The photonic processor achieved the information processing speed of 5.3 * 1015 bits per second in a series of experiments on recognizing handwritten digits from the MNIST database with accuracy of more than 90%. In the coming years, Russian scientists expect to increase performance of the analog photonic processor by two orders of magnitude.
“The analog photonic computing system makes it possible to analyze and recognize objects hundreds of times faster than modern digital neural networks based on traditional semiconductor computers. This is especially important for the operational analysis of hyperspectral data, which initially represent significant amounts of information. During the first experiments, the demo sample showed recognition reliability of 93.75%. In 2024, it is planned to assemble and test an experimental sample of the system in a fairly compact case compared to a small computer system unit.
Recognition accuracy and reliability of the experimental sample is expected to increase, due to selection of components with improved specifications. The device prototype is scheduled to be ready in 2025”, said Roman Skidanov, Professor at Samara University’s Department of Engineering Cybernetics, an NCPhM researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
The photonic processor is configured to work with a hyperspectrometer, which allows scientists to create a three-dimensional array of image data simultaneously in two bands. The laboratory sample of the original dual-band hyperspectrometer was also implemented by specialists from Samara University, as part of the NCPhM research program.
Scientists have created the sample of photonic processor for the NCPhM photonic computer of Megascience Class to have been implemented by 2030. According to the project, the computer’s performance is expected to be record-breaking and reach 1021 operations per second. Such a Megascience Class device will allow solving applied tasks for processing big data arrays and obtaining fundamental results in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
For reference:
The National Centre for Physics and Mathematics (NCPhM) is a flagship project of the Decade of Science and Technology. In Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod Region), a complex of research buildings, advanced laboratories and equipment of Midiscience and Megascience Classes is being built in the territory of the NCPhM, for the purpose of obtaining new world-class scientific results, training high-quality scientists, educating new scientific and technological leaders, strengthening the human-resources potential of the Rosatom State Corporation enterprises and key scientific organizations in Russia.
The educational part of the National Centre has become a branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University – Sarov MSU. The NCPhM is founded by the Rosatom State Corporation, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, RFNC-VNIIEF, RC “Kurchatov Institute” and JINR.
Samara National Research University is one of the leading institutions of higher education in Russia. In 2015, it united employees of the aerospace (SGAU) and classical (SamGU) universities, becoming the rightful successor to their achievements and traditions. Samara University’s research and education activities encompass aerospace technology, propulsion engineering, and modern methods of information processing, as well as fundamental technical and natural sciences, and humanities.
Since its foundation in 1942, Samara National Research University has trained over 65 thousand employees for the Russian aerospace industry. Today, specialists with degrees from Samara University work at virtually all leading aviation and space-rocket centers in Russia and abroad.
The Russian industry has a goal to ensure technological sovereignty and transition to the latest technologies as soon as possible. The state and large domestic companies direct resources to the accelerated development of the domestic research, infrastructure, scientific and technological base. Introduction of innovations and new high-tech equipment allows enterprises to occupy new niches in the market, increasing competitiveness of the Russian industry.
The Decade of Science and Technology in Russia (2022–2031, launched by Presidential Edict) is the large-scale program of initiatives, projects and activities aimed at accelerating development of the economy and social sphere through strengthening the role of science and knowledge-intensive technologies in the country. Key goals of the Decade are attracting young people to the field of science and technology, involving researchers and developers in solving tasks important for the country and society, and increasing people’s knowledge about achievements of Russian science.
More detailed information on initiatives, events and projects of the Decade of Science and Technology is available on the website наука.рф. The operator of the Decade of Science and Technology is ANO National Priorities.