The 63th World Exhibition of Inventions, Research and New Technologies "Brussels - Innova / Eureka-2014" finished its work in Brussels. A new development of the Scientific and Research Laboratory of Progressive Technological Processes of Plastic Deformation "Power Gear from a Shape Memory Material" was presented at this exhibition. The exhibit aroused great interest among the visitors of the exhibition and members of the competition jury, and as a result was awarded a gold medal. A separate award was given by the Ministry of National Education of Romania – a national diploma and a medal.
"Participation in such exhibitions not only enhances the University prestige - says Vladimir Glushchenkov, Scientific Advisor of the development team. - Of course, that’s great to receive an award - it helps to commercialize the product. But a confession obtained in such exhibitions helps us to understand that we really work on a promising direction. Usually the mount of exhibition member is attended by 3-5 members of the international jury. But at this time our mount attracted the attention of 17 jury members! And all of them unanimously put the highest scores to the exhibit."
The students A. G. Abramyan and A. P. Sinitsyna were fully engaged in the power gear developing. They worked on graduation work on this subject. "This development opens tremendous prospects for its use" - said Vladimir Glushchenkov, Professor.