федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»


SSAU and University of Vigo signed a cooperation agreement
SSAU and University of Vigo signed a cooperation agreement

During the academic board rector of SSAU Evgeniy Shakhmatov and professor of University of Vigo Fernando Aguado Agelet signed a cooperation agreement and academic mobility agreement


C’Space-2013: successful launch of Soyuz-2 model rocket
C’Space-2013: successful launch of Soyuz-2 model rocket

During C’Space 2013 students from SSAU successfully launched model of Soyuz-2 rocket with the atmospheric sounder as a payload engineered by ISAE-Supaero students


Zhores Alferov – Science is the basis of human civilization
Zhores Alferov – Science is the basis of human civilization

It was almost impossible to get into the assembly hall of SSAU on July 31 as it was completely filled with people willing to listen to the lecture of Nobel laureate and the academician of Russian Academy of Science Zhores Alferov.


SSAU students took part in the ACM-ICPC 2013 World Finals
SSAU students took part in the ACM-ICPC 2013 World Finals

SSAU students took 35th place in ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) which took place in July 2013 in St. Petersburg


SSAU’s nano-sattelite presented in Brussels
SSAU’s nano-sattelite presented in Brussels

Members of SSAU space research department took part in 5th nano-satellite symposium which took place in The Von Karman Institute for fluid dynamics, Brussels, Belgium on 3 to 5 June 2013


SSAU received Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft from “Utair” airlines
SSAU received Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft from “Utair” airlines

SSAU studying aerodrome acquired one more aircraft. Utair airlines leased of Tu-154M aircraft to SSAU, which will reach its lifetime end on May 2nd 2013


Small spacecraft “AIST” successfully undocked from Bion-M spacecraft and moved to its own orbit
Small spacecraft “AIST” successfully undocked from Bion-M spacecraft and moved to its own orbit

On April 12, 2013 small spacecraft “AIST” developed by SSAU students and staff was launched to the Earth orbit

