федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


SSAU students participate in construction of the space-launch complex “Vostochniy”
SSAU students participate in construction of the space-launch complex “Vostochniy”

There are representatives of Samara universities among hundreds of students who arrived in Amur Region


Summer School on engine building took place in SSAU
Summer School on engine building took place in SSAU

Young scientists of SSAU and Institute of aircraft engines (ILA) of the University of Stuttgart are discussing the following issues: gas microturbines for unmanned aircraft systems and drone aircrafts, alternative types of aviation fuel and creating


International scientific and technical conference “Problems and prospects of development of engine building” will be opened in SSAU
International scientific and technical conference “Problems and prospects of development of engine building” will be opened in SSAU

A feature of this year′s conference will be the International Summer School on engine building


In 2014 SSAU will get 600 million roubles from the Government of Russian Federation
In 2014 SSAU will get 600 million roubles from the Government of Russian Federation

within the framework of the Program of state support of 14 leading universities of Russia


SSAU expects to double the number of enrolled foreign students
SSAU expects to double the number of enrolled foreign students

Samara State Aerospace University begins to accept documents from the applicants from June 20. This year SSAU provides 1429 state-funded places for admission in all kinds and directions of educational programs


SSAU will create sandwich materials
SSAU will create sandwich materials

On June 11 Heinz Palkovski, Director of Institute of Metallurgy from Germany conducted a lecture


Kirill Larin told SSAU an optical imaging of biological tissues
Kirill Larin told SSAU an optical imaging of biological tissues

SSAU carries out joint research with scientists from the University of Houston

