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«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»

Porfirev, Denis P.

  • Department of Physics, senior researcher
  • Department of Physics, associate professor
  • Department of Technical Cybernetics, senior researcher
  • 1 Shmakov A.G., Gerasimov I.E., Knyazkov D.A. etc. Development of the detailed mechanism of pyrolysis and combustion of triphenyl phosphate: New quantum chemistry calculations and experimental data on structure of the H2/O2/Ar flame doped with TPP // Combustion and Flame 2024. — Vol. 266.
  • 2 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Skidanova A.R. etc. Optical Manipulation of Airborne Light-Absorbing Microparticles Using Structured Laser Beams // Physics of Wave Phenomena 2024. — Vol. 32. Issue 2. № 2. — P. 83-92
  • 3 Porfirev A., Khonina S., Porfirev D. etc. Structured polarized laser beams for controlled spiral-shaped mass transfer in azopolymer thin films // Applied Optics 2024. — Vol. 63. Issue 14. № 14. — P. 3779-3784
  • 4 Porfirev A.P., Khonina S.N., Ivliev N.A. etc. Stacked Polarizing Elements for Controlling Parameters of Surface Relief Gratings Written in Photosensitive Materials // Sensors (Switzerland) 2024. — Vol. 24. Issue 4. № 4.
  • 1 Krikunova L.I., Nikolaev A., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Reaction of propionitrile with methylidyne: A theoretical study // Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 2023. — Vol. 70. Issue 3. № 3. — P. 439-450
  • 2 Shmakov A.G., Korobeinichev O.P., Mebel A.M. etc. High-temperature thermal decomposition of triphenyl phosphate vapor in an inert medium: Flow reactor pyrolysis, quantum chemical calculations, and kinetic modeling // Combustion and Flame 2023. — Vol. 249.
  • 3 Nikolaev A., Krikunova L.I., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Isomerization of Acetone into 1-Propen-2-ol in Interstellar Ices // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2023. — Vol. 50. Issue 1. № 1. — P. 20-23
  • 1 Porfirev A.P., Fomchenkov S.A., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Multi-plane photophoretic trapping of airborne particles with a multi-linear optical trap // OPTIK 2022. — Vol. 271.
  • 2 Krikunova L.I., Nikolaev A., Porfirev D.P. etc. The Reaction of the Methylidyne Radical (CH X2 Π) with the Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN X1 ∑+) Molecule in Cold Molecular Clouds and Planetary Atmospheres // Journal of Biomedical Photonics and Engineering 2022. — Vol. 8. Issue 2. № 2.
  • 3 Krikunova Lyubov Ivanovna, Porfirev D.P., Azyazov V.N. ПОВЕРХНОСТЬ ПОТЕНЦИАЛЬНОЙ ЭНЕРГИИ И МОЛЕКУЛЯРНО КИНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ПАРАМЕТРЫ ХИМИЧЕСКОЙ РЕАКЦИИ МЕТИНОВОГО РАДИКАЛА С МОЛЕКУЛОЙ АЦЕТОНИТРИЛА В УСЛОВИЯХ ХОЛОДНОГО КОСМОСА // XX Всероссийский молодежный Самарский конкурс-конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике, посвященный 100-летию со дня рождения Н.Г. Басова. — 2022. — P. 386-393
  • 4 Krikunova L.I., Nikolaev A., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Theoretical Study of Propionitrile and Methylidyne Reaction in the Interstellar Medium // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2022. — Vol. 49. Issue 12. № 12. — P. 411-415
  • 5 Porfirev D.P., Zavershinskiy I.P., Agapova Darya Vadimovna Cтруктура закрученного течения в противоточном вихревом реакторе // Вестник Самарского университета. Естественнонаучная серия 2022. — Vol. 28. № 1-2. — P. 106-112
  • 1 Krikunova L.I., Nikolaev A., Porfirev D.P. Поверхность потенциальной энергии реакции метинового радикала (CH) с молекулой синильной кислоты (HCN) // XIX Всероссийский молодежный Самарский конкурс-конференция научных работ по оптике и лазерной физике. — 2021. — P. 167-174
  • 2 Porfiriev D.P., Azyazov V.N., Mebel A.M. Mechanism and kinetics of the oxidation of 1,3-butadien-1-yl (n-C4H5): a theoretical study // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2021. — Vol. 23. Issue 15. — P. 9198-9210
  • 1 Medvedkov Ya. A. , Tolstov G. I. , Porfiriev D.P. etc. Simulation of the complete mechanism of oxidation of phenyl radical under combustion conditions // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2304.
