technology 2009. — Vol. 76. Issue 7. — P. 395-398
  • 3 Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Extraordinary transmission and giant magnetooptical transverse Kerr effect in plasmonic nanostructured films // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2009. — Vol. 26. Issue 8. — P. 1594-1598
  • 4 Greisukh G.I., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Suppression of the spectral selectivity of two-layer phase-relief diffraction structures // Optics and Spectroscopy (English translation of Optika i Spektroskopiya) 2009. — Vol. 106. Issue 4. — P. 621-626
  • 5 Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Optical properties of perforated metal-dielectric heterostructures magnetized in the plane // Physics of the Solid State 2009. — Vol. 51. Issue 8. — P. 1656-1662
  • 6 Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Giant magneto-optical orientational effect in plasmonic heterostructures // Optics Letters 2009. — Vol. 34. Issue 4. — P. 398-400
  • 1 Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Giant transversal Kerr effect in magneto-plasmonic heterostructures: The scattering-matrix method // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2010. — Vol. 110. Issue 5. — P. 816-824
  • 2 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Magneto-optical resonances in periodic dielectric structures magnetized in plane // Journal of Modern Optics 2010. — Vol. 57. Issue 17. — P. 1611-1618
  • 3 Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. On surface plasmon polariton wavepacket dynamics in metal-dielectric heterostructures // Journal of Physics: Condensed matter 2010. — Vol. 22. Issue 39.
  • 4 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. etc. Extraordinary magneto-optical effect of a change in the phase of diffraction orders in dielectric diffraction gratings // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2010. — Vol. 111. Issue 6. — P. 967-974
  • 5 Kalish A.N., Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A. etc. Optical properties of two-layer one-dimensional magneto-plasmonic crystals // Journal of Optical Technology 2010. — Vol. 77. Issue 12. — P. 784-785
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Extraordinary magneto-optical effect of transmitted wave phase change in periodic diffraction structures // Technical Physics Letters 2010. — Vol. 36. Issue 7. — P. 595-598
  • 1 BYKOV D.A., DOSKOLOVICh L.L., SOYFER V.A. Temporal Differentiation using Reson-ance Gratings // APCOM — Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Microelectronics. 26MNO2.. — 2011. — P. 26
  • 2 Vanwolleghem, M., Halagacka, L., Dagens, B. etc. Extraordinary nonreciprocity of the Bloch modes in a waveguide coupled magnetoplasmonic nanograting. // SPP5, the 5-th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Book of abstracts.. — 2011. — P. 16
  • 3 ANDREEV S.N., BELOTELOV V.I., TARAKANOV V.P. etc. Dynamics of the surface plasmon polaritons in plasmonic crystals // SPP5, the 5-th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Book of abstracts.. — 2011. — P. 116
  • 4 BYKOV D.A., DOSKOLOVICh L.L., SOYFER V.A. Resonance waveguide grating for optical pulse temporal differentiation / // Photonics Prague 2011: The 7th Inter-national Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems,Book of abstracts.. — 2011. — P. 48
  • 5 Andreev S.N., Belotelov V.I., Bykov D.A. etc. Dynamics of surface plasmon polaritons in plasmonic crystals // Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 2011. — Vol. 28. Issue 5. — P. 1111-1117
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. Temporal differentiation of optical signals using resonant gratings // Optics Letters 2011. — Vol. 36. Issue 17. — P. 3509-3511
  • 1 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Temporal differentiation of optical signals in reflection using resonant gratings // Computer Optics 2012. — Vol. 36. Issue 2. — P. 151-157
  • 2 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. Single-resonance diffraction gratings for time-domain pulse transformations: Integration of optical signals // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2012. — Vol. 29. Issue 8. — P. 1734-1740
  • 3 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. On the ability of resonant diffraction gratings to differentiate a pulsed optical signal // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2012. — Vol. 114. Issue 5. — P. 724-730
  • 4 GOLOVASTIKOV N.V., BYKOV D.A., DOSKOLOVICh L.L. etc. Резонансные дифракционные решётки для дифференцирования оптических импульсов в отражении // Computer Optics 2012. — № 36(2). — P. 151-157
  • 5 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. Integration of optical pulses by resonant diffraction gratings // JETP Letters 2012. — Vol. 95. Issue 1. — P. 6-9
  • 1 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Golovastikov N.V. etc. Time-domain differentiation of optical pulses in reflection and in transmission using the same resonant grating // Journal of Optics 2013. — Vol. 15. Issue 10.
