The circumstance that young scientists and their ideas are interesting to major enterprises of aerospace cluster in Samara Region is confirmed by the fact that none of such conference goes without the attention of the chief designers Central Assembly and Design Engineering Bureau “Progress” and JSC “Kuznetsov”.
This time N.P. Stratilatov, chief designer of Central Assembly and Design Engineering Bureau “Progress” came to talk with students. He devoted his report to review of the plant and design bureau, its history and future. In particular the first attack aircrafts Il-2 were assembled in “Progress” during the war, and later there were the first two rocket stages of “Vostok” which carried Yuriy Gagarin on the orbit. “Space Age continues, the orbit is already visited by 540 people approximately- said the guest. - Today, the plant's products is characterized by a space direction above all, it has begun from the legendary “Seven”. The enterprise is involved in several international programs. Today our brainchild - space laboratory “Bion-M” is the only information source on the impact of space on living organisms”. Launching of the small spacecraft “Aist-2”, creation of launching complex “Vostochniy”, development of future-generation missile line of heavy-lift rocket “Soyuz-5” are among the immediate tasks facing now.

Acting General Designer of JSC “Kuznetsov” Oleg Lyusov mentioned the enterprise participation in development of a new complex in aircraft industry and engine building. “Today we are reviving production of liquid propellant system NK-33 and will resume work on the NK-32 engine. In the near future our company will begin to employ different specialists, since the problem facing us today has an absolute priority in the field of engine building”. Oleg Anatolyevich said that SSAU graduates have advantage in employment.

Alexander Lazutkin, pilot astronaut, Hero of the Russian Federation concluded the plenary session. He spoke about the team of astronauts, how hard it is to get there, and to wait their turn is even more difficult. He answered the questions about the first flight and emergency situations: “Series of emergency situations set up the nervous system so that you experience discomfort if everything is calm”. The pilot astronaut also mentioned: “All unlikely events necessarily happen if they are not taken into account”.
The conference continued its work on the sections (over two dozen).