  • 2 Zavershinskiy I. P. , Kurushina S., Porfiriev D. Numerical simulation of a water vapour discharge with aluminum microparticles // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2304.
  • 3 Porfiriev D.P., Azyazov V.N., Mebel A.M. Conversion of acenaphthalene to phenalene via methylation: A theoretical study // Combustion and Flame 2020. — Vol. 213. — P. 302-313
  • 4 Porfiriev D., Kurushina S., Molevich N. etc. Numerical Investigation into a Combined Ecologically Pure Plasma-Vortex Generator of Hydrogen and Thermal Energy // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. — 2020. — Vol. 11974 LNCS. — P. 454-461
  • 5 Porfirev A.P., Dubman A. B. , Porfiriev D.P. Demonstration of a simple technique for controllable revolution of light-absorbing particles in air // Optics Letters 2020. — Vol. 45. Issue 6. — P. 1475-1478
  • 6 Krasnoukhov V. S. , Porfiriev D.P., Zagidullin M.V. etc. The study of indenyl + cyclopentadienyl reaction // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2020. — Vol. 2304.
  • 1 Munhoz D.S., Bityurin V.A., Zavershinskiy I. P. etc. Air flow control around a cylindrical model induced by a rotating electric arc discharge in an external magnetic field // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2019. — Vol. 1394. Issue 1.
  • 2 Galimova G. R. , Azyazov V.N., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Reaction mechanism, rate constants, and product yields for the oxidation of embedded five-member ring radicals with atomic oxygen // Chemical Physics 2019. — Vol. 519. — P. 101-109
  • 3 Gildina A. R. , Porfiriev D.P., Azyazov V.N. etc. The mechanism and rate constants for oxidation of indenyl radical C9H7 with molecular oxygen O2: A theoretical study // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019. — Vol. 21. Issue 17. — P. 8915-8924
  • 4 Gildina A. R. , Porfiriev D.P., Azyazov V.N. etc. Scission of the Five-Membered Ring in 1- H-Inden-1-one C9H6O and Indenyl C9H7 in the Reactions with H and O Atoms // Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2019. — Vol. 123. Issue 27. — P. 5741-5752
  • 1 Klimov A., Kurushina S., Molevich N. etc. Plasma vortex reactor for production of heat energy and hydrogen // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 209.
  • 2 Zagidullin M.V., Kaiser R.I., Ahmed M. etc. Kinetics of C10H7Br Pyrolysis // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 2018. — Vol. 45. Issue 10. — P. 314-317
  • 3 Zavershinskiy I.P., Klimov A.I., Kurushina S.E. etc. Plasma vortex reactor for hydrogen and heat production // The 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. — 2018. — P. 814
  • 4 Kazanskii P.N., Klimov A.I., Molevich N.E. etc. Numerical simulation of an argon swirling flow in the presence of a DC discharge // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 980. Issue 1.
  • 5 Klimov A. I. , Kurushina S.E., Molevich N.E. etc. Numerical simulation of argon flow structure in plasma vortex reactor // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 1112. Issue 1.