  • 2 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Resonant diffraction gratings for differentiation of optical signals in reflection and transmission // Computer Optics 2013. — Vol. 37. Issue 2. — P. 138-145
  • 3 BYKOV D.A., DOSKOLOVICh L.L. Localized modes and resonances in inte-grated magneto-plasmonics // The 6-th International Conference of Surface Plasmon Photonics Abstracts. — 2013. —
  • 4 Belotelov V.I., Kreilkamp L.E., Akimov I.A. etc. Plasmon-mediated magneto-optical transparency // Nature Communications 2013. — Vol. 4.
  • 5 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Numerical methods for calculating poles of the scattering matrix with applications in grating theory // Journal of Lightwave Technology 2013. — Vol. 31. Issue 5. — P. 793-801
  • 1 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Spatial optical integrator based on phase-shifted Bragg gratings // Optics Communications 2015. — Vol. 338. — P. 457-460
  • 2 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. On the use of the fourier modal method for calculation of localized eigenmodes of integrated optical resonators // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 5. — P. 663-673
  • 3 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. ω-kx Fano line shape in photonic crystal slabs // Physical Review A 2015. — Vol. 92. Issue 1.
  • 4 Doskolovich L.L., Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A. etc. Resonant approximation of phase-shifted bragg grating (PSBG) spectra // Computer Optics 2015. — Vol. 39. Issue 3. — P. 311-318
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. Phase-shifted Bragg gratings for Bloch surface waves // Optics Express 2015. — Vol. 23. Issue 21. — P. 27034-27045
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Spatiotemporal coupled-mode theory of guided-mode resonant gratings // Optics Express 2015. — Vol. 23. Issue 15.
  • 7 Khokhlov N.E., Prokopov A.R., Shaposhnikov A.N. etc. Photonic crystals with plasmonic patterns: Novel type of the heterostructures for enhanced magneto-optical activity // Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2015. — Vol. 48. Issue 9.
  • 8 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Spatiotemporal optical pulse transformation by a resonant diffraction grating // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2015. — Vol. 121. Issue 5. — P. 785-792
  • 9 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Antireflection layers in low-scattering plasmonic optics // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2015. — Vol. 14. — P. 101-105
  • 10 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Spatiotemporal pulse shaping using resonant diffraction gratings // Optics Letters 2015. — Vol. 40. Issue 15. — P. 3492-3495
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A. etc. Optical computation of the Laplace operator at oblique incidence using a multilayer metal-dielectric structure // Optics Express 2023. — Vol. 31. Issue 10. № 10. — P. 17050-17064
  • 2 Soshnikov D.V., Doskolovich L.L., Motz G.A. etc. Design of Cascaded Diffractive Optical Elements for Optical Beam Shaping and Image Classification Using a Gradient Method // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 7. № 7.
  • 3 Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Plasmonic Generation of Spatiotemporal Optical Vortices // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 4 Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. A Second-Order Optical Differentiator Based on a Metal–Dielectric–Metal Composite Structure // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics 2023. — Vol. 87. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 13-17
  • 5 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. Lines of Quasi-BICs and Butterworth Line Shape in Stacked Resonant Gratings: Analytical Description // PHOTONICS 2023. — Vol. 10. Issue 4. № 4.
