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Participants in “AstroSlam” Performed Their Research on Astronomical Themes

Participants in “AstroSlam” Performed Their Research on Astronomical Themes

Самарский университет

Nadezhda Golovina has won “AstroSlam”

08.05.2024 2024-05-22
On April 18, the Interuniversity Humanitarian Museum Centre hosted the event “AstroSlam” of the “Vega” Astronomical Club. “AstroSlam” is short performances for popular astronomical issues. Revealing the topic, the speakers use memes, jokes and other cosmic-comic methods.

Maxim Yuronin, a participant in the event, explained in his speech how to organize the space mission for studying solar activity. Relevance of the proposed research is determined by the need for further studying the activity of the Sun, in particular, the effects of solar flares and coronal mass ejections.

Evgeniya Radaeva reviewed the comets to be seen in 2024, told about the nature of comets and features for observing them: what tools are needed, whether they can be observed with the naked eye, and shared interesting phenomena related to the flight of comets near the Earth.

Nadezhda Golovina has become the winner of “AstroSlam”, having prepared her speech on the topic “Don’t touch Nibiru: why are we so attracted to conspiracy theories?”

The organizers shared their impressions of the event and their plans for future, “This year “AstroSlam” was held for the first time: it is a completely new format for us. We wanted to get the audience acquainted with interesting and relevant topics of astronomy, as well as to involve students in public speaking. This format makes it possible for speakers to present a topic of interest to them in the comfortable environment. In the autumn, we plan to hold another “AstroSlam” with the large number of participants.”

Photo from the group: “Vega” Astronomical Club