федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева»
The Research “Methods of Spectral Data Analysis for Performing Diagnosis of Skin Neoplasms” Has Received Recognition on the Federal Level

The Research “Methods of Spectral Data Analysis for Performing Diagnosis of Skin Neoplasms” Has Received Recognition on the Federal Level

Самарский университет

Irina Matveeva, Junior Researcher at the Research Laboratory “Fotonika”, presented it to the profile competition

20.06.2024 1970-01-01

Results of the Federal Competition for Young Scientists, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have been summed up. The competition winners are the authors of 16 scientific developments from 9 regions.

In total, 347 scientific developments and research findings were submitted to the competition by participants from 45 regions, representatives of 71 educational institutions of higher education and 50 scientific organizations of the country.

The Competition for Young Scientists started at the end of December 2023. It is aimed at supporting young people who develop and implement results of their innovative scientific developments and the latest research in priority areas of the economy: chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, electronics, energy, and digital technologies.

At the final stage of the competition, the authors, whose scientific works passed the stage of correspondence examination, presented them to the expert council consisting of representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rospatent and domestic companies, such as the MTS digital ecosystem, AFK Sistema PAO, MEDSI GC, the Centre for Hydrogen Technologies, “Sistema-Biotech”, “Natura Siberica”, National Gas Company and others.

Irina Matveeva, Junior Researcher at the Research Laboratory “Fotonika” at Samara National Research University, took the 2nd place in the Nomination “Genetics and Biomedicine”. She presented the research “Methods of spectral data analysis for performing diagnosis of skin neoplasms”.

“The participants in the competition presented well-done, high-quality works. It was not easy to choose the best of them. And for us, of course, all the young people, and even more so the finalists, are already winners. I am sure that everyone has all the necessary potential for developing in the scientific field, discover new things and contribute to our country’s scientific and technological sovereignty”, said Stepan Kalmykov, Co-Chairman of the Expert Council of the Competition, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences.

“It is especially important that the winners, the authors of the best works based on the assessment results, represent a very wide geography. Here are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Primorsky Krai, Stavropol, Nizhny Novgorod and Samara Regions. Even in the autumn, we will meet the winners at the awarding ceremony, and continue supporting them in future, so that the results of the works could benefit far beyond the laboratories and institutes of their native regions”, said Larisa Pastukhova, President of the Charitable Foundation “Sistema”, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education.

The awarding gala ceremony for the winners of the Competition for Young Scientists, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is scheduled for autumn 2024. The authors of the best scientific developments and research findings will not only meet the country’s leading scientists, but also visit scientific centers of Russian high-tech companies, such as the “Binnopharm Group” R&D Centre, the Centre for Hydrogen Technologies, AFK Sistema PAO, etc.

For reference:

The Competition for Young Scientists, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was initiated by the Charitable Foundation “Sistema” and the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) and Russian technology companies. The competition allows identifying and supporting promising young scientists, giving them the opportunity for gaining new knowledge in terms of intellectual property protection: the cycle of lectures for the contestants was organized by leading experts of Rospatent, highlighting the main issues of patenting and choosing the strategy for reliable protection of developments.