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Coupled-mode theory for resonant gratings with a varying period // Computer Optics 2023. — Vol. 47. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 341-349
  • 7 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. Analog optical differentiation using metal-dielectric layered structures // International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. — 2023. — P. 732-733
  • 8 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Kashapov A.I. etc. Optical properties of resonant gratings with spatially varying period // International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. — 2023. — P. 734-735
  • 9 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. Second-order optical differentiation of a 3D light beam at oblique incidence using a multilayer metal-dielectric structure // Computer Optics 2023. — Vol. 47. Issue 6. № 6. — P. 845-855
  • 10 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Resonant Effects in Subwavelength Diffraction Gratings with Varying Period in the Case of Oblique Incidence // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2023. — Vol. 32. — P. S84-S89
  • 11 Wang K., Gu T., Bykov D.A. etc. Tunable nanolaser based on quasi-BIC in a slanted resonant waveguide grating // Optics Letters 2023. — Vol. 48. Issue 15. № 15. — P. 4121-4124
  • 12 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. From coupled plane waves to the coupled-mode theory of guided-mode resonant gratings // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2023. —
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. Optical implementation of differential operators with resonant nanophotonic structures // International Conference “Days on Diffraction 2016”. — 2016. — P. 155-156
  • 2 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. 3D pulse diffraction on a phase-shifted Bragg grating // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 32-38
  • 3 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Analytical description of 3D optical pulse diffraction by a phase-shifted Bragg grating // Optics Express 2016. — Vol. 24. Issue 17. — P. 18828-18842
  • 4 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Moiseev M. A. etc. Analytical source-target mapping method for the design of freeform mirrors generating prescribed 2D intensity distributions // Optics Express 2016. — Vol. 24. Issue 10. — P. 10962-10971
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Spatial differentiation of Bloch surface wave beams using an on-chip phase-shifted Bragg grating // Journal of Optics 2016. — Vol. 18. Issue 11.
  • 6 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. On-chip Bragg gratings for Bloch surface waves // The 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’16). — 2016. — P. 836-837
  • 7 Emelyanov S.V., Bykov D.A., Golovastikov N.V. etc. Differentiating space–time optical signals using resonant nanophotonics structures // Doklady Physics 2016. — Vol. 61. Issue 3. — P. 108-111
  • 1 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Temporal differentiation and integration of 3D optical pulses using phase-shifted Bragg gratings // Computer Optics 2017. — Vol. 41. Issue 1. — P. 13-21
  • 2 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Use of aperiodic Fourier modal method for calculating complex-frequency eigenmodes of long-period photonic crystal slabs // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 22. — P. 27298-27309
  • 3 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Variational approach to calculation of light field eikonal function for illuminating a prescribed region // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 22. — P. 26378-26392
  • 4 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Soifer V.A. Coupled-mode theory and Fano resonances in guided-mode resonant gratings: The conical diffraction mounting // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 2. — P. 1151-1164
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. On-chip phase-shifted Bragg gratings and their application for spatiotemporal transformation of Bloch surface waves // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 10227.
  • 6 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Golovastikov N.V. etc. Planar two-groove optical differentiator in a slab waveguide // Optics Express 2017. — Vol. 25. Issue 19. — P. 22328-22340
  • 7 Kotlyar Viktor Viktorovich, Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. Diffractive Optics and NanophotonicsBoca Raton: CRC Press, 2017. 734p.
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. High-Q resonances supported by a single dielectric ridge on the surface of a slab waveguide // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1092.
  • 2 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Andreeva K. V. etc. Design of an axisymmetrical refractive optical element generating required illuminance distribution and wavefront // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2018. — Vol. 35. Issue 11. — P. 1949-1953
  • 3 Doskolovich L.L., Andreeva K. V. , Bykov D.A. Design of an axisymmetric optical element generating a prescribed illuminance distribution and wavefront // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 5. — P. 772-778
  • 4 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A. etc. Linear assignment problem in the design of freeform refractive optical elements generating prescribed irradiance distributions // Optics Express 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 21. — P. 27812-27825
  • 5 Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. Spatial integration and differentiation of optical beams in a slab waveguide by a dielectric ridge supporting high-Q resonances // Optics Express 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 19. — P. 25156-25165
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Morozov A.A. etc. First-order optical spatial differentiator based on a guided-mode resonant grating // Optics Express 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 8. — P. 10997-11006
  • 7 Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Variational interpretation of the eikonal calculation problem from the condition of generating a prescribed irradiance distribution // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 568-573
  • 8 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Andreev E.S. etc. Designing double freeform surfaces for collimated beam shaping with optimal mass transportation and linear assignment problems // Optics Express 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 19. — P. 24602-24613
  • 9 Golovastikov N.V., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. An Optical Differentiator Based on a Three-Layer Structure with a W-Shaped Refractive Index Profile // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 2018. — Vol. 127. Issue 2. — P. 202-209
  • 10 Oliker V., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. Beam shaping with a plano-freeform lens pair // Optics Express 2018. — Vol. 26. Issue 15. — P. 19406-19419
  • 11 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Cross-polarization mode coupling and exceptional points in photonic crystal slabs // Physical Review A 2018. — Vol. 97. Issue 1.