  • 6 Zagidullin M.V., Kaiser R.I., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Functional Relationships between Kinetic, Flow, and Geometrical Parameters in a High-Temperature Chemical Microreactor // Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018. — Vol. 122. Issue 45. — P. 8819-8827
  • 7 Belov N.K., Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I. etc. High effective heterogeneous plasma vortex reactor for production of heat energy and hydrogen // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2018. — Vol. 980. Issue 1.
  • 1 Munhoz D., Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I. etc. Air Flow Control Around the Cylindrical Rotating Model by Means of Rotating Electric Arc in an External Magnetic Field // Procedia Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 176. — P. 675-680
  • 2 Krasnoukhov V. S. , Porfiriev D.P., Zavershinskiy I. P. etc. Kinetics of the CH3 + C5H5 Reaction: A Theoretical Study // Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2017. — Vol. 121. Issue 48. — P. 9191-9200
  • 3 Munhoz D.S., Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I. etc. Air flow control around a cylindrical model induced by a rotating electric arc discharge in an external magnetic field. Part II // Technical Physics 2017. — Vol. 62. Issue 8. — P. 1171-1176
  • 1 Bityurin V.A., Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I. etc. Streamlining of a cylinder with an electric arc rotating in a magnetic field // High Temperature 2016. — Vol. 54. Issue 4. — P. 599-602
  • 2 Mendez Soto M.A., Porfiriev D.P. Numerical study of the aerodynamic performance of NACA 0012 in the presence of an unsteady heat source // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1638. — P. 498-507
  • 3 Gorbunova A., Klimov A., Molevich N. etc. Precessing vortex core in a swirling wake with heat release // International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 2016. — Vol. 59. — P. 100-108
  • 4 Porfiriev D., Gorbunova A., Zavershinskiy I. P. etc. Numerical simulation of precessing vortex core dumping by localized nonstationary heat source // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2016. — Vol. 1776.
  • 1 PORFIREV D.P., MOLEVICh N.E., ZAVERShINSKIY IGOR PETROVICh etc. Flow around cylinder in the presence of a pulsed discharge and magnetic field // 14th international workshop on magneto-plasma aerodynamics. — 2015. — P. 68-69
  • 1 Gorbunova A.O., Zavershinskiy I. P. , Molevich N.E. etc. Numerical simulation of vortical structures in the rf electromagnetic field // Computer Optics 2014. — Vol. 38. Issue 4. — P. 643-650
  • 1 Zavershinskiy I. P. , Kogan E. Ya. , Makaryan V.G. etc. Numerical modeling of precessing vortex core in the presence of local heat sources // Technical Physics Letters 2013. — Vol. 39. Issue 4. — P. 333-336
  • 1 ZAVERShINSKIY I.P., MOLEVICh N.E., PORFIREV D.P. etc. Precessing vortex core in a wake with counterflow in presence of heat source. // 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference. — 2012. — P. 0645_VO5
  • 1 Molevich N.E., Galimov R.N., Porfiriev D.P. etc. Travelling self-sustained acoustical waves in acoustical active nonequilibrium media // 18th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2011, ICSV 2011. — 2011. — Vol. 2. — P. 1405-1412
  • 2 Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I., Makaryan V.G. etc. Structure of RF capacitive discharge in swirl airflow at atmospheric pressure // Technical Physics Letters 2011. — Vol. 37. Issue 12. — P. 1120-1123
  • 3 Molevich N.E., Porfiriev D.P., Troshkin N.V. Acoustical instability of gas flow with heat release // Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. — 2011. — P. 1053-1057
  • 1 Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I., Makaryan V.G. etc. Features of the transverse discharge glow depending on the gas flow rate in a vortex chamber // Technical Physics Letters 2009. — Vol. 35. Issue 12. — P. 1152-1155
  • 2 Zavershinskiy I. P. , Klimov A.I., Molevich N.E. etc. Rankine vortex evolution in a gas with heat release source // Technical Physics Letters 2009. — Vol. 35. Issue 4. — P. 344-345