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International Students of Samara University Celebrated New Year and Christmas

International Students of Samara University Celebrated New Year and Christmas

Самарский университет

The Christmas concert gathered 50 active international students

29.12.2023 2024-01-19
On December 19, the Christmas Concert was held at KP “Polet”, which brought together the most active foreign students of Samara University. The boys and girls had fun: they participated in competitions and received great emotional charge from dances around the world. And, of course, the pleasant addition was communication and the buffet.

The event program included contests for all participants with involvement of two presenters, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, demonstration of creative performances, interactive and funny contests with the audience. There was also an award ceremony for all participants in the Ethnofest from Nina Borisovna Igolkina, a psychologist at the social and psychological centre of Samara University. 

The Christmas concert is a vivid way of cultural exchange and mutual acceptance and respect, acquaintance with traditions of celebrating Christmas and New Year in various countries, and development of tolerance among students of Samara University. The concert provides the opportunity for international students to celebrate the holiday in the creative atmosphere, to perform, to feel community and relationship with the international holiday within the University space.

Participant Osama Hassan shares his impressions of the event: “It’s not the first year I’ve been attending this holiday. Such events assist students from different countries to unite: we danced so amicably to melodies from all over the world, partied Latin, African and Arabic dances. We felt like one family and one whole. Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity to celebrate the main holiday of all peoples and paint student life with bright colours. I would like more students to come to this concert next year”.

Photo: Galina Vdovina, “Big Secret” Media