  • 12 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. On the relation between the propagation constant of bloch surface waves and the thickness of the upper layer of a photonic crystal // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 1. — P. 22-27
  • 13 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Bound states in the continuum and high-Q resonances supported by a dielectric ridge on a slab waveguide // Photonics Research 2018. — Vol. 6. Issue 11. — P. 1084-1093
  • 14 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. A simple three-layer dielectric structure for spatiotemporal differentiation of optical signals // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2018. — Vol. 10672.
  • 15 Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. Integrated W-type structure for spectral and spatial filtering of optical radiation propagating in a slab waveguide // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1092.
  • 16 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. Two-groove narrowband transmission filter integrated into a slab waveguide // Photonics Research 2018. — Vol. 6. Issue 1. — P. 61-65
  • 17 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Вариационный подход к расчёту функции эйконала // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. № 4. — P. 557-567
  • 18 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Variational approach to eikonal function computation // Computer Optics 2018. — Vol. 42. Issue 4. — P. 557-567
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Resonant properties of composite structures consisting of several resonant diffraction gratings // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 18. — P. 25814-25828
  • 2 Doskolovich L.L., Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A. etc. Analytical design of flat-top transmission filters composed of several resonant structures // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 19. — P. 26786-26798
  • 3 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A. etc. Optimal mass transportation problem in the design of freeform optical elements generating far-field irradiance distributions for plane incident beam // Applied Optics 2019. — Vol. 58. Issue 33. — P. 9131-9140
  • 4 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Calculation of a diffractive lens having a fixed focal position at several prescribed wavelengths // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 6. — P. 946-955
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Mingazov A.A. etc. Optimal mass transportation and linear assignment problems in the design of freeform refractive optical elements generating far-field irradiance distributions // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 9. — P. 13083-13097
  • 6 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Coupled-wave formalism for bound states in the continuum in guided-mode resonant gratings // Physical Review A 2019. — Vol. 99. Issue 6.
  • 7 Mingazov A.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. The two reflector design problem for forming a flat wavefront from a point source as an optimal mass transfer problem // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 6. — P. 968-975
  • 8 Qian L., Wang K., Bykov D.A. etc. Improving the sensitivity of guided-mode resonance sensors under oblique incidence condition // Optics Express 2019. — Vol. 27. Issue 21. — P. 30563-30575
  • 9 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. Integrated flat-top reflection filters operating near bound states in the continuum // Photonics Research 2019. — Vol. 7. Issue 11. — P. 1314-1322
  • 10 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Formulation of the inverse problem of calculating the optical surface for an illuminating beam with a plane wavefront as the monge–kantorovich problem // Computer Optics 2019. — Vol. 43. Issue 5. — P. 705-713
  • 1 Doskolovich L.L., Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A. etc. All-dielectric filters with a butterworth line-shape composed of several resonant structures // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2300.
