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Tatyana Starostina, a Student of Samara University, Became the Winner of the Project “Your Move”

Tatyana Starostina, a Student of Samara University, Became the Winner of the Project “Your Move”

Самарский университет

The prize for the dream fulfillment was 1,000,000 rubles

18.12.2023 2024-01-19
Four participants of the All-Russian Student Project “Your Move” of the presidential platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities” won 1,000,000 rubles each, as part of the competitive track “I Do”. Among the winners, there are students of Samara National Research University, Samara State University of Economics, Samara State University of Railway Engineering and Samara State Technical University.

The finale of the third season of the All-Russian Student Project “Your Move” was held at VDNH in Moscow on December 12–14, as part of the All-Russian Student Forum “2023 Your Move”.
“The Project “Your Move” is much more than just an opportunity for proving yourself here and now. It gives students resources for developing their ideas long-term. And, what seems to me important, unites young people. “Your Move” has created the largest community of active students in the country. I am very happy for the winners, because each of their projects really deserves attention. Boys and girls, don’t stop there and keep changing the world for the better! The world is your oyster!” said Aleksey Agafonov, First Deputy General Director of ANO “Russia is the Land of Opportunities”.

Participants of the competitive track “I Do” advanced towards victory in several stages. In the summer, the expert evaluation stage of the participants’ project passports was held. Then the authors of the best projects defended results of their work in front of experts at face-to-face District stages. Following results of the track, 200 projects were selected, the leaders of which received the prize for dream-fulfilling – 1,000,000 rubles.

“Today 200 new bright stars lit up in the sky: the winners of the third season of the Project “Your Move” have been announced. I would like to wish the young people, who live and create in Russia, endless energy and patience to nurture their projects and implement ideas. The “Your Move” community will always be nearby, ready to help with word and deed. Go ahead, because studentship is the time for your opportunities!” shared the parting words Kristina Schenk, Head of the Project “Your Move” of the presidential platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities”.

  • Tatyana Starostina, Samara National Research University
  • Smagina Zemfira, Samara State University of Economics
  • Fadeev Artem, Samara State University of Railway Engineering
  • Ermakov Andrey, Samara State Technical University
Tatyana Starostina, a participant in the theme “Person – Artistic Image”, created the regional informal educational project Music Camp “Shchaaassss sochinyu” (“I’ll compose right now”). This is a music camp for young people and young families who love art songs.

During the camp shift, the participants not only perform songs, but also compose them. For developing songwriting skills, the camp hosts workshops on writing melodies and lyrics, creative evenings for exchanging ideas, and other events.

In September, the camp released the mini-album of songs by young performers of the Samara Region. On the social networks of the project, one can listen to the art song of the Music Camp “Shchaaassss sochinyu” and join the unique leisure.

“Singing together charges with positive energy. Try it if you haven’t thought about such a hobby before. Our camp gathers students, young parents and their children whose musicality begins to be developed at the young age. It’s cool! As for me, to be among the winners is wow, I’m still in shock. Thanks to the team of the Project “Your Move” for this path!” said Tatyana Starostina.

The Project Music Camp “Shchaaassss sochinyu” has been implemented at the University by the team led by Tatiana, consisting of Olga Zhaldybina and Tatyana Smirnova.

At the award ceremony, the winners of the third season of the project were also encouraged by the project partners. Russian Railways JSC and MMC Nornickel PJSC have prepared prizes and awards for the project winners; Rosatom State Corporation will send 20 winners on a trip around the nuclear industry; VK company will present VK Capsules and certificates for online training.
2 University students were among the winners of the track “I consider”.

For reference:

The All-Russian Student Project “Your Move” is a large-scale student community where everyone is ready to apply efforts and energy to creating demanded projects, developing educational organizations, and realizing their intellectual potential in our country. “Your Move” creates the favorable environment for generating, developing projects and initiatives of active youth who live and create in Russia. The Project is implemented by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and is also included in the presidential platform of ANO “Russia is the Land of Opportunities”. Now the Project has over 1,633,000 participants, over 12,908 ambassadors from all over the country, 560 universities are partners of the Project.

You can join participation in the third season of the project on the “Your Move” platform. The block of basic competitive tests includes two tracks: “I consider” and “I do”.

The track “I do”: teams of participants present their projects and undergo a series of tests, advancing to the award of one million rubles. The track “I consider”: students will be able to influence decision-making on the national scale and express their opinions in surveys and research.
The Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Russia is the Land of Opportunities” was established on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 22, 2018. The mission of the platform is to create the future of Russia, opening equal opportunities for everyone. The platform helps young people, regardless of where they live, what profession they chose and what family they grew up in, to get opportunities for their development. It is an open platform for communication of talented and caring people of all ages, exchange of experience between schoolchildren, students, specialized experts, entrepreneurs, managers and volunteers. The Supervisory Board of ANO “Russia is the Land of Opportunities” is headed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Over the 5 years of the platform operation, 20 million people from all regions of Russia and 150 countries have become participants in its 26 projects, and more than 1,500 companies, universities, government and public organizations have become partners. Participation in projects, contests and Olympiads of the platform facilitates to find like-minded people and make useful acquaintances, enroll in a university or undergo a promising traineeship, find a dream job, advance in a career, win a grant, get a personal mentor who will help develop skills or leadership qualities.

ANO “Russia is the Land of Opportunities” has been developing the platform with the same name, which unites 26 projects: the “Leaders of Russia” management competition, the Elbrus Club of Leaders of Russia, the competition “This is Our Family’s”, the project “Masters of Hospitality”, the project “Digital Breakthrough. The Season: Artificial Intelligence”, the project “Flagships of education”, the project “TopBLOG”, the project “Professional development”, the All-Russian Student Olympiad “I am a professional”, the All-Russian student competition “Your Move”, the All-Russian competition “Big Change”, the project “National Championship on professional skills among the disabled and persons with disabilities “Abilimpics”, the project “Ecosophy”, the All-Russian competition of projects “My Country – My Russia”, the project “National Technological Olympiad”, the project “Development Program “Another Matter””, the project “International Construction Championship”, the project “Competition-award of street culture and sports “KARDO”, the All-Russian competition “Start the game”, the professional competition “Re-discovering Russia”, the project “Thank you, brothers!”, as well as the competition “Writing the future”, the project “the Program “More Than a Journey”. The platform is also a partner of the International Engineering Championship “CASE-IN”, the Russian National Award “Student of the Year”, the project “the Festival “Russian Student Spring”, and the project “Culture Code”.

In February 2019, as part of activities of ANO “Russia is the Land of Opportunities”, an educational center – the Management Workshop “Senezh” – was established. Participants in the platform projects and competitions, active youth, as well as managers and government officials are trained there. The Workshop acts as a venue for various educational and youth events, including the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum “Territory of Meanings”.

Since 2021, the platform has been developing on the basis of the country’s leading universities Competence Centres, in which students undergo diagnostics of supra-professional skills and receive tools for their development. Currently, 97 such centers have been established, which cover almost 200 universities in 54 regions of the country.

In 2022, the recruitment agency focused on helping ministries, departments and state-owned companies in selecting strong candidates began working on the basis of the presidential platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities”.

In 2023, representative offices of the platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities” appeared in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. They are equipped with lecture halls for educational events, information centres, as well as collaboration areas that provide residents of new constituent entities of the Russian Federation with additional opportunities for personal and professional development.