  • 2 Mingazov A.A., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. On the use of the supporting quadric method in the problem of designing double freeform surfaces for collimated beam shaping // Optics Express 2020. — Vol. 28. Issue 15. — P. 22642-22657
  • 3 Bezus Evgeniy Anatolevich, Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Calculating complex-frequency eigenmodes of long-period photonic crystal slabs using aperiodic Fourier modal method // Workshop on Theoretical and Numerical Tools for Nanophotonics (TNTN 2020). — 2020. — P. 71
  • 4 Bykov D., Bezus E., Qian L. etc. Optical Properties of Resonant Diffraction Gratings with a Slowly Varying Period // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 5 Bezus Evgeniy Anatolevich, Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Coupled-wave analysis of bound states in the continuum in integrated nanophotonic elements for semi-guided waves // Workshop on Theoretical and Numerical Tools for Nanophotonics (TNTN 2020). — 2020. — P. 14
  • 6 Mingazov A., Doskolovich L., Bykov D. The two reflector design problem for forming flat wavefront from a point source // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 7 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Integrated Gires–Tournois interferometers based on evanescently coupled ridge resonators // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 18. — P. 5065-5068
  • 8 Andreev E.S., Byzov E.V., Bykov D.A. etc. Design and fabrication of a freeform mirror generating a uniform illuminance distribution in a rectangular region // Computer Optics 2020. — Vol. 44. Issue 4. — P. 540-546
  • 9 Golovastikov N.V., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Arbitrary-order optical differentiation in refection by sequence of first-order differentiators // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1461. Issue 1.
  • 10 Bezus E., Bykov D., Doskolovich L. Integrated Spectral Filters Consisting of Several Dielectric Ridges on the Surface of a Slab Waveguide // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 11 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Andreev E.S. etc. Design and fabrication of freeform mirrors generating prescribed far-field irradiance distributions // Applied Optics 2020. — Vol. 59. Issue 16. — P. 5006-5012
  • 12 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Doskolovich L.L. Bound states in the continuum and strong phase resonances in integrated gires-tournois interferometer // NANOPHOTONICS 2020. — Vol. 9. Issue 1. — P. 83-92
  • 13 Mingazov A., Doskolovich L., Bykov D. etc. Optimal mass transportation problem in the design of freeform optical elements generating far-field irradiance distributions for plane incident beam // Proceedings of ITNT 2020 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2020. —
  • 14 Golovastikov N., Bykov D., Doskolovich L. Bound states in the continuum in composite structures consisting of two dielectric diffraction gratings with Lorentzian line shape // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2300.
  • 15 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Bound states in the continuum in abruptly terminated dielectric slab waveguides // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2020. — Vol. 1461. Issue 1.
  • 16 Doskolovich L.L., Skidanov R.V., Bezus E.A. etc. Design of diffractive lenses operating at several wavelengths // Optics Express 2020. — Vol. 28. Issue 8. — P. 11705-11720
  • 17 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. Multiscale approach and linear assignment problem in designing mirrors generating far-field irradiance distributions // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 13. — P. 3549-3552
  • 1 Bezus E.A., Kadomina E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. High-Q two-groove resonator for all-dielectric Bloch surface wave platform // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol. 2015. Issue 1.
  • 2 Golovastikov N., Bykov D., Doskolovich L. Exceptional points in composite structures consisting of two dielectric diffraction gratings with Lorentzian line shape // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol. 2015. Issue 1.
  • 3 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. Optical Differentiator Based on a Three-Layer Metal-Dielectric Structure // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 4 Mingazov A.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. Supporting quadric method for collimated beams // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 1. — P. 29-37
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Mingazov A.A. etc. Method for calculating a refractive optical element forming given illuminance distribution and wavefront // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 818-827
  • 6 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Byzov E.V. etc. Hybrid design of diffractive optical elements for optical beam shaping // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 20. — P. 31875-31890
  • 7 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Greisukh G.I. etc. Designing stigmatic lenses with minimal Fresnel losses // Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 2021. — Vol. 38. Issue 6. — P. 855-861
  • 8 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. Optical differentiator based on a trilayer metal-dielectric structure // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 3. — P. 356-363
  • 9 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Byzov E.V. etc. Supporting quadric method for designing refractive optical elements generating prescribed irradiance distributions and wavefronts // Optics Express 2021. — Vol. 29. Issue 17. — P. 26304-26318
  • 10 Kashapov A.I., Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A. etc. Spatial differentiation of optical beams using a resonant metal-dielectric-metal structure // Journal of Optics 2021. — Vol. 23. Issue 2.
  • 11 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Gires-Tournois Interferometers for Modes of Dielectric Slab Waveguides // Proceedings of ITNT 2021 - 7th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology. — 2021. —
  • 12 Doskolovich L.L., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. Integrated high-contrast diffraction gratings for surface electromagnetic waves // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2021. — Vol. 2015. Issue 1.
  • 13 Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A. etc. Supporting quadric method for designing double-surface freeform optical elements generating prescribed irradiance distributions and wavefronts // Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. — 2021. —
  • 14 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Greisukh G.I. etc. Design of a stigmatic lens with minimal fresnel losses // Computer Optics 2021. — Vol. 45. Issue 3. — P. 350-355
  • 15 Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A. etc. Design of a stigmatic lens implementing a required ray mapping // Applied Optics 2021. — Vol. 60. Issue 29. — P. 9138-9145
  • 16 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Integrated diffraction gratings on the Bloch surface wave platform supporting bound states in the continuum // NANOPHOTONICS 2021. — Vol. 10. Issue 17. — P. 4331-4340
  • 1 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. Total absorption and coherent perfect absorption in metal–dielectric–metal resonators integrated into a slab waveguide // Optics Letters 2022. — Vol. 47. Issue 17. № 17. — P. 4403-4406
  • 2 Doskolovich L.L., Byzov E.V., Mingazov A.A. etc. Supporting Quadric Method for Designing Freeform Mirrors That Generate Prescribed Near-Field Irradiance Distributions // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 3 Podlipnov V.V., Bykov D.A., Nesterenko D.V. Structural and optical properties of thin CdTe films in the visible and infrared regions // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 415-421
  • 4 Kashapov Artem Ilyasovich, Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Широкополосные абсорберы света на основе многослойных структур металл-диэлектрик-металл // St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics 2022. — Vol. 15. № S3.2 . — P. 184-189
  • 5 Doskolovich L.L., Skidanov R.V., Blank V.A. etc. Design of Multi-Wavelength Diffractive Lenses Focusing Radiation of Different Wavelengths to Different Points // PHOTONICS 2022. — Vol. 9. Issue 10. № 10.
  • 6 Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A., Doskolovich L.L. etc. Integrated Resonant Diffraction Gratings for Bloch Surface Waves // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics) 2022. — Vol. 31. — P. 8-13
  • 7 Kashapov A., Bezus E.A., Bykov D.A. etc. Оптический дифференциатор второго порядка на основе композитной структуры металл-диэлектрик-металл // XXXIII Всероссийская школа-семинар «Волновые явления: физика и применения» имени профессора А.П. Сухорукова («Волны-2022»). — 2022. — P. 19-21
  • 8 Mingazov A.A., Doskolovich L.L., Bykov D.A. etc. Support quadric method in non-imaging optics problems that can be reformulated as a mass transfer problem // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 353-365
  • 9 Doskolovich L.L., Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A. etc. Spatiotemporal optical differentiation and vortex generation with metal-dielectric-metal multilayers // Physical Review A 2022. — Vol. 106. Issue 3. № 3.
  • 10 Doskolovich L.L., Mingazov A.A., Byzov E.V. etc. Method for calculating the eikonal function and its application to design of diffractive optical elements for optical beam shaping // Computer Optics 2022. — Vol. 46. Issue 2. — P. 173-183
  • 11 Doskolovich L.L., Kashapov A.I., Bezus E.A. etc. Optical properties of cascaded metal-dielectric-metal structures and their application to the differentiation of optical signals // Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 2022. — Vol. 52.
  • 12 Bykov D.A., Bezus E.A., Morozov A.A. etc. Optical properties of guided-mode resonant gratings with linearly varying period // Physical Review A 2022. — Vol. 106.
  • 1 Belotelov V.I., Doskolovich L.L., Kotov V.A. etc. Magnetooptical effects in the metal-dielectric gratings // Optics Communications 2007. — Vol. 278. Issue 1. — P. 104-109
  • 2 Belotelov V.I., Doskolovich L.L., Kotov V.A. etc. Magnetooptical effects at the Rayleigh-Wood and plasmon anomalies // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6728.
  • 3 Belotelov V.I., Doskolovich L.L., Kotov V.A. etc. Faraday effect enhancement in metal-dielectric plasmonic systems // Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. — 2007. — Vol. 6581.